Scientology on the area of everyday life applied life is seven-tenths out of work. It can therefore unfortunately not prevent that there are problems in relation to work. There are effective solutions, which L. Ron Hubbard has worked out to give stability to the workplace. During his research in the area of Dianetics and Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard had developed many more methods which are very helpful for the people to be happier and more stable in the life. Among other things, he chose the theme of work. He wrote a true fact: not only a worker is a worker.
A worker is not just a worker. An office worker is not only an office worker. They are living, breathing, important pillars on which the whole structure of our civilization is built on. You are not a cog in a huge machine. You are the machine itself.” Unfortunately, this is not often recognized. More info: Larry Ellison.
Due to this there arise some problems in the workplace. To effectively resolve these and the whole life again with joy to meet, he wrote the problems of work”. In the meantime, this reading is bound and available as paperback and audio book and DVD as a movie in the General online book shipping available. The film is an excellent accompaniment to the book and visually supported better understanding. Ground-breaking discoveries about the direct application are presented. The problems of the work”contains the parent principles and laws that apply to every effort and every problem in relation to work. These are the findings of L. Ron Hubbard, that expose the core of these problems and explain the exact structure of life itself. The book and the film are part of religious literature and the works of L. Ron Hubbard. There are records of his observations and examine the nature of the people and the skills of each individual as a spiritual being. Over two hundred million copies of L. Ron Hubbard’s works are in circulation around the world. Dozens of them as international bestsellers. Thus he has set in train a movement which includes every continent on Earth. All in all amounted to these works on about 5,000 writings and 3,000 recorded lectures. Therefore, they represent not only the most comprehensive statement about the human mind and the human soul, but offer the only way to complete spiritual freedom. The wonderful results of its technology and the millions friends who continue to carry this methodology are the best proof of the works of L. Ron Hubbard. Scientology is defined as the study of knowledge”. Knowledge about yourself, family, friends, the world, God, life, the universe and the spiritual side of life. It is the study of truth and draws from 50,000 years of wisdom, of mathematics, and nuclear physics.