Help with concentration and learning disorders learning is also linked to metabolic activities of nerve cells as the other services of the brain. A sufficient supply of all necessary components of food is therefore of fundamental importance for the performance of the brain. The correlation between nutrition, learning and behaviour were not sufficiently respected long time. There are many scientific publications, indicating that the brain can only properly if it is also optimally nourished. An extensive list of publications such as the American food and nutrition information center “released. An important task for thinking, learning, remembering, etc. meet the nerve Messenger substances (neurotransmitters).
Amino acids, trace elements and vitamins are needed for the formation of these nerve Messenger substances. The results of the national consumption study II show that the supply of vitamins and trace elements in adolescents between 14 and 18 years of age is unsatisfactory. About 90 percent of the 30 percent to little vitamin C to include little vitamin D young people, about 40 percent to a little vitamin E. Also the supply with folic acid leaves a lot to be desired: around 70% are reference values below the roof. Children and adolescents are also at risk for micro-nutrient deficits, because often foods are preferred, which are rather low in micro nutrients.
Zinc is required for the functioning of different nerve neurotransmitter systems. For this reason, a zinc deficiency can significantly impair brain function. In various studies, there was a strong link between low concentrations of zinc and an ADHD symptoms. Regardless of ADHD, zinc can improve the cognitive performance of adolescents. This was demonstrated in a U.S. study by the year 2005. Iron is a vital trace element that is needed for the formation of nerve Messenger substances. An iron deficiency can affect also the intellectual skills. The results of a meta-analysis to prove that an Eisensupplementierung improves attention, concentration, and the IQ. Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid are involved in the formation of the nerve Messenger substances. If any of the vitamins are missing, can increase the metabolic product of homocysteine in the blood. According to research results of the Swedish orebro University, Sweden were higher Homocysteinwerte with lower school grades in conjunction. A micro-nutrient analysis sheds light on possible micro-nutrient deficiencies and allows for a targeted and individual supplements. It is undisputed that the brain can only bring its full capacity if all nutrients in sufficient quantity and quality.