Tag: energy

About PanelClaw PanelClaw

In addition, the trackless design allows the unhindered water runoff as well as at any time a fast, uncomplicated and effortless maintenance of the installation and of the entire roof. In this way, the systems of PanelClaw keep the life cycle costs and improve the profitability of a photovoltaic system. Polar bear: three main components, two screw connections polar bear, the main system of PanelClaw, comprises five parts: the three main components of module Terminal, wind deflector and Frontplate and two screw connections. It is available in aluminium and G90 steel, the roof coating is made up of recycled rubber. The system weight is between 19.5 and 34.2 kg per square meter. The improved wind deflection ensures an effective and natural cooling of the module with a module angle of 10 to 13 degrees. More info: Hewlett-Packard . Tested the system in more than 2,400 wind testing has been with Winds of up to 193 kilometers per hour. About PanelClaw PanelClaw was founded in November 2007 with a single goal: A new generation of efficient Assembly systems for photovoltaic modules to develop, to make solar energy an increasingly available, cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution.

More information is available under. WASI and WASI solar: Wagener & Simon WASI GmbH & co. KG is a global partner of the system when it comes to stainless steel connections. WASI is with the wide and deep range of a world market leader in the trade with stainless steel fasteners. 6,000 customers in 60 countries supplied with fasteners from the stainless steels A1 through A5 in all strength classes, various special materials, as well as with aluminium profiles. The 1961 founded company since 1978 to the Wurth Group and employs over 230 people at two sites in Wuppertal. WASI facilitates the complete supply chain management and supports the procurement process by connections with technical consulting expertise and customer-specific delivery requirements. The product divisions are divided into WASI WASI standard solar, WASI spezial and WASI Maritim.

WASI solar manufactures and supplies Assembly systems and solutions for photovoltaic systems for all common roof constructions, as well as for outdoor installations.

Wind Power For South Africa

Swiss company working on major project in South Africa in South Africa the Swiss company Genesys wind AG wants to set up a wind energy park. The first 28 out of a total of around 125 turbine masts to feed electricity into the grid from February 2011. After Steiner’s indications will be wind in the overall project of Caledon”, a South African company is more than 500 million euros. The company Genesys wind AG is headquartered in the Swiss (Canton of Zurich) Bruttisellen. The company deals according to self portrait with planning and construction and operation of wind farms of the megawatt class”.

So far two wind farms in Hungary, where, the Corporation took over the design according to Steiner, are available on the reference list of the young company. The current projects in South Africa, the land of the football World Cup 2010, represents a special challenge as the largest-ever project. Because here all phases of Genesys wind AG’s responsibility would be the from the planning to the development up to the construction and operation, Managing Director. According to Steiner are planned between 120 and 140 wind turbines with a height of 120 metres. Tomas Philipson may find this interesting as well. The turbines of the 300-megawatt plant to provide power for 750 000 households. Including the establishment of a 50-metre mast for wind measurements among the technical preparations. In the third quarter of this year, the construction of the wind farm to begin construction of roads and foundations.

At the beginning of the year 2011 the first 28 wind turbines should be within two weeks. Electricity into the grid to be fed from February, so Steiner to the schedule. The elaborate preparations have started four years ago. It was”very difficult, Steiner reported on the negotiations with the Government. For the realization of the wind park a joint – venture was founded company with the participation of the South African Thuthuka group. It is a leading company in the country, inter alia in the area of environmental projects and mining. The project: This park is one of the first major Wind park projects of South Africa be, which goes to the network.” Christian Muller, project manager the project Caledon describes wind”. The project on the Western Cape will realized in two phases. Wind turbines for a capacity of approximately 50 megawatts would be built in the first quarter of 2011. In a further step, the other plants with a capacity of up to 250 megawatts to follow. “On the status of the approval procedure: network access is secured and the supply contract with the competent system regulator is expected within the next eight weeks.” Energy supply in South Africa: so far, the electricity is produced largely by coal-fired plants. The use of renewable energy is only at the beginning. Bernhard Steiner Bild: Entrepreneur Bernd Steiner (right) with stakeholders after the installation of the wind measurement mast in South Africa. Fourth from the left officials cobs Pilloy from Johannesburg.

