The surrounding term it can be defined as: ‘ ‘ The conditions under which any person or thing lives or if develop; the total addition of influences that modify or determine the development of the life or carter.’ ‘ Chatelm teaches in them that ‘ ‘ Ways and landscapes are formed of these objects that everybody can see, that some study. that all use in diverse ways: the trees and the lands, the rocks and the hills To think the ways and the landscapes, is to undertake the reunificao or to place all the attitudes that if can adopt, in face of these objects, to perceive, to understand, to feel. The environment concept extends the scale: ‘ ‘ meio’ ‘ he is ampler of what ‘ ‘ ambiente’ ‘ where if it considers only the physical support and objects, or traces, identify that it, being private to the man the spectator paper: what it perceives, it understands, it feels The Environment denotes, beyond physical support the marks of the human work, where the man, not as mere spectator, prints to the places where he lives.
He also signals the potential that the physical support, from its natural characteristics, has for the man who if considers to explore it and to live deeply it. He corresponds to one of the expensive concepts to geography: landscape.