The second Spanish especificidade was a great concentration of wealth gotten through the metal exploration of the New World. Following in this context none another great State absolutist in the Europe Occidental person would come to have a so aristocratic character to the development bourgeois. However due to threat of the Habsburgo domination on the other European dynasties, these if had fortified for the defense against Spain, that is, the Spanish empire finished consequentemente fortifying the other European rival states. That is, the union enters the kingdoms of Castile and Arago gave origin to the birth of the Spanish state, detaching that the kingdom of Castile possua one strong lanfera economy, while the kingdom of Arago was a territorial and commercial power. It agrees to remember that this union according to author possua pparently strong a economic base.
Anderson presents during the text the economic characteristics and politics of Castile. Detaching that Castile was a kingdom in which a senhorial aristocracy predominated, these in turn possuam enormous territorial domnios and formed a powerful military order. Castile was also formed for a considerable number of cities, even so did not have still in this time a fixed capital, however these did not play an excellent economic role. For the author, during Average Age 2 3% of the population controlled about 97% of the ground. This implies to say, that more than a half belonged to one few families of noblemen. With this the author presents the Castilian economic profile, detaching that this producing age of cereals, having intensive practical a pastoral one, consequently the woollen production constituted the base of the richnesses of as many aristocratic houses, what stimulated the urban growth and the commerce with the foreign kingdoms. The kingdom of Arago was divided in three provinces: the province of Arago, that according to author possua the most repressive senhorial system of the Iberian peninsula, therefore, this province had structures feudal dominant.