
Soon, the principles? with exception of the ones of equitable freedom and open positions to all? they are contingent and for times related with some natural expectation of wanting to subverter its condition. It is not possible, alone by means of the original position, to inhibit future aspirations of being able, still more when these principles do not take in account the position of the first-born of that they belong to institution and that they had formulated the principles accepted. Therefore the education would not be enough to keep them rijos in principles that would run away to its destoantes expectations of what it is established; the heirs would not be made use to accept the terms underlined for its ancestor not to be that: ' ' The obedience or subjection if becomes so habitual thing that the men, in its majority, never look for to investigate its origins or causes, (…). or then, if some time feels this curiosity, as soon as they are knowing that proper they and its ancestor have been citizens, since has some times or since immemorial times, the certain form of government or the certain family, immediately agrees, recognizing its obligation of fidelidade.' ' (HUME, p 200). In this manner, exactly having a receptividade of the future citizens in the justice perspective that if it originated from the original position, it would be improbable that the institution remains so static to the point of that these principles would be accumulated of stocks in any type of relation between the nations that would be for coming. The clauses of the contract would more tend not to become related with the ramifications that would sprout of same them, that is, the base of the institution would be the established principles, but the conditions would move total and the type of resultant society more would not obtain to only keep its functioning being based on the two principles.