Global Network

Consider this sequence to a particular example. Assume need to make a semantic core for the site on 'Work on the Internet. " It is today a popular theme of the Global Network and exaggerate all and sundry, in fact issue sufficiently seriously and many are not on the teeth. This will be a simple example in the part of the construction semantic core and very complex in terms of reaching the top of the pyramid of the future in search engine results for the phrase 'work on the Internet. " Of course the chosen search term and high-frequency vysokokonkurenten and display it on website top challenge.

But our task is to show only the process of semantic core. So where to start? Must begin with an online service statistics searches. It suffices to use two, only it will be useful to register both to eliminate any restrictions. In windows I need to enter queries using the Internet and display the results to save as html pages or any other form. Well, then all simple enough. Building a pyramid in the upper part of which will be the main query, and its building blocks it needs to be created on the page, the site. For clarity, below the screenshots of the results by Yandex and Rambler.

On Based on these results (screenshots only for clarity, all results are a long list) can be several primary requests, such as: work at home online remote work on the Internet at work Internet without attachments can then click on these requests or 'What else is looking for people who searched for "work on the Internet"' Yandex and will see a list of secondary requests, click on the secondary can get a tertiary requests, etc. result is a list of requests with a certain weight or level of the pyramid under construction. At the top are one or more queries having the same primary blshoe impressions. Each primary request must meet several secondary with fewer hits, each secondary, tertiary , etc. This is the usual classical scheme of constructing the semantic core. Why Pyramid? Because in the database queries of the second and subsequent levels will create a page referential linked to other web pages created by requests a higher level. And this will ultimately improve the internal referential ranking site on the primary needs that ultimately facilitate the task of promoting a web site on these requests.