In this article we will share ideas on how to produce high-quality corporate directory, how to automate the process of preparing the catalog, how important the design directory which way to implement print catalog and Its placement on the Internet. Catalog – person firm, it can both beautify your image and make it unusable. Of course, we need the first option – we'll talk about how to properly prepare a presentable folder, which will be strengthen the position of the company, recognition of your brand, increase sales and gain market share. How to start a good directory? The correct answer is – with an idea. The idea is to build on for your company, you need to clearly provide – for whom is a directory and that this someone has to eventually get: a concise and easy to understand list of products, price list, a bright and inspiring booklet, make a purchase incentive is a you or a credible annual report with an appeal to potential investors. Typically, directories are of two types: product catalog and image corporate directory. This, ultimately, determines the approach to the way will catalog design, content, methods of automation to create and print catalog. Thus, design, print directories, which must be provided: catalog design should clearly reflect his idea: for what purpose and what audience is intended directory. If the task force – professional buyers who value price of the product and technical information about it, catalog design should be appropriate – a strict and concise, and information – concise and understandable.