Month: February 2020


Planning and Organization This is usually a written documentation detailed all the basic premises and necessary to reach the goals and objectives raised by the creators of the project or business. It does not matter if one is a company integrated by a person or one hundred, but an effective, clear and direct presentation would help you to establish your identity and platform. Planning of Marketing (kit basic) Written Documentation. I. Everything about your company: Date of beginning, lease, contact, name of the founders and managers, a clear message about your intentions and mission. II.

Everything about your products: Name, function, description of the details that make it unique, quality level and your beliefs of the utility of the product. III. Everything about the intentions: A separated document writes detailing the direction of your mission. The goals. The needs and the motivations. It writes of simple and clear form the existence of the company, the ideas and visions.

IV. Everything about your clients: It files the notes and messages written that your clients did and compiles testimonies written, audio and videos. To broaden your perception, visit Southwest Airlines. V. Everything about the press: It also files all the documents and articles written about your company. I SAW. Everything about the image: Ten to good disposition quality of photos as much as of the founders, the managers and member of the company, like also of the lease and the product. Printed and Electronic photos. It as much maintains copies of these documents in file as exposed in your situated Web, blog, or any social means. This would help you to attract new clients, investors, partners. It exposes intentions and quality on watch. Communication the communication is one of the main elements of marketing, and it is possible to be done of different ways like: printed in pamphlets, to brochurer, magazines, newspapers, posters, signboards, etc., also you dare of the radio and television, or it is possible to be done electronically in social means in Internet. The goal is always the same. Like capturing the attention of the market and to mark your identity on the communities. To focus the necessary attention to the learning of the efficient communication, would help you to express your ideas of one more a more eloquent way and to arrive at the masses with a more direct message finally to attract your networks the suitable people. It always remembers that the best signallers obtain the majors performance. Relations I am surprised that nowadays nobody has invented the term Marke/laciones or Market/lationship. If marketing is everything about polishing, developing, to increase, to implement, to cultivate, to construct and to solidify RELATIONS. The best council than really I can give you in this moment is: it thinks, it acts and it creates exactly like the person who you want to work and to attract your networks. It bases all tactics and strategies to arrive at your communities with a direct, clear and important message, that it reflects your more recondite intentions with the main and crucial intention to generate the confidence of your networks and to solidify your RELATIONS. This it is the method more effective than it exists that I know to mark your identity and to marketear absolutely everything. At the end of the day marketing he is everything approaches to know how how to communicate what you must to offer and to increase your social relations.

Social Organization

The person who, also, is worried about the politicians who it chose and as she walks suaadministrao, this person exerts the citizenship. Thinking about the past, it was more easy when existiamdisciplinas specific for this, to the forgotten OSPB (Social Organization ePoltica Brazilian) and the EMC (Moral and Civic Education) that: In accordance with the Decree Law 869/68, became obligator in the Brazilian pertaining to school resume from 1969, (…). Both, EMC and OSPB, (…) had been characterized for the transmission of the ideologiado authoritarian regimen when exaltar the nationalism and the patriotism of the pupils to eprivilegiar the education of factual information in detriment of the reflection and daanlise. (MENEZES and SAINTS, 2002). These you discipline had been removed of currculosescolares for being considered ' ' you discipline of the time of the dictatorship militar' '. Great part of what he was taught in these you discipline had been lost e, umapequena part today fits to the history professor to teach. At that time it really was for ' ' transmission daideologia of the regimen autoritrio' ' (MENEZES and SAINTS, 2002), but today we live emuma democracy 4.

Oscidados Brazilian is free to choose who is its representatives. Thus, having EMC and OSPB as you discipline pertaining to school, they would be strengthening aformao of our citizens. ' ' Only fight for what it is respected. Quese is only respected loves. It is only loved what if conhece' ' 5.

The Brazilian identity currently, is focada in icons as the soccer, osamba, ' ' jeitinho brasileiro' ' , the persistence 6. Lack in the schools a civic culture, as it had behind about twenty years in the lessons Moral and Civic deEducao and Social Organization and Brazilian Politics. Have hasteamento of the National flag and if sang the hymns national, state emunicipal. They passed to the pupils the knowledge of the three to be able: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary, and with this politics of this had a bigger knowledge of as funcionaa ours ' ' loved native land, idolatrada' ' 7.

