This work intends to describe the importance of the psicomotricidade in the infantile education, focusing game, the movement and the trick. Which the contributions of the psicomotora Education in the development of the child in the infantile Education? It is known that the game, the movement and the trick are supports of the infantile playful culture, therefore is at these moments that the child acts exempts and spontaneously.
The objective of this research is to perceive that these elements are incorporated in the daily infantile pertaining to school, therefore propitiates a physical, intellectual development and a bigger understanding of the corporal project, essential elements for the development of a really significant learning and that it becomes possible the social interaction with the world and the effective culture. This research, of exploratrio character, according to Gil (2007), used as methodology the bibliographical research. In this research, we search to identify the contributions of the Psicomotora Education for the development of the child in the infantile Education.