LiveSein announces the launch of a collaboration solution for the easy teams. Griesheim, Germany – the LiveSein GmbH starts the launch of the eponymous product LiveSein at the 1.7.2011. It is an innovative employment and productivity platform. In the focus are on a platform networking teams and effective cooperation. It supported the objectives of the team, as well as the communication and the open exchange of ideas. The launch went ahead are intensive discussions with prospective customers and users.
Further experience gained already in the spring of 2011 in a non-public test of the product with selected customers and participants of the universities of Mannheim, Oslo and Lancaster Teleseminars. The results of the customer surveys show that there is a desire for an easy to use application, which cleverly integrates the most important tools for collaboration. The founding team has focused on these requirements. After several months of design and Development work was completed the online platform. Internal and external employees can collaborate in safe team rooms alike.
The team members can share documents of different formats. The documents page by page can be viewed and discussed together in the Web browser. This can result in a moderator through the document. Notes, change requests and tasks can be visibly recorded directly in the right place in the document for all. Other functions, such as E.g. the message exchange with other team members, are already integrated. More collaboration tools in the platform will be integrated in the next few weeks and months. Online meetings can be carried out as a video and telephone conference, meeting protocols, and the overview of all decisions, tasks and ideas are to name a few examples. LiveSein invites all interested users to a no-obligation test. The registration is possible under Until the 31.8.2011 LiveSein can without limits out be. All users of the current offers and the possible next steps will be informed at the end of the test phase. Michael Gauder is Managing Director of startups based in Griesheim near Darmstadt. Four people belong to the founding team. The founders have financed the company’s own resources. The business angel is part of the founding team Udo Schork. Since the summer of 2010, LiveSein will EXIST founder scholarship program”promoted.