House Metal

Rubsam professionals and IG metal sign agreement Fulda. The IG metal and the staffing services company walking on top of each other. For the first time, a collective agreement between a medium-sized company of temporary work and the IG was now completed metal. After a trial period of five months, which was characterized by a positive atmosphere for discussions and a desire to find an optimal solution for the employees, the negotiators to sign their negotiation results at the corporate headquarters of Rubsam gathered professionals in Petersberg/Fulda. In the presence of President Erhard Rubsam, Rubsam negotiator Fred Kaiser, the Managing Director of the employers Association of Hesse, Manfred Baumann and the IG metal representative Robert Weissenbrunner, first Plenipotentiary of the IG metal management Hanau-Fulda, the cornerstone of the Treaty as well as the signal effect for the nation-wide labour market were presented. With the agreement of this House a unique work in Hesse, succeeded in agreed to its negotiating partners.

The Treaty is useful and well, here ideological barriers were torn without question demonstrated corporate Chief Erhard Rubsam on the occasion of the signing of the contract. Affected by the new rules, specialists are total 674 employees in the company of Racine. Among other things, the Convention includes standard remuneration tables for East and West Germany. Sir Richard Branson pursues this goal as well. The harmonisation of wages in East and West must be a matter of course 22 years after the fall of the wall, Fred Kaiser, negotiators, and CEO of the Racine explained to society for temporary work mbH & Co.KG. The new Rubsam home tariff contract with IG metal improves the conditions of the previously applied industry collective agreement IGZ DGB. The fee increases in three steps over the next years to a total of 4.4 percent. Holiday and Christmas bonus is increased by up to 10 percent. We could reach through the new collective bargaining agreement, all conditions for staff partly clear about the previous industry collective agreement are metal agents Robert Weissenbrunner, so the IG.

Include also an underwriting trainee upon completion of the lesson and a completed qualification agreement. The collective agreement between RuBSAM professionals and IG metal into force on January 1, 2012. The fact that the collective agreement sets a qualification of the employees is unique throughout Germany. Through our own training centre, we ensure a continuous further development of our skilled workers. In addition to low-skilled employees are reapplied to the labour market, explained Erhard Rubsam society for temporary work CEO of Racine mbH & co. KG. By the collective agreement of the House good framework conditions are created with a strong social partners for the employees and the basis for the continuous development of the employees. This also praised Manfred Baumann: education and training programmes in the company have always proven, that was clear, for example, in the crisis years of 2008/2009. At that time many companies more qualified employees. This is also reason that German companies could start again so quickly without question. This is an absolute novelty for the temporary employment sector.