International Standardization Organization

Being that the pointers evaluate structure, process and result of the assistance given to the customer of the institution, according to DInnocenzo; Adami; Wedge (2006), we can observe: oIndicador of Estrutura or Insumos: It encloses physical area, human resources (number, type, distribution and qualification), material and financial resources, systems of information and technician-administrative normative instruments, support politician and conditions organizacionais. oIndicador of Process: Process of attendance, corresponding to the installment of the assistance according to technician-scientific, established and accepted standards in the scientific community on determined subject. Including recognition of disgnostic problems, methods, given diagnosis and cares? verifying quanti-qualitative aspects. oIndicador of Results: It corresponds to the consequences of the carried through activities, changes verified in the state of health of the patients, also considering related changes the knowledge and behaviors, as well as the satisfaction of the user and of on worker to the act of receiving and installment of the cares, respectively, that is, it measures the impact of the attendance, the satisfaction of the user, results gotten to the end of the attendance. 2.3.

MODELS OF EXTERNAL EVALUATION OF the QUALITY Throughout the passage of the study of the quality, several have been the considered models. Prizes of quality (European, Malcolm Baldrige and Nacional) and International Standardization Organization (ISO) are the models of external evaluation of the quality currently more used in the private companies and the public administration, as much in Brazil how much in the exterior. It has determined developed specific models for realities, as ' ' acreditao' ' in the area of the health. These different models can be used in the most different ways, adaptando themselves, thus, to the especificidades of the most varied surrounding organizacionais. (MALIK, SCHIESARI) the main objective of these models, general form, is the use of the tools and pointers providing security in the attendance given to the patient? assuring the quality of the service, the reduction of damages in all the process of rendering of services.

World Health Organization

-In addition, between all the received messages will organize a raffle for two complete treatments of laser hair removal (one for men and one for women). Also each participant will automatically receive a response message in your mobile phone with the following text: thank you for your solidarity. Bye Bye hair gives you a session of English or armpits. Consult your nearest centre at or 902-105-339. Ann Maynard Gray understood the implications. Hope you why a campaign of support for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases? In recent years, cardiovascular diseases have become the leading cause of mortality in our country and around the world. According to Gary Kelly, who has experience with these questions. According to data from the World Health Organization (who), in 2005 died from this cause 17.5 million people in the world, 30% of the total number of deaths worldwide.

The report of the National Institute of statistics (INE) 2008, published in 2010, highlights that currently disease deaths cardiovascular (CVD) in Spain is encrypted in 122,000 lives a year. In addition, it is estimated that, due to the ageing of the population, each year increase 1.5 per cent the number of cases by coronary heart disease will be hospitalized in Spain. The best way to combat cardiovascular disease is prevention through the monitoring of the cardiovascular risk factors (obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol) whose main pillar is to keep healthy lifestyle habits, a message that the Spanish Heart Foundation moved the entire population through various activities and awareness-raising campaigns, in order to achieve a reduction of cardiovascular disease in our country, adds Dr. Leandro Plaza. Concern for health with this solidarity campaign ByeByePelos demonstrates that its work philosophy is based on a well as important and necessary as the health. We are aware that a treatment for skin hard It will have a severe impact on the heart, but the stimuli that cause flashes of machine in the human body, must be taken into account. This is why, that the questionnaire that we give you the customer, we incorporate among other questions related to the skin, referring to other possible diseases or similar questions such as if is epileptic or have pacemakers. These questions are formulated for safety, since it either by the effect on the nervous system (flashing lights) or by non-ionizing radiation that emits machine, we could cause a reaction in the human body, says Carmen Lozano.

Thus the things, situations in which the client has any condition that is not very common, are asked to bring a certificate from your doctor that entitles to be able to undertake the treatment. Otherwise, our centers do not start any treatment despite the willingness of the end customer. There is much ignorance in this sector, and the final customer can react in different ways to the treatment, not only on the skin, but also at the psychic level, so we should be able to contemplate the possibilities ends directive.

MicroStep Europa

Reliability is a synonym for security and stability are crucial to buying on the market precisely these properties and form the basis of a very good cooperation. Also in machine and plant construction, are these concepts paramount and shape other features such as high availability, efficiency, precision and accuracy. Maximum process safety in the various cutting techniques are more tasks that guaranteed and with his CNC plasma, oxy-fuel, water jet and laser cutting systems worldwide represents his clients of the MicroStep group system manufacturer. As one of the leading manufacturers, turns the MicroStep group always new challenges and sets new standards in the field of plant engineering and the applied cutting technologies due to intelligent solutions. These solutions can be found in all systems of the MicroStep group, as the manufacturer acknowledged us.

All experience of 3-ply busy systems incorporated through the continuous development in our machine types and ensure a consistently high quality and availability of the machines. Our designers have brought all these facts to the point, and developed the machine type EasyCut. In this series, you will find the benefits in the systems, but also in the robust mechanical engineering for high precision and dynamics and in the sophisticated, modular technology. “” In addition, that is the equipment really easy “serve.” says Mr Ay, project manager of MicroStep Europa GmbH. The EasyCut system type is used in the fields of maintenance and the wage cut and the cutting tasks in small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as in groups.

