Best prospects for Multichannelanbieter in the current market for leather goods and accessories the importance of leather goods and accessories in the market for fashion & accessories is continuously growing. Currently in 2011 this market estimated consultants and bbw marketing to about 3.4 billion euros to EPP by the experts of IFH retail. The pleasingly positive development of the market has a clear explanation: the change in meaning of accessories in connection with the purchase of fashion items is responsible. Handbags and scarves were formerly more means to an end, thus they have in recent years increasingly become key pieces”designed for the compilation of complete outfits. Differently than some years ago, today current trends in the field of shape and color or the season as in the foreground as in other fashion segments are when buying handbags and co.. The numbers are actually highly gratifying, nevertheless have benefited equally from the rise not all retailers. Especially profiled stores in good locations in larger cities have mostly very well cut off.
So the lion’s share of sales accounted for by the approximately 500 leather goods stores with annual sales of half a million euros. Nearly two-thirds of the market are distributed through retailers and department stores. This spread the market volume of high-priced products as well as the low-price segment. H & M and other chain stores show that leather goods and accessories in the price-value market can be successful. Some very good results were obtained with actions. In addition, the E-commerce in the field of leather products and accessories is growing rapidly.
Here, it is mainly the manufacturer, looking for the direct route to the customer in addition to the pure Internet stores. Not only this development is seen very critically by the Association experts. Also the rapid expansion of shopping clubs on the Internet, as well as by marketers of remnants of is a thorn in the side of the industry.