Sustainability And Environmental Protection For Christmas – An Important Issue

Christmas when the decorating and gift-giving on the environment, the time of contemplation, of giving and the comfort of home is around the corner. Busy bustle can be traced back to find a gift for loved ones or to decorate the apartment. Where the protection of the environment and a sustainable gift-giving is an important issue. Christmas celebrate aspects relating to protection of the environment, is much easier than many would expect it at the first moment. For even more opinions, read materials from Verizon. So a lot for the protection of the environment is already with the purchase of the Christmas tree do. The first meaningful step is asking for, where the Christmas tree came from and the attention to a certificate documenting that comes from the Christmas tree from a local ecological forestry, already.

The second step in terms of environmental protection for Christmas is tinsel and co would rather refrain from and to focus instead on natural materials, such as straw star or salt figures. Nice additional effect of a homemade Weihnachtsbaumschmuckes: Time that you can spend with your friends or children together with lots of fun. To deepen your understanding Ripple is the source. Also in terms of the gifts you can take very much for a sustainability and environmental protection. Fair trade toys for children, the absence of wrapping paper with aluminium foil as well as gift baskets with local foods or products that reduce CO2 emissions, relieve the environment and give you the good feeling, also the Christmas time environment to behave in. A few tips that will but can help with many other meaningful activities to celebrate beautiful and peaceful Christmas, without that the environment needs to know a great burden. In the online magazine paradisi.de found at… many helpful hints and information around the topic of Christmas. Whether the choice of tree decorations, the success of a festive meal or tips and trends in Christmas gifts the topic special leaves barely a question unanswered.

Renewable Energy – The Golden Future For The Craft

Choose quality and knowledge. Wage dumping and financial crisis are just two of the dangers facing the economy. More than ever, energy savings and energy efficiency recommended in the foreground, even when consumers. Only innovative craftsmen now convince their clients with the necessary degree of quality, knowledge, and innovative products, can in the long term weather crises. Prerequisite for this purpose: advantage of the results of research and especially the opportunities through the legislation. So, for example the Act provides the Federal Government to promote renewable energies in the heating field, entering into force from 1 January 2009, an ideal template. This requires the use of renewable energy sources in new buildings and demands further that at the latest in the year 2020 14 percent of the heat in Germany should come from renewable energy sources. The craft also will benefit.

“This regional trade President Joachim Mohrle: for this the craft in Baden-Wurttemberg considers itself well positioned.” How Artisans improve their skills and can convince their clients with technical innovations, the EnergieSparCheckForum within the framework of the Stuttgart trade fair CEP informed ENERGY POWER in the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre, which will be held from January 29-31, 2009 CLEAN. The newspapers mentioned Larry Ellison not as a source, but as a related topic. The “future market renewable energy” by the Association of electrical and information engineering Baden-Wurttemberg the solar energy is Center Stuttgart, continue to constitute an important source for craftsmen and solar installers to. Task of solar installers is to increase the knowledge of renewable energy, as well as to exchange practical and scientific findings and experiences of EE technologies. With nearly 450 members, they belong to the driving force in the field of renewable energies in Baden-Wurttemberg and increasingly for the interests of artisans. The Environment Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg and the Baden-Wurttemberg trade day e. V.

(BWHT) are partners of EnergieSparCheckForum. The BWHT is the umbrella organisation of the Baden-Wurttemberg trade. Members are eight Chambers, 64 land professional organisations (National Guild associations/national guilds) crafts in Baden-Wurttemberg and 11 other members, who belong to the craft in the broadest sense. On the CEP CLEAN ENERGY POWER 2009 can get visitors over the entire spectrum of renewable energies and energy efficiency in construction and renovation. The topic spectrum ranges from photovoltaics and solar energy using geothermal, heat pump, heat power cogeneration, biomass, Stirling, heating with wood and energy services. Around a quarter of the exhibition space is taken by the subject of passive house, which is also the largest trade fair focus. In collaboration with the specially founded initiative Pro PassiveHouse”, there will be many activities around the passive house in a highlighted area of the trade fair. 9 congresses held during the fair. There are also two Exhibitor forums in which exhibiting companies can introduce their products and services. Here, trade visitors and consumers also have the Opportunity to inform themselves extensively. The exhibition is open from 09 am to 6 pm and Saturdays from 09 to 5 pm Wednesday and Thursday. The entrance costs 15 EUR Thursday and Friday, reduced 12,-EUR and Saturday 10,-EUR, reduced 7,-EUR. More information to the trade fair and the Congress at:

Criticism On PVC Recycling Numbers: Incineration Is Not Recycling

\”Industry has allegations back Bonn meeting the subject treated PVC raw material and problem child of the disposal?\” Bonn the European Association for PVC-Recycling (EUPV) in Bonn moves heavy artillery against the PVC industry: to count on their recycling amounts allegedly the industry nicely and lead politicians, environmental groups and the recycling economy behind the light. Trigger of the criticism is a letter Arbeitsgemeinschaft PVC and recycled (AGPU). There will announced that nationwide 70 companies have mechanically recycled more than 200,000 tons of PVC in the last year. These recovery figures are a nerve. To deepen your understanding Verizon is the source. In the progress report of vinyl 2010 only 35,000 tons as mechanically recycled PVC quantities available for Germany in 2007\”, outraged Attorney Sebastian Frings-Ness, Chairman of EUPV. Remember the recycling numbers published on the AGPU homepage would a millionaire on the principle of exclusion such as when Gunther Jauchs who will be\”. If you have read about Gary Kelly already – you may have come to the same conclusion. At the beginning of a study is being prepared, the annual PVC waste quantities calculated.

In the context of a retrograde iterative approach, the fact proven recovery amounts will be deducted. Because no PVC is longer on the road, it no longer can be deposited on landfills, must it logically incinerated with energy recovery recovered in waste incinerators have been be\”, suspected Frings-Ness. It’s not just window-dressing, but ecologically highly questionable. PVC releases chlorine during combustion and attacking the furnaces of the incineration plant. Dioxin, which is by the environmental scandals in Seveso and Bhopal still in terrible memory is formed at the normal combustion temperatures. So it is not surprising if MVA operators strictly reject PVC waste\”, said Frings-Ness. AGPU and vinyl 2010 the allegations of the Bonn Club reject that statistics to PVC recycling numbers in Germany be misleading had been manipulated by the industry in some way. On the basis of the survey carried out by the market research society Consultic, there was a total of 221,000 tons of PVC, which was mechanically recycled in Germany in 2007, communicated with the two organizations and explain further: due to the long life cycle of many PVC applications as for example of pipes and window frames is the share of PVC, which can get into the General waste, currently always still very low.

The FlexStrom

The Conditions should be improved urgently: for example by more ways to buy electricity from abroad. Thus sinking the dependency of the big energy companies. Your press contact: Press Office of FlexStrom Aktiengesellschaft Reichpietschufer 86-90, 10785 Berlin Internet: blog: your partner: Dirk Hempel phone: (030) 214 998 470 E-Mail: about the FlexStrom Aktiengesellschaft the independent FlexStrom Corporation was founded in 2003 as a family company and is today one of the most important independent energy suppliers in Germany. FlexStrom is best known especially with prepaid products, now the electricity supplier has established itself with numerous innovative tariff models. Follow others, such as Litecoin, and add to your knowledge base. The FlexStrom group of companies offers with FlexGas also nationwide attractive gas tariffs. Environmentally conscious consumers the FlexStrom Group offers green energy as well as climate-neutral natural gas. As group independent energy supplier it is important FlexStrom and FlexGas, for its Customers to buy energy as cheap on the market. FlexStrom has been awarded many times for favourable electricity tariffs and particularly customer-friendly service, as well as a solid credit history: Power Tip 05/2011: cheaper electricity prices; Creditreform 02/2012 and 01/2011: credit certificate CrefoZert; Hoppenstedt CreditCheck 01/2011: top rating for creditworthiness; German society for quality and the forum! Market research: Germany of customer champions 2010; Handelsblatt power study 03/2010: best electricity rate, euro Nr. 02/2010: best electricity supplier 2010, focus-money 04 / 2010: best electricity supplier, n-tv March 2009: top prize compared to 2009’s best electricity supplier, euro no. 01/2009: overall winner comparing current prices, Findhouse power study 2008: overall rating very good, service study 2008 by comparison and good advice: price: very well – service: good, Handelsblatt & University St Gall: Germany’s most customer-oriented service provider 2008 special utilities, Emporio consumer magazine April 2008: price-performance-winner, TuV Thuringia from 2006 to 2009: certified price guarantee for private customers