Burning cutting tables constructed by MicroStep offer high efficiency and secure a clean work place by advanced environmental technology. The EasyCut series forms an ideal combination in the plasma and oxy-fuel cutting and provides best conditions for a great cut! MicroStep group is a leading manufacturer of CNC controlled machining centres and cutting machines. In addition to the Technologies of plasma and oxy-fuel cutting offer modern future technologies such as water jet and laser cutting. The product range includes high-tech machines for complex manufacturing tasks, which are sold in large numbers on the world markets. With a number of user-oriented innovations, the MicroStep group is the world’s increased market demands and offers market-driven solutions to its customers. High-precision processing and cutting machines of MicroStep group manufacture precision parts for the automotive industry, and edit the various materials in various industries. The stone, glass, and plastics processing with modern waterjet cutting systems to high-precision metal forming by plasma, laser and oxy-fuel cutting machines in renowned metal processing plants. The MicroStep group has an extensive sales and service network. Especially on MicroStep plants trained and trained technicians and support personnel in MicroStep group own sales and Service companies are available to customers in many countries around the world available. The sales and service network of MicroStep group are characterized by consistent market orientation, a comprehensive direct marketing and customer services.

MicroStep Industry

Company presentations on the MicroStep industry B2B Portal has the Internet with its unlimited possibilities all previous ways of advertising and presentation of companies far left behind. Current polls show that the majority of the German population in finding accesses to companies and products now first on the Internet. Companies have therefore better chances of a deal than companies without with its own Web page. But today, the Internet offers much more than just a passive presentation. However, an extensive Web presence is not only a lot of money, but requires much Know-How and corresponding server technologies. Educate yourself with thoughts from Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union. Thus, such a home page just for large enterprises is portable which constantly expand their market position as a result.

The solution for small and medium-sized enterprises provides free MicroStep industry network. Gary Kelly CEO Southwest Airlines may also support this cause. The registration on one of the portals of the network replaced its own Web page, because a company entry there offers all possibilities of an own homepage and much, much more. First of all, the name, address, and of course the logo of the company are entered. Most other portals stop even their services here. It starts now but really on MicroStep industry. According to the data of the contact companies can provide online also a detailed description of their company from the founding up to current news and certificates, with an unlimited number of images.

The next step is the opportunity, all products and services detail to present, catalogues, brochures and leaflets to upload and then link them to the products. The integrated marketplace offers nearly unlimited possibilities. Pre-owned commercial vehicles and real estate until going to job vacancies here companies can start free their own online shop. And thanks to a new feature each company entry can be translated (more will follow shortly) in currently up to 11 languages with only one click and free of charge. The MicroStep industry are of course portals search engine optimized and are constantly evolving. A real alternative to an own Web page!


Solitaire online learning – playing on the Internet today computer hold the in private households and in classrooms. The children learn in schools already using the computer. So that the parents also trust that parents play games too, can. However, only games which are age-friendly. The parents must also have an eye. But games like Solitaire is a game that is quite harmless.

But also Solitaire or patience to learn it is necessary first of all. Such games are already intended for children. And that’s where Solitaire learn quite easily. Because children have a very large comprehension. Today, there are a number of variations of Solitaire, which is also known under the term of Klondike.

While the game played on the PC today only at the end of the 1980s was invented by a Microsoft employee. This had programmed this game really only for themselves. But the Manager of Microsoft discovered this and decided in the Windows version 3.0 to install with this game. Since this game is installed by default on the operating system except for still other games. Learn the Solitaire is not difficult, if you can play cards. You know, that as against the 2, 3, 4 and 5, 6 and the 7, 8, 9 and 10 coming. And then are there Jack, Queen and King. This one must be placed in alternating color (red and black). Will be played at the Solitaire learn of course also with the 52 cards of a deck of cards.


“Basics, technologies, stick in the micro-electronics trends already for the second time organised the company POLYTEC PT from Waldbronn a seminar specifically on bonding in microelectronics”. The seminar was held on 20 and 21 March 2012 held in Waldbronn, where theoretical details about basics, technologies, and trends of various speakers were declared. For ViscoTec, the seminar offers an ideal platform to discuss the topic of dispensing equipment revealing. Mr Christian Heidinger, adhesive & chemicals sales, FA ViscoTec pump u. Dosiertechnik GmbH from Toging a. designed the practical part Inn of various exhibits. Mr.

