Month: October 2012

Pioneer Thomson Learning

Literature points the preparation of the body as a mixture of a ritual with pursuing of a routine and severity technician, consensualizando the idea of that this preparation follows the routine established normally in function of the social culture and that this activity is carried through in its totality for the nursing team. Under this optics, the importance of these professionals in this phase of the existence can be understood with exactness human being through SAINTS (1996), when affirming consubstancialmente that the death is not a mere biological event and yes a social phenomenon. To understand this phenomenon inside of this perspective and espacialidade infuses the professional of nursing, and in special to nurse, the duty to understand it in psychological, philosophical, historical, religious, cultural and legal a direction ampler, where practical its is a consequence of its agreement through an ethical boarding, on what one becomes and its results on the receivers of this to make. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSISTANCE To the HEALTH TEAM Aiming at a work to multidiscipline, where the patient must be seen globally, at its historical moment, inside of a biopsicossosial approach, fits to the psychologist to be a facilitador agent in the relations between the team of health, patient and being/family. The objectives of the psychologist in the work with the team involve orientation how much to the factors of psychological risks gifts in the context, facilitating the Inter-relations; to plan joint therapeutical strategies, better to reach the objectives of assistance to the patients and to offer to psychological support to the members of the team when these to need. The best understanding of the feelings and thoughts of the team can come to influence positively in its relation with the patients or other members of the proper work group.

These ‘ ‘ conversas’ ‘ with the team generally previous date and schedule occur without, being that they happen by means of the necessity of any member of the team. Inside of an obstetricses infirmary always it has a room for team meeting, space this that many times is used to carry through the notations in handbooks of the patients, being an excellent moment for exchange of information. Beyond the overload lived for the professionals of health in Brazil, one becomes necessary to consider the fact of that the same ones are displayed to the threats that situation imposes them to the crisis, therefore not only the patient and the family is vulnerable to the involved crisis, but professionals also. She is necessary to have in mind that for backwards of each professional of the health team has a human being that also it feels pain, that suffers as well as the other involved parts. Both are co-related from the installed crisis. By means of this, emotional balance and a good interaction in the team are necessary to give an adequate attendance the excessively involved ones until the same ones can be reorganized ahead of the critical phase.

Sociological Citizen

To explore this better affirmation, Hall defines the identities and the character of the change in delayed modernity. Three conceptions of identity: 1) Citizen of the Iluminismo the citizen of the iluminismo was based on a conception of unified individual, total centered, endowed with reason capacities, of conscience and of action and its center consisted of the interior nucleus, that is, the essential center of I age the identity of the person. Conception this that the author defines as individualistic, of our point of view, perhaps reducionista. 2) Sociological citizen This notion reflected the complexity of the modern world and the conscience of that an interior nucleus exists, but this was not independent nor self-sufficient, but he was formed of the relation with the other people, that is, mediated for the social relations. A interacionista conception of citizen (G.H. Mead, C.H. Cooley). It attempts against for the fact that the citizen still has a nucleus and/or essence, however, this is formed and modified in a continuous dialogue with the culture relations that this provides.

This vision fills the space between the world ' ' interior' ' the exterior, and as if the identity sewed subject to the structure. ' ' … the identities that composed the social landscapes ' there fora' that assured our subjective conformity with ' necessidades' objective of the culture, are entering in collapse, as resulted of structural changes and institucionais' '. 3) Citizen after-modern the citizen after-modern drift of this process of change in the conception, and this does not have a fixed identity, essential and permanent. The identity that before was thus, now is mobile. It also, from this conception, can assume different identities at different moments, and still, identities that are not unified inside of one ' ' eu' ' coherent, therefore I teethe of us has contradictory identities. The character of the change in delayed modernity Is necessary to have in mind the context of the process known as globalization and its impact on the cultural identity. The societies modern are, therefore, for definition, society of constant, fast and permanent change.

This is the main distinction between traditional and modern societies. In contrast, modernity, is not defined only by the fast, ample and continuous change, but it is to a highly reflexiva form of life: ' ' practical the social ones constantly are examined and remodelled to the light of the proper information received on those practical ones, modifying, thus, constituently its carter' ' Discontinuities When a structure is dislocated, that is, are that one whose its center is dislocated, this ' ' vazio' ' it is not filled by another center, but yes for a plurality of centers, centers of being able. This, in turn, does not have no articulador principle or organizador only in accordance with does not develop the unfolding of an only cause. is constantly being descentrada or better dislocated for forces it are of same itself. From this concept, Hall, explains that societies in delayed modernity are characterized by the difference, them different divisions and social antagonisms are crossed by that produce a variability of position of the citizen, that is, identities for the individuals. However this would take in them to ask: The possibility of displacement of the positions of the citizens at different moments places the citizen in a privileged position? Apud affirms Laclau Hall, that this would not have discouraging in them, therefore the displacement has positive characteristics, it disarticulates the steady identities of the past, and also it opens new joints.