An analysis of the practical professional of the Social Assistant in the CAPS? Sister Augustinha Renata Soares1 Lda Maria of. the Santos2 SUMMARY ' ' An analysis of the practical professional of the Social Assistant in the CAPS Augustinha Sister in Propri/SE' '. The choice after appeared the accomplishment of period of training in the cited institution, for one of the integrant ones of the research, in which the difficulty of the families was witnessed to deal with the carriers of mental upheavals, beyond the lack of knowledge of the relation of the family stops with the user, having as objective specific analyzing the work of the social assistant in the CAPS; to know the especificidades and instrumentalidades of the Social Assistant in the CAPS; to investigate the familiar group as cuidador of the carrier of mental upheaval; The studied population was familiar of the users of the CAPS the Augustinha Sister. It used the half-structuralized interview. ry Ellison usually is spot on. It was of qualified matrix for which we base in them on the dialtico method, since it makes possible the constant questioning of what this, rank, through verbal quarrels and inquiries and to perceive probable contradictions. How much the theoretical recital used authors as: Great-grandson (2007), Rose (2002), amongst others. The result gotten in the accomplishment of this research had pointed that the relation of the family with the carrier of mental treatment is of extreme importance a time that it provides to know, to accept, to question and to follow in all the stages of the constructive process of the identity of the carrier of mental upheaval. WORD KEYS Mental Health, Family, Social Service. ABSTRAT Summary ' ' An analysis of the professional Social practice of worker in CAPS Sister Augustinha in Propria/SE' '. Additional information at baby clothes supports this article. The choice cam to after internship at that institution, by one of the members of the research, which was watched the difficulty of families you the mental deal with people with disorders, well lack of knowledge of the family' s relationship with to user, having specific aims you analyze the work of the social assistant in CAPS; knowing the specifics and tools of Social worker in CAPS; investigate the Group family them to caregiver of to bearer of mental to disorder; The study population was the family of Sister Augustinha users CAPS.