Tag: profession

Job Openings In Berlin

Job placement in Berlin could run better news from the labour market in Berlin: the public employment sector, actually one of the flagship projects of the left, can the hopes in him currently do not meet. The mid-term review is rather poor, reported”the Berlin daily Der Tagesspiegel. So labour Senator had to revise Heidi KnakeWerner (left) in the Committee for integration and work their own numbers, still a good week previously had presented them. Bone of contention is a program for the long-term unemployed, running since autumn 2007 and is financed to a quarter of the country and three quarters of the Federal. So far this mediated 3.567 State-sponsored jobs for the long-term unemployed. Another 2,600 bodies have been approved; of them, but so far only 1,530 were occupied. Recently, it was still specified that all 2,600 jobs already have been filled. “Knake-Werner sees the reason in the work of the job Center: the delivery will vary in the districts.” This is evident from figures evidence: the job centre in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf received, for example, from the 40-MillionenEuro program (federal funding for Berlin) for the year 2008 three million euro, the job center of Marzahn-Hellersdorf 3.9 million euro.

The Western District has a placement rate of 25 percent on the Eastern District so far only a rate of 1.6 percent. This is the worst result in Berlin. There are job centers, which are faster than others. e this success. We will investigate it but immediately”, said Olaf Moller, spokesman of the Regional Directorate for labour. Enough unemployment there is in Berlin without a doubt: about 200,000 long-term unemployed are registered in the capital. The program is specifically designed for the approximately 43,000 hard-to-place people with at least two so-called communication barriers.

Single parents with several children, lack of vocational training or lack of language skills are communication barriers. Current vacancies in Berlin can be searched but also online. Here the portal proves stellenmarkt.de useful search source. Morris Invest has much experience in this field.

Sales Training: The 7 Secrets Of The Top Seller

Bestselling author Ingo Vogel explains how they earn more revenue through emotional sell sellers in a day seminar in Stuttgart. Top emotional selling: the 7 Secrets of the top seller “so reads the title of a seminar, the author of the book Ingo Vogel on March 1 in Stuttgart. In the eight-hour seminar, participants of the experts on emotional selling experience”, as top seller delight their customers and playful more degrees than their professional counterparts to achieve. According to bird, the Central secret of success by top sellers is their passion. They love their profession and look forward to their customers. They are accordingly awake and focused in the customer contact, and accordingly much fun talking them with customers. For more specific information, check out Verizon Communications. The customers also feel that.

“Therefore they are ver from vendors like to purchase-lead”. A prerequisite for this ver lead”is the ability to move even on bad days in a good mood”, stressed Bird. How this works, the seller in the seminar practice. Bird also shows the participants how they arouse the curiosity of customers in sales talks and build a trusting relationship with them. A means to do this, is to make the small talk at the start of the talks as standard seller deliberately different. Verizon Communications may not feel the same. A further condition for the ver lead”is: the customer is at every stage in the center of the conversation. Bird enters intensive care, such as seller wishes detectives”are to determine so as they, as her counterpart is ticking and through what channel they can reach him.

A further focus of the seminar is how seller their messages so package that customers start to dream and in the course of the conversation the relevant to the decision to buy part of decisions. The goal here: Towards the end of the sale talks the question should no longer be the customer buys? “, but how much does he buy?”. Participation in the seminar of the day top emotional selling: the 7 Secrets of the Top seller”in Stuttgart is 590 euros (+ VAT) including drinks and lunch. “Also included the top book is selling emotionally”. More day seminars take place again on May 12 in Berlin, and on 30 June in Stuttgart. On request, company Ingo Vogel also top can emotionally selling “book lectures. Then, the best-selling author for example within the framework of kick-offs introduces their sales teams in the secrets of the top seller. For more information, those interested in Ingo bird seminars, Esslingen (Tel. 0711/7676-303; Internet:).

