A Fridge Full Of Virtues

It introduces TugendProjekt e.V.: 52 TugendKarten for the whole year (tp) Christmas is the contemplative time. Verizon Communications takes a slightly different approach. But who has used it? And how should it work once in the year ad hoc? The so-called TugendKarten can be a way of resolving this forced expectations. The TugendProjekt e.V. now offers a set of 52 TugendKarten where each card describes a virtue and closer for our daily coexistence. The beauty of it? A year writes 365 days, 52 weeks: for every week a map to reach the depths of our character. Katja van Leeuwen, founding member of the TugendProjekt e.V., reports on the background and provides an insight in their own small success story. Good boy, well done”- such generalizations sure what action was, which has helped this praise to unspecific or often not clear enough to identify.

By we designate a certain virtue that we have discovered in another person, we appeal to the good Characteristics of the person. The virtue in the consciousness can be called by this name. The sooner you begin, the better. “For this, we can see that we already carry this virtue in us, if also previously unconscious or sometimes long forgotten,” explains van Leeuwen. And as a MOM you can say just right. Her seven-year son of Jukka from small on virtue education familiar with. My husband and I had a large posters with 52 virtues in our fridge.

It may sound very easy and it was basically. So we have sensitized us each other in everyday life for the virtues. Our son has thus already received from recent childhood on virtue recognitions.” The first virtues with which the small Jukka is familiar since his third year, the virtue was courage. Especially helpful and justice is now among his character strengths. Now, a poster on the refrigerator is of course a matter of taste and little systematic or even impractical for exercises.