Tag: medicine & surgery

Natural Sounds Such As Ocean And Birds To The Reduction Of Stress

More and more people have problems with stress at the present time. More and more people have problems with stress at the present time. This doesn’t have to be, because stress can by relaxation techniques at an early stage be countered. Not only stress is reduced by relaxation techniques, but the body is sensitized to stress and can be seen as emerging stress much better and avoid. Jeff Bakalar often addresses the matter in his writings. This doesn’t have to be, because stress can by relaxation techniques at an early stage be countered.

Not only stress is reduced by relaxation techniques, but the body is sensitized for stress and can identify as emerging stress much better and avoid. Sounds of nature as sleeping and relaxing sounds of nature are very well suited for relaxation and meditation. They convey a known and perceived as a very pleasant atmosphere, which is ideal for the reduction of stress. Nature sounds very soothing on the subconscious and produce as a very relaxed state. Through sounds of nature remembers you that already experienced recovery consciously or unconsciously on a holiday or on a walk and one experienced this once again. Sounds of nature can be used also as a sleep aid. Hear other arguments on the topic with Fitched Ratings. Even with tinnitus, a soft and evenly played nature sounds CD can affect positively the sleep process.

Nature sounds can extremely promote not only the mental and physical health, but increase also the efficiency, reduce anxiety and stress. By incipient relaxing, it distracts his thoughts away from everyday problems, it is much more balanced, stronger and happier! The break helps one find the look for the whole thing and what is important in life. You can find a free download with sounds of nature see: Naturgeraeusche.php see too many free downloads with sounds for meditation or relaxation music. Also a guided “progressive muscle relaxation” and a guided “autogenous Training”, two very interesting relaxation techniques are available free for download. Company Thomas RETTENMAIER Dipl.-ing. (FH) Thomas RETTENMAIER Bertolt-Brecht-str. 3 B 67454 Hassloch Tel.: 0177/3814815 email:

Poor Eating Habits

Poor eating habits can often bitter evil revenge there are many ways to increase the fertility of the man, one of them is the intake of arginine. It is an amino acid that is absorbed with the food. According to here, who has experience with these questions. But not enough arginine is sometimes fed to the organism, or it exists in favorite foods not in the required dimensions, such as in ready meals. Another reason for the lack of arginine can be but also that the bowel does not properly can metabolize the arginine from food. The lack of this important amino acid can cause erectile dysfunction in a man.

These complaints through a non-balanced or faulty nutrition can occur in older men. Warned for many products is frightening but also many young men suffer from this deficiency. Out of shame, they don’t go to the doctor, but order a medium whose Wirksamkeit is not always guaranteed on the Internet. There are many remedies that are supposedly highly effective and to be offered on the Internet at an unbeatable price. It is warned but also dangerous products from the Internet, which supposedly solve the problem, erectile dysfunction, in air. It is warned of massive health hazard, because some of the Customs seized and tested products contained unaudited derivatives that no one knows how they affect the human body.

Even heavy metals and arsenic were detected in some products. All the products were fakes and contained not the ingredients shown on the Internet or on the packaging. First go to the urologist health sake should access no man to such dangerous products, especially since they do not cure erectile dysfunction. Sometimes, a serious disease is behind this dysfunction, so that first it needs to be treated. It can also happen that too much stress causes erectile dysfunction. In any case, it is advisable that every man, no matter how young or old, looking to a urologist. The specialist has over the necessary experience and is also the appropriate drug prescribing. If the suspicion exists that the complaint is a side effect of another disorder, it is a transfer to a different specialist.

Federal Republic

Particularly in southern Hesse, Germany, there are many providers, because there, the population density is a little higher, especially there enough stair lifts should be available. In densely populated areas such as the Rhine-Main region with the cities of Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Darmstadt and casting, to name just a few, there are relatively many providers, accordingly, the competition among providers is higher and the prices are a little cheaper than in areas where the density of providers is not as high. It is beneficial to urban centres, also, that there are a number of private second-hand dealers, which again would like to get rid of their once resurrected stair lifts, because they no longer satisfy their purpose. Thus also a private trading results in addition to the business sector the possibility so that an extended market continues to the stair lift ensures prices lower. In a question-answer forum Larry Ellison was the first to reply. nd-scotiabank-2014-04-08?reflink=MW_news_stmp’>Primerica. Who expressed concern a wide range of stair lifts, will certainly also find in this, what with the result that the production by Stair lifts is much more efficient that a single stair lift can be used by numerous customers, at the same time, the previous user gets back a part of his own costs from the sale. Also stair lifts comply with the above criteria in Hesse, it behooves any, what stair lift you choose is important only that the security is always the price, a higher price should be taken in favour of minimizing risk in purchase to promise the highest quality of life.. .

