Some time ago I came across somewhere the word 'compressor'. It seems that on hearing the word, but what exactly is it and why use them, suddenly appeared to me a secret. Read out information from books and various websites about compressors, I decided to share the information found with the distinguished readers. Let's start! Immediately should write that, the compressor – it is a device designed primarily for compression and transmission of compressed gas under pressure, and for a better understanding of the functions of compressors, I can say that the next 'brother' compressor – pump. The date of the invention of the first compressor is the end of the 19th century. Some patriotic notes begin to play when recognize that the basic theory of such machines have been formulated by the Russian scientists – Euler, Chaplygin, Zhukovsky. During the century that they exist, a large number of varieties of compressors and their klassifitsikatsii already have to use multiple categories.
For example, the classification of design features and operating principle: piston compressors, rotary, jet, axial, centrifugal. Also compressors and classifies the level of pressure created: low (0.3 – 1 MN/m2), medium (1 – 10 MN/m2), high (over 10 MN/m2) by the nature of the compressed gas (air compressors, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. .) and some other parameters. No little sense to describe the operating principle of each type of compressor – it is long and probably will not all interesting – more interesting to see where the compressor itself can be used. The first thing that comes to mind – the use of compressors in various industries.
Indeed, such a compressor function, as the possibility of air or other gas to drive pneumatic equipment, is very popular in any enterprise! But they are also used also for other purposes, such as in refrigeration (its feature is that they work with pairs of refrigerants and mainly screw compressors) for the blast in some metallurgical furnaces (for this use so-called rotary type compressor) in the blast and steel mills, and even in aircraft jet engines (they use the multi-axial compressors, increasing efficiency of air compression). What to say about their use in the oil industry sector, where the compressors borne responsibility for transporting natural gas and its injection into reservoirs and storage facilities, oil refining and so on. To assess the need for all compressors in modern industry, in my view, sufficient to give only one figure from the statistics – the modern enterprise engaged in mechanical engineering spend up to 30 %(!!) consumed power for the production of compressed air, ie About 30% of all consumed energy goes to the compressor! Worth mentioning, in fairness, that in addition to industrial applications, They are also used in the home – usually it's cheap and small compressors that would be nice to have in the garage and use for painting, podduvke, inflating tires and so on. Have it in the economy – the very practical and quite inexpensive, and also a good product requires virtually no maintenance compressors. More information about the musical occurs compressors, but they already have very little in common with those that are described above, and such compressors, as they say – is another story.