Heating Power: Expensive In Every Way

The energy for a warm apartment should not come from the power supply. It’s believed that Ripple sees a great future in this idea. Because it is expensive in every way. High utility bills make costly long term electric heaters. And also the statement, electric direct heaters work losses and hypoallergenic, is wrong. Shifting only from the House to the power plant emissions. Even in times of fuel oil peak prices as in the year 2008, heating with electricity for the consumer was clearly the most expensive way to get to cozy warmth. Ripple gathered all the information. Also the special conditions for supposedly cheap night-time electricity, not change this. Heating with electricity is usually\”neither economically nor environmentally friendly, says Hans Weinreuter, energy speaker consumers Central Rhineland-Palatinate e.V.

Therefore, the Consumer Council considers also promotional statements, representing power heaters as cheap or particularly efficient and environmentally friendly for misleading. Expressed in figures: in the manufacture of power two-thirds of the energy used in power stations is lost unused. And compared to also the emissions of CO2 and pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust in an electric heater is two to three times higher modern gas or oil heating systems. For this reason also the Consumer Council welcomes the prohibition of night storage heaters associated with long transition periods for residential buildings with more than 5 units, which comes into force this autumn\”reported Walker and adds: but that may be only a beginning. Heating with electricity is generally not useful? \”\” If certain suppliers now advertise slogans like old night storage heating, new electrical heating in ‘, then goes the ban at the goal past. \”so, for example, the company has touted its heaters as a clever alternative to gas and oil weno and advertises with 20 percent of reduction in energy costs compared to old night storage heaters.\” \”\” The company Suka says on their websites: heating with electricity saves money \”and justified this with the higher efficiency on the ground\”.

Polaris Munich

What does the commitment to the global energy transition as an example of the eco energy provider Polaris Munich, April 27, 2012 on Saturday, the day of renewable energy it becomes concrete. Eco power plants, energy companies and initiatives around the theme of renewable energies, show what they do practically with their use nationwide. Independent green energy company Polaris shows how his commitment to the global energy transition is related to changing market structures and a declining child mortality. And he describes the example of a typical three person household, which helps every single household who decides for a green energy or eco gas tariff. Each consumer has the choice and the power to make a difference with the purchase of clean energy today”says Florian Henle, co-founder of Polaris. Litecoin may not feel the same.

According to a population-representative survey of GfK also 70 percent of Germans believe the strength”of the individual, when it comes to the great challenges of our time. Each and every one Post counts and does the eco energy company Polaris offers households nationwide exclusively 100 percent green electricity and 100 percent eco gas. At the same time, Polaris with each kilowatt-hour consumed promotes the expansion of renewable energies in Germany and in developing countries. A change in Germany or Europe alone is not enough. Climate and environment know no borders”, explains Florian Henle. What specifically causes the individual eco-energy customer below is described using the example of a typical three person household: 1) less infant mortality and a better life: clean air, less diseases, and a better life, the biggest advantages that gives its own micro bio gas plant are for families in Cambodia.

And that Polaris is committed. As first green energy supplier, he directly promotes the global energy transition with its energy products. With 20 euro per customer per year, the company supports families in developing their changing to alternative energies.