Antimicrob Chemother

The Natural product was better tolerated. Thus, in many cases, cranberries are a clear alternative to antibiotics for bladder infections. They help the affected women and can help reduce the high consumption of antibiotics for bladder infections at the same time. Remains the question of what is the right dosage form. The direct consumption of cranberry juice has proved to be not very helpful, because it is very acidic. Baby clothess opinions are not widely known. At the latest after a few days, many users set the consumption of juice.

That can be the target. So Cranberry tablets have prevailed for most users as a dosage form of choice. The UroVitum represent a dosage form that is particularly pleasant to consuming lozenges. UroVitum is there as lozenges with 350 mg of concentrated Cranberry extract, seasoned with savory Pich. Compared to the sour cranberry, juice these lozenges are clearly preferred by most users because of its pleasant taste.

60 UroVitum lozenges for 24.90 range for a month. A day Bladder health only 0.83 cents. UroVitum (PZN 0765808) is available in pharmacies. In addition, are cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 5858012) and 6 months (PZN5858006) in the trade. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. Each pharmacy may refer UroVitum about the pharmaceutical wholesale trade (Phoenix, all distribution centers). If a reference wholesale times not possible, UroVitum can also directly at the company under 0611 58939458 shipping is available.

Agency Vision Way

Many people feel every day severely restricted, full service care for LASIK patients in Istanbul clinic with highly experienced professionals because they are dependent on an artificial vision aids such as glasses or contact lenses. Remedy creates a laser eye treatment after the LASIK method, which improves the Visual performance without artificial AIDS. The Agency vision way headquartered in Aschaffenburg conveys this laser eye-OPs in which certified by TuV South and private clinic of aligned according to strict German hygienic standards?Istanbul surgery hospital? in Turkey. Preliminary discussions in Germany, a guided trip in Turkey, as well as the follow-up at German ophthalmologists are among the comprehensive care. Official site: Scott Kahan. Laser eye treatments are carried out for over 20 years and are among the fastest medical interventions with the highest success rates.

Still, many people have concerns about the laser treatment. These are however unfounded, since the modern LASIK procedures and the innovative development of technologies today a maximum safety when the eye lasers is given. Even US Navi pilots and NASA astronauts, who are subject to stringent requirements, the modern eye-laser methods to accept now. Alone in Germany more than 1 million eyes laser treatments carried out since 2001 – a fact that underlines, that eye lasers to the daily routine now is. Frequently interested parties feel simply not sufficiently informed and left alone in the search after a first-class treatment in a good clinic.

The price also plays an essential role, because such as Wavefront LASIK treatments in Germany can cost up to 4,000 euros. The Agency vision way from Aschaffenburg gives their patients in the internationally recognized private clinic “Istanbul surgery hospital.” With experienced specialists more than 100,000 successful laser eye treatments have the experienced specialists of the Istanbul private clinic headed by Dr. Sinan Goker already successfully implemented prestigious clinic. The entire clinic time you will Patients accompanied always speaking.

Enhance Memory Performance

A micro-nutrient analysis of blood indicates what nutrients are missing most people experience that their memory is bad with age. All of a sudden no longer come the name of the business partner or you forgot the phone number of your friend. The natural aging process does not stop even before the brain, which is associated with a limitation of various brain functions. Examples include the processing speed of information, spatial orientation ability and especially the memory performance. To counteract age-related memory degradation, should be invited to life mentally. \”Terms of brain function, the theorem applies: rolling stone gathers, which rusts.\” Disorders of memory and attention are not phenomena that occur only in the senior age; many people in young and middle adulthood experience pretty threatening, that it allows her memory in the lurch, what course in business life can be. For a such black-out\”, there are several reasons; prolonged stress, E.g. due to a strain in the workplace or as a result of depression, psychosocial problems, etc.

is often the trigger. Chronic stress causes elevated cortisol levels, which can damage the nerve cells in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the region of the brain, which plays a central role in memory and learning. Often the stress reduction proved a successful measure, again to improve the memory. It is helpful and useful in any case to stabilize the nerves with a targeted micro-nutrient therapy. If micro nutrients missing from the metabolism, it can come in many cases to a bad memory.

