Thailand Travel

Where and when to plan a trip it is the question of the million when beginning year. January is the most propitious month to visit the Patagonia. The days are long and the temperatures go up to around the 18 degrees of average. Both circumstances cause an pleasant visit to the Brown Skillful Glacier, one of fresh water the greater reserves of the world. Who listens the loosening of its ice layers remains enchanted. And it returns. You like the disguises, neither chirigotas gaditanas, nor the masks of Venice, nor the Brazilian batucadas ones, far from it to celebrate San Valentin, then escpate in February to Thailand.

It changes the European winter by the exuberance of the tropical climate. It parks the boots and the shelter and ponte chanclas. Sumrgete in the floating markets of Bangkok or surrounds the coast by Pukhet, the well-known island like the Rep it of the South. March is plagued of festivales of welcome to the spring, from the Faults of Valencia that last one week, to the Holi or festival of the colors in the India that lasts four days. In both cases one is to take the street. They are multitudinal appointments full of joy. You do not forget to in time take site in the place of the City council of Valencia to enjoy masclets, nor forget vestirte target and to go with abierta mentality to India, because the main thing of the Holi is to smear itself with extracted colors of ayurvdicas plants and to drink thandai, a drink that contains cannabis sativa. Perhaps you have thought about accompanying to the Spanish selection South Africa.

It is the first time that is celebrated a world-wide one in Africa and the occasion deserves. Nevertheless the best time to know Cape Town is April. Almost there are no tourists, everything is cheaper and it is not warm.