Still CAVALCANTI (2007) says: The intention of the strategical development is to generate expectations when indicating which circumstances will be created in long stated period and which will be considered favorable for generation of value of the organization. This approach can be defined as the creation of yield potential. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from baby clothes. To understand the concepts of yield potential, the process of a new enterprise can be considered where everything will be come back to an idea of activity or business, giving credit itself that it will generate value for a group of customers who will be, evidently, made use to pay a price therefore. The specific idea as this value can be servant, congregating a number of factors and abilities in a combination that was not thought previously. Thus, the success of the resulted enterprise of the combination of the following ideas: – to discover a new way to create value for the customers.
– to congregate a combination of abilities, which create this value. – to create a singularity in the previous characteristics, of form to assume itself of a part of the value to be created. With this one sees that the empreendedorismo thus possesss some characteristics that propitiate to the organization many positive points and contributing for the synergy of the organizacional growth. Consideraes Final the world contemporary makes use of many fast and necessary information. The market is agile and for in such a way the empreendedorismo it presents a new strategical thought for the demand in which we live currently. The importance of the new strategy if makes necessary since it presents alternative ways for the development and organizacional growth. The empreendedorismo assists the company as a new form of strategy of executive management to the company, resulting in differential for the product/service offered to the customer generating in turn value, innovation and fort positive impact to the marketing necessities demanded to the time contemporary.