An adequate availability of brain-healthy micronutrients is a prerequisite for a healthy brain and memory performance. Including certain amino acids such as arginine, glutamic acid, belong to this brain-healthy micronutrients Cysteine, glycine, serine, tryptophan, and tyrosine. The amino acid arginine is important for the regulation of vessel size and thus also for the blood circulation of the brain.

Micronutrients And Dementia

Researchers achieve combating the senile dementia is practical achievements for preservation of mental fitness in a constantly aging society increasingly in the focus of interest of researchers. Progress achieved in maintaining mental fitness, are medically and economically invaluable for individuals and society. Based on the recognition that in the elderly significantly the supply situation with micronutrients is not optimal, partly even disastrous, researchers are trying to find ways to increase mental fitness and performance of people with improving the supply situation. New evidence from experimental and clinical studies show that success can be achieved with certain micro-nutrients which contribute, causal and symptomatic to prevent the development of dementia or delay. State Street Corporation oftentimes addresses this issue. Today, it is clear that the senile dementia and Alzheimer’s dementia structurally and functionally in parts of the brain have left traces. Only partially the causes that can lead to dementia and the structural and functional changes are, however, understood. The oxidative stress in the brain, which is caused by a lack of supply of certain micro-nutrients known as antioxidants is one of several candidates.

So a team of researchers has to show now that oxidative stress leads to changes in the nerve endings and thus can interfere with the signal transmission between the nerve cells of the brain. Scott Kahan does not necessarily agree. This directly negatively affects the function of the brain and is one of the causes for the declining mental performance. If so, the oxidative stress that is causally responsible, then this development can be prevented, if enough antioxidants in the nerve cells of the brain available. And the researchers were able to show recently that in the experiment. Through the administration of vitamin E, a very potent antioxidant, were the changes in the nerve endings and the signal transmission remained unfettered. Additional information is available at Financial Planning Association. So combating oxidative stress, at least in the early stages seems to be a more promising ways of prevention and nutritional treatment of dementia.


the information that you wanted to deprive you of are a secret of fitness through proper nutrition! Gift from the microwave oven. An unprecedented attempt by science-suppression of electrical apparatus Association for household and trade Switzerland tried 1993-1994 in the years, manage to let a strictly scientific trials on harmful effects of microwave ovens and micro waves food by the World Court ruling. The researchers, Dr. Hansuli Hertel, was prohibited on Swiss Federal Court level, to publish its research results and publicly to say that micro waves food would cause cancer. Only through an appeal to the International Court of Justice for human rights in Strasbourg these attacks on freedom of expression and freedom of research were repelled. The Court was right in its judgment dated 25 August 1998 Dr. Hertel.

What should be suppressed here? The results of Dr. Hertel and Prof. Blanc in a strictly scientific and always reproducible research series showed the scientists during a two Month period (August-September 1989, University of Lausanne), that in eight voluntary subjects immediately after taking food heated in a microwave oven the blood count significantly for the worse changed. Single-dose irradiated food were these value changes mostly within the normal tolerance range, but had repeated intake of micro wave dishes get off clear statistical trends, which indicated clearly on onset of anemia and early cancer events. What does the microwave oven in the food? It does not matter whether one warms up “only” food in the microwave, heat coffee water or properly cooks the radiation poisoned all foods, with whom she comes in contact. The radiation denatured food, that is to say: she changed the natural structure of the cells. Such food has different effects in the body as food, that have their original cell structure.

Leucine Analysis

A micro-nutrient study shows exactly what nutrients are missing the immune system now is the time in which flu make life difficult many: windy, wet weather and overheated rooms encourage the emergence of colds, especially if the immune system is weakened. The initial symptoms include chills and scratchy throat later evolved then often a painful sore throat, a runny nose or a cough, often accompanied by headache, body aches and fever. The colds are among the most common infectious diseases at all. For even more opinions, read materials from Verizon. The viruses that cause the flu-like infections, transmitted by droplet infection. But not everyone who comes with the virus into contact, must be sick.

