Better Promotion Of Energy Efficiency

The Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) is the Development Bank of the German economy. The Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW) is the Development Bank of the German economy. Almost all major steering programs within the Federal Republic to run over their accounts. To March 16, 2012 has integrated their funding guidelines in the area of energy efficiency to the changing reality since the turn of the’ energy’. Essential for all applicants in the new programme “energy consulting SMEs” above all three changes are: firstly annually at least 5,000 must running net cost of each energy, to achieve the funding line. An avalanche of ‘Bagatellforderungen’ that no longer blocks the desks of clerks. Secondly, there is no upper limits for eligible consultants fees, what – exaggerated said – so far has introduced, that the ‘energy consultants’ was an idealist or a figure of the second labour market. Third are Consulting and billing period decoupled, leaving more time for submitting the documents. Generally, KfW has simplified many more details of the procedure and purifies. Who wants to go to the German medium-sized businesses to more energy efficiency, Green IT and sustainability in his company, for the hurdle of the bureaucracy established now much lower. You just ask us: kontakt.html more info find on: kfw/de/Inlandsfoerderung/Foerderberater/Energieeffizienz_und_Umweltschutz_im_Unternehmen/Energieeffizienz_im_Unternehmen/Energieeffizienzberatung/index.jsp