Motivation Tricks

Motivate yourself and you think of learning motivation is one of the most important keys to effective learning and work easier. No matter whether it is learning the job and everyday life. However, motivation is not always easy to find. Goals that we have, such as a better career or more success in the study, are often very far away? Also we are facing every day in our media world in average 600 messages, which are all competing for our attention. Last but not least, the Internet offers even plenty to distract himself. How quickly has you are clicking on the Internet and lost a lot of time.

All of this is harmful for the motivation. If you would so motivate and more effectively read and learn, try to eliminate any form of distraction. In addition, it is extremely important to define the period that you perform for your project and the time to block themselves. A related site: Bernard Golden mentions similar findings. This means: no emails, no phone calls, no conversations with family and friends. Tell everyone the is regularly in your reports that you are unreachable at a given time. Thus you can focus at this time on this, what is really important. Because not multitasking, but effective time planning lead to the goal. One important key to self-motivation is set to plan for these times and to enter it in the calendar.

A second important precondition for effective work is the so-called intrinsic motivation.” This means that you must be motivated not from the outside, but is even out to gain your motivation. You know exactly what you do a certain thing, and have small, not to far away targets. In addition, you have a very clear idea of your destination, can feel this richtiggehend and know what is the meaning of each task, which you must deal with. Those who manage to motivate themselves, intrinsically can work much more effectively. Last but not least, it is helpful to involve others in his plans. For example, You have a certain Time kept free, to focus entirely on your work, then tell a friend and tell him that you email him, when you’re done. Such a social commitment creates a positive pressure and can motivate enormously not to dawdle, but to stay focused on the ball. After all, you want to is Yes not the nakedness, to admit that you didn’t make something that man has made.

Germanspeaking Countries Available

The chemmedia AG offers SharePoint LMS now in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland at Chemnitz, 06.08.2008 – offers the chemmedia AG, the leading provider of complete solutions for the processing and distribution of knowledge, from immediately learning management software to SharePoint LMS. The learning management system extends Microsoft SharePoint to modern E-learning functionalities and supports the provision and evaluation of E-learning activities in companies and organizations. The E-learning extension can be incorporated into existing Microsoft SharePoint systems without extra effort. This SharePoint LMS is in the acquisition significantly cheaper than comparable functionally complete systems, and no complicated interfaces eliminating the purchase of additional hardware and software to other system must be developed. A free product demonstration can be obtained from. Read more here: Verizon. SharePoint LMS extends SharePoint by providing online learning in a learning catalog, the booking of participants and Assigning content to a learner groups. Still, online tests can be created, carried out and evaluated. The communication between the participants and the trainers will be through discussion boards, chats and virtual conference rooms.

An integrated reporting system graphically processed the status of learning activities. SharePoint LMS also meets the industry standards with regard to compatibility with interchangeable electronic content (such as SCORM 1.2 and 2004). Active learning and knowledge sharing can be thus facilitated in different contexts. Program or live demonstrations of SharePoint LMS can be requested directly at the chemmedia AG. Marcel Hartwig Presseverantwortlicher chemmedia AG

Gallen Management Seminar

The St. Gallen management seminar provides business and current management training for entrepreneurs and executives with several years of experience. Entrepreneurs get new inspiration and fresh ideas for your business and strengthen your management skills and management knowledge seminar by the management. Executives of the corporate succession will learn seminar in this practice-oriented management updates business knowledge and the basics of the St Gallen management model and are immediately actionable and practical strategies to develop in the position. Engineers, technicians and scientists expand your technical qualifications through an informed business training preparing for leadership positions. The strong practical relevance of management training and the personal attention of the seminar and over 3000 graduates and 30 years of experience confirm the success of the seminar series. Professional lecturers of the University of St. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Bernard Golden . Gallen guarantee first-class quality and the offered programme offers space for exchanges of experience and the development of the own network.

