Municipal Council

Background: The tilt of Breege Rugen is believes that she remain discriminate against as small company compared to the Reederei Hiddensee (white fleet), as was already in early April. She complain against the harbour fee Statute of the municipality of Hiddensee. Now will the Court put itself the Hiddenseer delaying tactics no longer and threatens with the involvement of the municipal authority. By the way – the spa tax statute was famously criticized and must be rectified, but Hiddensee still seem to be the motto of ex-mayor has left meltdown: wait and drink tea “.” “Beach chair rental: because the Municipal Council with the majority of the group citizens for Hiddensee decides” the March of the 1.anderungssatzung to the beach and swimming pool regulations. This was based with the need for a new regulation relating to complaints because of the wild landing by boat in the beach areas before Neuendorf and Vitte monastery; but apparently quite incidentally also the theme of the beach chair rental was affected by the new rules.

However two community representatives of the group citizens for Hiddensee had after State of affairs”in the vote apparently did not participate, because they were probably affected by the prohibition of participation according to the municipal Constitution. In this amendment Statute, which is now might formally annul, if they disregard the prohibition of participation of individual Member arose, is among other things, that the port and Spa business can annually decide on requests for the placement of beach chairs. But how should a beach chair rental get a security for his investment, if he does not know whether and where he should still set up his beach chairs next year? According to which criteria decides actually port and Spa operations on the allocation of pitches? And most importantly: who uses it? How technically bad in this amendment to the Constitution is made perfect is also reflected in the to the landing of water vehicles, for boats up to 5 HP that should be prohibited contradictory versions, although this would be contrary to the law of the land. Even if it were to be welcomed in principle, if the beaches of Hiddensee by motorized boat tourism were spared, so this cannot be through but by basically not lawful provisions of statute, as provided by the Statute in view at the same time again certain exemptions. In addition, the scope of the Statute is not clear, because it has fixed times only the North-South dimension. Again an island statutes, with a majority of the group citizens for Hiddensee “, decided the Court and municipal legal supervision may be have to deal with. “By the way some exhilarating has this amendment to the Constitution: the community demand now that the beach chair rental a friendly appearance” by statute! Apart from the fact that it is a business matter of course is that something in a statute has nothing to actually search for who should assess this friendly occurrence in case of doubt and check – perhaps the well-known boss of island information for charm and friendliness? (Editor: Kay Rahimullah mountain new Island newspaper Hiddensee –