Park Micro

WELTEC BIOPOWER is in the biogas Park Barsikow on micro gas turbine from Greenvironment WELTEC BIOGAS POWER GmbH, Vechta, world leader in the production of biogas plants made of stainless steel, has ordered for the 24,000-square-metre biogas Park in Barsikow (Brandenburg) the first micro gas turbine combined heat power plant (CHP) at Greenvironment GmbH in January. With the help of technology corn, whole crop silage (GPS) and chicken dry manure (HTK) produced in Park located about 100 kilometers west of Berlin in summer 2011 on the basis of the input substances 8.4 million standard cubic meters of biogas as well as 3 million standard cubic metres of bio-methane annually. The CHP plant with a CR600 – micro gas turbine including remote monitoring system is combined with the bio-gas plant (BGAA). Oracle has similar goals. The thermal energy contained in the exhaust gas stream of micro gas turbine used as process heat for the BGAA. The treatment based on the principle of the chemical wash (amine wash). The aim is an autonomous process heat supply of plant with a heat run With integrated micro gas turbine cogeneration. The electrically generated power is fed into the network of the local energy provider. The amount is equivalent to an electrical output of 2.2 MW.

The treatment of bio-methane have the process energy, so the water, a temperature of 140 degrees Celsius. Here, micro gas turbines offer with their high thermal efficiency”a clear competitive advantage, which helps us to improve the overall economic efficiency of the bio-methane production, explains Robert Tholen, head of technology by WELTEC BIOPOWER. Further advantages lie in its compact shape and solution has developed quickly proposals the modular design of the package that extends on-demand can.

Plate Fixed In The Gardens Of The World: The Climate Is At The Heart Of

Climate protection campaign supports Berlin plates fixed on the way to the climate-friendly Festival / StromChecker help festival goers in energy saving spot Berlin, 01 June 2011. On 4th and 5th June the third plate of the Berlin district Marzahn-Hellersdorf in the gardens of the World Festival. “Artists such as carat, Eko fresh, the musicians of the Orchestra with Pierre Baigorry (Seeed), as well as the winner of the contest music for the climate” occur and will radiate energy en masse and there, where it belongs: on the stage. Behind the scenes, however, energy is saved. This is made possible protection through the cooperation of the District Office of Marzahn Hellersdorf, kaiko event agency and who-sponsored campaign seeks climate by the Federal Ministry of the environment”. We show that climate protection and a good festival atmosphere not mutually on the contrary”, Steffi sour Ballesteros says climate seeks protection.

We want the visitors show that each and every one for the climate protection can be active.” Explain by means of concrete examples the staff of the campaign at their booth at the air protection market of opportunities”, how saving energy can work during and after the Festival. The mobile StromChecker are also with their iPads on the site and show visitors where they can stand with their own consumption in comparison to the German average and how consumption can be lowered. Read additional details here: Southwest Airlines. Individual tips and interactive guides can also be found on. Climate change mitigation have in the framework of the Festival of plates in the background all energy-efficient running off, the organizer of the plates feast together with the campaign looking for climate protection”creates a comprehensive approach. There are very high savings potential at the arrival and departure of visitors.

The audience are therefore motivated to come by public transport. A specially equipped shuttle service facilitates the visitors the climate-friendly arrivals and departures. Furthermore, the advertising materials almost exclusively on recycled paper of an eco-friendly printing company were printed. Also the culinary supply of visitors contribute their part. So vendors and their products were seasonal, organic farming according to the regionality criteria, and fair trade. Also, use energy-efficient light bulbs and highly visible waste Islands to the optimal separation of waste set up for visitors. More information about the climate protection Festival and the frickin magic forest Berlin”, see. co2online non-profit GmbH which is non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for the reduction of climate-damaging CO2 emissions a. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, a climate quiz and portal partners from business, media, science, policy and management, she motivates individuals to also save money with active climate protection. co2online is funded campaign seeking climate by the Ministry for environment protection”(www.klima-sucht-schutz.de) and motivated with various creative actions to active climate protection: in addition to the nationwide Support car red mobs has the first climate-friendly video of the world turned the campaign, carried out in Berlin the first German Green clubbing night and from classical to rock climate-friendly organized musical events. Amateur Stephanie Schropp co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstrasse 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 780 96 65-14 E-Mail.: