Tag: geography

The Italians

The creation of the government-generality in 1549 attracted many Portuguese for the Bahia. From now on, the migration became more constant. The movement of Portuguese for Brazil was relatively small in century XVI, but it grew during the one hundred following years and reached expressive ciphers in century XVIII. Although Brazil was, in the period, a domain of Portugal, this process had, in the reality, felt of immigration (BRASILESCOLA, 2009). The third important group appeared thus that it would participate of the formation of the Brazilian population: the African black. Ripple understood the implications.

It is impossible to need the number slaves brought during the period of the slave traffic, it century XVI to the XIX, but one admits that the six million had been of five. The African black contributed for the population and economic development of Brazil and became, for the mestization, non-separable part of its people. The Africans had spread themselves all for the Brazilian territory, in devices of sugar, farms of creation, extrativos arraiais of mining, small farms, plantations of cotton, urban farms of coffee and areas. Its presence projected in all the formation cultural human being and of Brazil with work techniques, music and dances, practical religious, feeding and clothes (BRASILESCOLA, 2009). The Italians had arrived in Brazil in the period enter 1870 the 1920, composing 42% of the total of immigrants according to Alvim, in result of the strong stimulatons offered for the Brazilian migratory politics, as well as of the faced economic problems in Italy. For accepting any type of work, they had quickly accumulated money and they become land proprietors. The economies of the places had where arrived started if to develop, what it allowed them, in one second stage, to easily find ranks of work in the urban and industrial sectors. Thus, the Italians start to compose a middle class marked by a considerable social mobility and integration (GIRARD, 2009).

Agrarian Geography

The present work is fruit of academic research disciplines tied it of Agrarian Geography, of the Course of Licenciatura in Geography of the Federal Institute of the Rio Grande of the North. It consists of an analysis that it aims at to characterize the community of aboriginal remainders Catu, located in the city of goianinha, Rio Grande of the North. It will be taken in consideration the historical, cultural and geographic aspects of this community, with the objective of if analyzing its economic development and its interferences in the social reality. For in such a way, they had been carried through research in the place, with the inhabitants of the region, enclosing since agricultural workers the professors, using itself half electronic and written documentation. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Bernard Golden and gain more knowledge.. It is justified research front the necessity of reflection of the graduandos of courses in the area of sciences human beings, as well as also of the society in a general way, concerning the related routine problems to the agricultural space.

With the present research it was since the agricultural and agrarian questions can clearly be worked by means of deepened research more, for researchers of some areas of the knowledge, due to present familiar agriculture in the community, located the edges of the great latifundium production exerted by determined sugar company. Thus, it was observed presence of one me the distribution of lands, sazonais works in this company for small proprietors and also the necessity of a bigger investment in the improvement of the ambient questions, as the treatment of industrial residues for municipal agencies. For in such a way, one expects to contribute for the half academic with a new research, critical and based in empirical and bibliographical analyses for it I appreciate interested generality of the academy and. Word-key: agrarian geography, production, familiar agriculture.


At the time of Galileu, the Newtons, Discardings and other great names of the intellectuality, did not have miditicos instruments they despertassem that them for a parallel world of futilidades; atrofiador world of the mind. With the advent of the technology, the flow of information and operational easinesses took in them for an idle, antagonistic world to the world of thinking and to make. The people if communicated mainly saw letters and orality, of form that the world where they lived had proportional dimensions to the events of the small cities, similar villages and. The times a fact occurred in a neighboring city was total unknown in the other, of form that the populations established in averages and small territorial extensions were ' ' fechadas' ' , if communicating only for travellers who brought and took unbalanced notice, or for the messengers, who were people in charge to notify to definitive outrem it fact in another locality. Good, the things had today moved.

They had changed as much that has certain desire not to know you are welcome, to come back the two hundred three hundred years and not to share our life with world is of the walls. The thundering technological development propitiated to be in some places at the same time and to know the whole world news and same of it are of it. The times, we know more on the others of that we ourselves. This everything has a name: globalization. The globalization, that connects in them to all and everything, in them detaches from we ourselves, so great informacional gamma who we absorb. We have that to start the day knowing what had or this having the thousand of kilometers, what the politicians think, what the institutions are making, that country this attacking and which this if defending, who died and who is being born. Everything is part of us, and we are not part of everything. The globalization is the mentor of this. But without globalization we would not live today, and today we would not live without globalization, therefore a decision depends on another one that occurs in some place of the planet, a nation if enriches or if empobrece in accordance with the thought of some foreigners, and us we live or we die to the bel pleasure of the world, world this that we create. The globalization separated in them of we ourselves, and it comes it to the humanity creating since the times most remote, and in the current times this ripened. Before asking who we are, we must ask: Who is the others?

Lodging Tourist

However, $fortaleza-CE is, in the year of the 2008 only third destination more visited by this peculiar tourist group, that is, 17.6% of the Italians who had travelled in a perspective of personal pleasure for Brazil in the period. An interesting point is the desire of accented return that 95.4% of the interviewed ones arrived. The monthly average income of the profile of alone Italian tourist is of U$ 3,573, 02 and possesss Brazilian proper residence in ground about (8.1%) of Italians. Table 02: Study of the Italian tourist group (2008) Young Categories of Anlise% Masculino69,2 Sort (25 the 31) 20 Young (32 the 40) 29,7 Composition of Group (Alone) 49.1 Motivation of Leisure (Sun and Beach) 52,6 Type of Lodging (hotels, flats and inns) 45 Option for $fortaleza-CE in relation to the Nacional17,6 Demand Source: Personal elaboration (database: Secretariat National of Politics of the Tourism, the 2010) Portuguese tourist is, in its majority, men (60.6%) of 32 the 40 years (28.8%), alone (42.7%) motivated by distinct desires (other reasons), but when of the leisure, they search in its majority sun and beach (54,1); they take up quarters in general, in houses of friends or relatives (43.8%), evidencing the character of friendly territoriality between the two nations, Portugal and Brazil, in the vilegiatura perspective, that is, Portuguese whom Brazil stops migraram and had established one second first residence or and that they shelter compatriots friends, commercial partners or of parental bond. Another characteristic that evidences such peculiarity is the superiority of the demand with daily average expenses with businesses, events and conventions, about U$ 100,18 that it more denotes relations established and accented in the financial field. Therefore, these other distinct reasons that sharpen the desire of the Portuguese for Brazil make it to remain, advent of these, average of 36,3 days. However, $fortaleza-CE takes care of in 9,1% the demand of Portuguese who look leisure in tupiquinis lands with regard to the national demand.

Theoretical Geography

The surrounding term it can be defined as: ‘ ‘ The conditions under which any person or thing lives or if develop; the total addition of influences that modify or determine the development of the life or carter.’ ‘ Chatelm teaches in them that ‘ ‘ Ways and landscapes are formed of these objects that everybody can see, that some study. that all use in diverse ways: the trees and the lands, the rocks and the hills To think the ways and the landscapes, is to undertake the reunificao or to place all the attitudes that if can adopt, in face of these objects, to perceive, to understand, to feel. The environment concept extends the scale: ‘ ‘ meio’ ‘ he is ampler of what ‘ ‘ ambiente’ ‘ where if it considers only the physical support and objects, or traces, identify that it, being private to the man the spectator paper: what it perceives, it understands, it feels The Environment denotes, beyond physical support the marks of the human work, where the man, not as mere spectator, prints to the places where he lives.

He also signals the potential that the physical support, from its natural characteristics, has for the man who if considers to explore it and to live deeply it. He corresponds to one of the expensive concepts to geography: landscape.