Heidinger had a ViscoTec dispenser for 1-component adhesives, as well as a dispenser for the 2-component-area in the luggage. Lightweight and flexible ViscoTec dosing systems provide a quick change between point and track order regardless of variations in viscosity. Results in a precise and repeatable accurate application of a wide range of media, such as for example adhesives and sealants, solder pastes and Heat conduction pastes, insulating varnishes, or potting compounds. On the question of how a calibration system that must cope during dosing and application of adhesives or sealants which are shear sensitive, highly viscous, abrasive and at the same time tolerate changes in flow behavior of the media, must be designed, solutions with the metering could be demonstrated clearly. The next appointment is on the 25th and 26th September 2012. interested parties contact us or directly at POLYTEC PT GmbH, Andreas Bauer). ViscoTec company headquartered in Toging a. Inn in Bavaria engaged in equipment, to promote, dosing, applying, filling and removal of medium until needed high-viscosity media.

ViscoTec was founded in 1997 and developed from the earlier pumps Division of Resch Maschinenbau GmbH. Over 70 people today rely on an over 20-year know-how and manufacture sophisticated solutions for the global market.


It allowed today thanks to the invention of entities or small enterprises called micro-enterprises offer people creating their own businesses in such a way that benefit themselves and the community, through the offer of new jobs. Micro-enterprises (SMEs) are business entities that possess certain characteristics specific that they characterize them as micro-enterprises, among which some primordial are possessing a number equal to or less than 12 persons in service and produce annually not more than one amount of money stipulated by each country’s Government, a clear example of this in Europe are entities that do not produce more than 2 million euros annual, although it is proper to mention that this sum of money can vary from country to country. Today the creation of micro-enterprises is made primarily by entrepreneurs or self-employed workers who manage the creation of these thank you obtain capital through various means, such as an investment or a financing through a bank or lender. A study has shown that during the last decade microenterprises have been developed aumentativamente by 45 percent, to part of mean a import you opportunity for individuals, represents a new opportunity to work for those who require it. It is important to mention that due to the great height that have had micro-enterprises at present, some countries are opting for providing credits or subsidies that could contribute with business management; this with two specific purpose. 1 Achieve that business activity will provide jobs and therefore significantly reduce the rate of unemployment and poverty somehow. 2.

The creation of new companies to stimulate business activity, can improve the economic movement of a place or region specific, benefiting the quality of life through the contributions to health and education. Although there may be many more intentions for which some countries decide to subsidize the creation of these companies, those mentioned formerly occupy a privileged place of importance in this aspect. The creation of a micro-enterprise can bring certain benefits and certain risks, as generally being entities that are based on innovative ideas running with the risk that they like or not to common. Some of the advantages that can bring the creation of a micro-enterprise are: the creation of new jobs. The flexibility with which they work may mean exploiting various resources having on hand. The facility to interact the product with the market. The range of micro-enterprises generally tends to be fairly broad sometimes significantly increasing the capital of the same since it invades enough commercial land.

Risks. Many times due to lack of capital the company can not be expanded. In general economic problems. If the product does not have a good reception on the market the microenterprise may disappear. Obtaining financing or loans can certainly hinder business growth goals. Given the above shown is that micro-enterprises are an excellent choice to start with a business, therefore the best advice that can be given is that before you begin with one of these should take into account a myriad of factors that can benefit us and discourage us, and attempting to create an idea that might have a good reception among the market. It is proper to mention that the majority of people creating a small business before you begin this go where those who have already achieved your creation so that advice, in order to reduce the risk of the same.


the information that you wanted to deprive you of are a secret of fitness through proper nutrition! Gift from the microwave oven. An unprecedented attempt by science-suppression of electrical apparatus Association for household and trade Switzerland tried 1993-1994 in the years, manage to let a strictly scientific trials on harmful effects of microwave ovens and micro waves food by the World Court ruling. The researchers, Dr. Hansuli Hertel, was prohibited on Swiss Federal Court level, to publish its research results and publicly to say that micro waves food would cause cancer. Only through an appeal to the International Court of Justice for human rights in Strasbourg these attacks on freedom of expression and freedom of research were repelled. The Court was right in its judgment dated 25 August 1998 Dr. Hertel.

What should be suppressed here? The results of Dr. Hertel and Prof. Blanc in a strictly scientific and always reproducible research series showed the scientists during a two Month period (August-September 1989, University of Lausanne), that in eight voluntary subjects immediately after taking food heated in a microwave oven the blood count significantly for the worse changed. Single-dose irradiated food were these value changes mostly within the normal tolerance range, but had repeated intake of micro wave dishes get off clear statistical trends, which indicated clearly on onset of anemia and early cancer events. What does the microwave oven in the food? It does not matter whether one warms up “only” food in the microwave, heat coffee water or properly cooks the radiation poisoned all foods, with whom she comes in contact. The radiation denatured food, that is to say: she changed the natural structure of the cells. Such food has different effects in the body as food, that have their original cell structure.