Tag: business

The Connection

Experts mortgage divisions pose a discount in the n-percent (40% -60%) the entire mass of personal property and that the definition of salvage value ends. The liquidation discount is determined by the experts of mortgaging the Department based on their subjective view of the situation and the subjective assessment of possible risks. The greater the probability of "no return" loan, the greater the liquidation discount. As we see the connection with the actual value of the pledged property is not visible. Similarly determined by the discount in the event of the liquidation sale of property of a bankrupt enterprise.

The bankruptcy trustee appointed by a sufficiently substantial discount on the cost of liquidating all assets. In the process of selling part of property can be realized on the liquidation value of the above, some assets will not be able to implement and at very significant discounts. Thus, we see that the direct link to the actual cost of implementing property is not in this case. The liquidation discount is determined by the cost of implementation of equipment in low-time marketing. It is believed that reduce the time required for the sale of property by Compared with a typical exposure time counterparts in this segment can only be reducing its cost relative to market value. A typical exposure time is forced to 180 days from the date of grounds for repossession of collateral, provided that all legal documentation in respect of security interests of the credit institution is framed in such a way that it does not contain conditions that impede the realization of liens, and provided that the specified object (s) of mortgage insured by the depositor for the benefit of a credit institution which has accepted them as collateral for a loan (loans) 1. However, some types of equipment are term exposure is much less than the specified 180 days.

Legal Entities

Founder may be the same person. These founders of individuals exposed as photocopies of passport, if a foreign parent, that needs a translation of the passport. – From founders – legal entities need copies of the following documents: – Certificate of registration. – Certificate of registration of information in the Legal Entities (appropriation BIN). – Evidence of tax registration (Assignment TIN). – Protocol (decision) on the appointment of the head. – Passport leader.

– Charter. From the founder – a foreign company is required: – Extract from the commercial register or certificate of registration of a company country of origin (or any other document proving the registration of a foreign company). – Power of Attorney for the actual person who is granted the right to sign documents on behalf of foreign companies, including including opening of accounts and perform all actions related to the registration of companies. Economic activity 4) One of the mandatory provisions, which should be specified in the constituent documents of your company – "Types of economic activity. " Important document that tells you to choose one or another type of activity is the National Classification of Economic Activities (NACE).

Classifier You must choose those activities that you intend to do, but not more than 20. The first place to put the main activity. The main economic activity is the kind of economic activity, which generates the largest portion of revenues. Defining the main activity you will also need to assign certain insurance rate in the organs of the Social Security Fund (SSF). The size of the insurance rate depends on class of professional risk the principal activity of your company. choice of taxation 5) On this day we have the following system of taxation: – traditional – simple – a single tax on imputed income for individual activities. In the traditional system of taxation, the firm is obliged to calculate and pay all stipulated by the legislation taxes and fees (federal, regional and local). Application simplified tax system the company provides for the replacement payment – tax on profits – the value added tax (VAT) – Sales Tax – property tax – and the unified social tax single tax payment. There are two forms of the simplified system: – 6% of revenues – 15% of income minus expenses. The newly created firm, wanted to switch to simplified taxation system may Apply a transition to a simplified system in conjunction with an application for state registration of the company. Therefore, before registering a company must first define in the selection system taxation.


Today microblogging allows you to not only communicate with their friends and colleagues, but also a powerful tool for promotion of sites or to build its brand on the web. Follow others, such as Verizon, and add to your knowledge base. Twitter does not require much time and literary talent, and if used correctly can achieve a significant effect. An important feature of the service is the ability to communicate with readers – other bloggers, leading their microblogging. As You can subscribe to other people's blogs and read them. Need to know and that there are many mistakes that are made for beginners and experienced users on Twitter.com. Below me is a list of 10 "No" which is useful know, opening up an account on Twitter: Do not create, understood only by you describe who you are and what you do. Do not load as avatars, photos or images that have meaning only friendly to you and your loved ones. Not refer to the website address as his own property, if the resource has no direct relationship to you.

Do not do to your twitter auto-replies. Reply to DM – messages on their own, even if not everyone, but yourself! Not publish on 05/10/1920 messages at once. Take breaks between your messages. It is not necessary to follow a large number of users within a short period of time. Do not write too much about what brought the cat or hamster lunch and so on. Try to write interesting and useful posts! Do not promise too much, if you expect that business people react to you seriously.