Perhaps it has already developed an immunity to this virus variant, or the viral dose is too low to trigger the corresponding symptoms. Also, a healthy immune system can protect against infections. To the immune system to strengthen, a good supply of all micronutrients relevant to the immune system is an indispensable requirement. The micro-nutrients include not only certain vitamins such as vitamin C, D or E, and trace elements such as zinc or selenium, but also a whole range of amino acids. The immune system is the organ system with a high cell and protein turnover. Therefore, a good supply of amino acids is essential for the immune competence.

Arginine is the parent compound for the formation of signal gas nitric oxide, which plays an essential role in the fight against pathogens. Cysteine is an important sulfur-containing amino acid, which regulates the Redoxstatus of immune cells. The amino acid cysteine is also needed for the Glutathionbildung. Glutamine is a main energy substrate of immune cells. Glutamine influenced various immune functions such as the formation of antibodies, the synthesis of neurotransmitters of the immune system, the proliferation of lymphocytes u.v.m. glycine has anti-inflammatory properties and is used for the formation required by so called Hamoproteinen. These proteins are essential for an adequate immune competence. The branched-chain amino acids Isoleucine, Leucine and Valine are important regulators of protein synthesis and can stimulate the formation of antibodies and messengers of the immune system. Lysine can be infections with herpes viruses from benefits. Threonine is indispensable for the intestinal immune system. Moreover have many features significant more amino acids for the immune competence. Always a detailed blood analysis is required for the implementation of an effective therapy with micro-nutrients. In particular amino acids should not be used without prior laboratory analysis, because an untargeted supplementation can cause an amino acid imbalance with the risk for corresponding metabolic disorders. The Diagnostic Center for mineral analysis and spectroscopy DCMS GmbH examines not only the amino acids in the blood, but also all micro-nutrients relevant to the immune system. Based on the laboratory analysis is a Findings report with an exact treatment recommendation. Diagnostic Center for mineral analysis GmbH more info under: Diagnostic Center for mineral analysis and spectroscopy DCMS GmbH lion stone Rt 9 97828 Marktheidenfeld Tel. 0049 / (0) 9394 / 9703-0 E-Mail:

Office Chair

How you choosing the right office chair and desk and set we sit today too much. Some people sit at work for eight hours, add is sitting in the car and in the evenings on the sofa. This man for the sitting position is actually made. Back disorders include the most common people suffering for this reason. There is therefore no real seats, there are just better and worse seating positions. Nevertheless you should do everything that stands in your way to optimally set up your workstation.

Movement a Council ensures compensation before it goes to the setting up of the workplace, first of all: sit in your spare time as little as possible and stand up regularly to work and move around. You can also calls for example, when one walks in through the Office. Use also the pauses for a brisk walk and exercise in your spare time, to compensate for the unhealthy attitude to the work. A strong back muscles is much better placed, the To withstand exposure to the seats. That’s why also physiotherapy exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back are useful if one performs a sedentary activity. Adjust the Office Chair at work of course need a good office chair, you can set variable if possible.

The backrest should be movable, so that the position will be changed automatically during work. May, a healthy sitting position is uncomfortable, at the beginning, because you must get it. Adjust the height of your desk chair and desk that your legs while sitting form a 90 angle. The feet are firmly on the ground. The desk height should be selected so that the arms when typing on the keyboard form a 90 angle. If you frequently suffer from neck strain, put your desk even slightly deeper. As you can see, an adjustable Office Chair and an adjustable desk are essential to the proper Position finding. Because the standard sizes don’t fit for everyone, the height must be adapted to the individual body size and stature. Must it necessarily be a more expensive Office Chair? This question must be answered with an unequivocal no. Although a good Desk Chair for 30 is available (except used) but for 100 you get chairs that are set optimally and have an ergonomic seat. Beware of expensive designer chairs, so-called executive chair look while chic, but often are not recommended from the orthopaedic point of view. You find an overview of the commercial office chairs and recommendations across the height-adjustable desks adjustable desks in offices and also at home actually should be standard. Non-adjustable desks have usually a standard height of 70-80 cm.

That is much too high for small women! A height-adjustable desk can be be individually adjusted. In community offices it may look but unusual, if the desks are different, but that should be the health of the employees value. Also a height-adjustable desk is no longer expensive, it costs only a minimal additional charge. At home you can build yourself the desk, it takes only one plate and low-cost, height-adjustable table legs, which gives it at any hardware store or IKEA.