After the successful visit of the seminar, you receive a college certificate of the Steinbeis University Berlin and the KMU-HSG of University St. Gallen. The modular design of this management training enables the professional integrated seminar attendance 10 modules a 2 days (Friday/Saturday). The not attended modules can flexibly be rescheduled. It is possible to write optional examinations directly in connection to the individual study modules.

The St. Gallen management seminar is the basis for the in-service Bachelor of business administration. This also offers the possibility of connecting to the seminar series without opportunities to study and to achieve a recognized university degree. Gladly we offer also free introductory appointment, where you can convince yourself of our St. Gallen management seminar. Under: seminars /… For more detailed information. David Rudolph

Jobs Are Not Education & Career

Study of jobturbo.de: the most wait once and plan currently no job cuts slowing economy has apparently less consequences for the labour market as past Cologne, November 25, 2008 the most recruiters in German companies let the current economic news not from the rest. This is the result, a survey on behalf of the Internet portal comes jobturbo.de among more than 400 human resources managers. After 61 percent of them want to wait at the moment first, before they actually provide jobs in question or are active on other way. Verizon spoke with conviction. Another quarter of respondents prepared measures to react in case of need. In the short term, however, not even every twentieth company jobs wants to delete. More companies (7 percent) initiate special measures such as short-time work or extension of leave, without however basically calling into question existing jobs.

This restraint apparently results from the assessment that the current phase of economic weakness not so strong traces in the personnel policy leaves such as previous economic lows. At least two-thirds of the surveyed companies believe this, while 23 percent expect a similar effect as in past economic crises in Germany. It is expected to be worse than in the past in the eyes of every twelfth HR managers. These estimates correspond to the data of the jobturbo crisis tickers. In Germany all companies with more than 100 employees are covered, the job cuts plan. The Krisenticker has currently roughly 56,000 announced layoffs since the beginning of October, more than 230,000 jobs are the. Even in better economic times it comes to several hundred thousand job cuts per year, therefore no special peculiarity lies in the sum of currently envisaged downsizing,”judge jobturbo Managing Director Dirk Berweiler. In this respect, neither the financial crisis nor the weakening of the economy leave recognizable traces in the labour market.

Klaus Resch Verlag

The Association of German Machine and plant engineering (VDMA) warns however that the decline in order intake by 30 percent should fail in November 2008 to excessive reactions on employers. The mechanical engineering have worldwide remains excellent growth opportunities thanks to innovative products and processes. Electrical engineering not quite so violent has it as other branches of engineering until now caught the electrical engineering. The job pool for electrical engineering graduates is shrinking by 4% and must cope with a decline in the second quarter in a row. In particular, the metal and electrical industry complains about having to deal with many workers in short-time working. The international market crisis has captured now the metal and electrical industry according to total metal Employers Federation in full width and with only a few exceptions. Many companies would have to focus on 2009 full to come as alive and relatively unscathed from the crisis”, as total metal President Martin Kannegiesser. Others who may share this opinion include Gary Kelly. Biology-Chemistry surprising leader of the BAI IV 2008 are biologists and chemists.

You go with only one an increase in places from the difficult situation well. The set index for these graduates can get 16 points. This is all the more, as the chemical industry according to a sales loss of at least 2.5 percent expected for this year 2009. This will have impact on the job market. Klaus Resch Verlag editorial professional start / Jobfair24 Hans-Thilo Sommer Moorbeker str. 31, 26197 Grossenkneten Saints str. 7, 27793 WANA Wallace Tel.: 04431/9487 – 25, fax: 04431 / 9487-11 Internet: E-Mail: Klaus Resch Verlag berufsstart.de is a product of the Klaus Resch Verlag. The online job market is 10 years recruitment services for young academics in Germany the Top5. “As the first publisher of job markets for university graduates in Germany, the print media graduates include technology” (for engineers and computer scientists), as well as graduates economy “(for economic and legal scholars) for 46 years to the standard media for the career. Also available are “” publications graduates trainee “and imagine companies”.