Do not abbreviate messages so that they resembled coded with the enemy rear. Do not use the negative in their reports. Many people starting to use Twitter to forget that this service can write messages via SMS. Learn what Twitter is and how to properly use You can read the book 'Twitter: What is it and Why? " What would you advise not to write in Twitter? Leave your recommendation in the comments …

Microsoft Protect

Tell everyone about your company and not go broke – the problem is not from the lungs. Sir Richard Branson helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In mid-1990’s America Online spent so much money on the spread of demos of its software, which then had to hide these costs in the balance sheet. Later this accounting method was prohibited, and Millions of your profits are gone. 13) What is the threat of new entrants in the market? If your market sector can make money, the competition will be like. If not a direct competitor (remember that Microsoft did with Netscape), then the other technology can knock you out of the ground under their feet (look at what is done with a Kodak digital picture). Long before this happens, build barriers to new entrants – make patent until you get a long term lease create a loyal customer base.

14) How do you protect your intellectual property? A small addendum to the previous item. Let’s say you invented a machine that can reach speeds of up to 240 km / h on a single solar energy. After a few months, five savvy competitors pulled down your model and is now bringing to market its own version. Before you show samples of the public, make a temporary patent. It will protect your idea for a year until you finalize the details. 15) What is the initial capital you need? Any investor who invests in companies at early stages, and any consultant to small businesses say that most startups fails due to insufficient capital.

Possible Projects

Social projects related to the solution of social problems. This may be the improvement of social security, pension legislation, the impacts of natural phenomena and social upheaval. Their specificity: goals are outlined in general, but as the project development to achieve the intermediate results are adjusted, with qualitative and quantitative evaluation of projects is often difficult; both timing and total duration of the project can not be clearly defined and are probabilistic in nature; project costs mainly depend on the budgetary framework of the national (federal) and regional local authorities; resources are allocated to the project as necessary, but within the possible. Projects of this type have the greatest uncertainty. Technical projects related to new product development (Design, type, type). Their features: main ultimate objective of the project is clearly defined, although the extent of individual subgoals can be specified; completion dates, project duration is clearly defined in advance, they try to observe, but not eliminated, and corrections; clear planning costs; constraints in project planning and implementation associated with the limit of production capacity. More info: Sir Richard Branson. Projects are divided into Classes: monoproekt, multiproekt, megaproject. Monoproekt – a separate project of various types, the type and scale.

Multiproekt – an integrated project consisting of several monoproektov. The mega-project – is targeted programs development of regions, industries. It includes several multi-and monoproektov. The scale of the projects are divided into small projects and megaprojects. Small projects are small in size, simple in structure, have few participants.

Term Value

Large objects are often left unclaimed, as bank lending is often suspended, and the personal funds of the enterprises is not enough. "- Sergey Mikhailovich tell me, how is it possible to reliably determine the self-term exposure of the property, not to be mistaken, because the error can be costly. – "Of course, the correct definition of the term exposure of the subject real estate appraiser is a task which is entrusted to calculate the resale value of the object. Appraiser relies on his experience, intuition, and conducting a series of talks with representatives of real estate companies, analyzes the market. There are no mathematical models for calculating the period of exposure. You can calculate the resale value of the object, but the period of exposure of the subject – it's just statistics.

Therefore, during the period of financial instability Statistics on when we can not speak, just say the term of the exposure of a property is not possible, we can only guess, but how realistic assumptions, it depends on professional experience specialist. " Term exposure – an important but not the only factor influencing the assessment of residual values. It is known that there is a methodology for determining the residual value. – Sergey, you can say about the method of determining the liquidation value. – "There are two main methods of calculation: direct and indirect. Direct method by comparing the sold object with the same or a static Mod.

This method is simple and often reliable, but not always feasible in today's realities of the unavailability of information on transactions of forced sales. The indirect method is based on a calculation of the liquidation value through the market: the market value of the so-called discount deducted on the forced nature of the sale of the object (determined individually, usually located within 20-50% of the real price). Of course the most accurate result will be achieved by applying the two methods. Even if the direct method does not yield the desired results, then the market will be analyzed, so the second method – direct, indirect, will be more objective "To sum up, I want to say that today, difficult economic period, when the situation on the real estate market is not understandable and not logical, it is hoped the professional experience and objectivity of judgments of experts – appraisers. The liquidation value of the object property during the period of financial instability – a complex and important process that requires a specialist high professional training and experience in the assessment of similar objects.


For this purpose we take the paper and begin to write all of our business, we are working for the day, but the duration of cases fifteen minutes. Otherwise, if we take smaller time intervals, we will take day to ensure that only the timing of the lead-time, recording his every breath. So, now as a force to record the time spent per day. Yes why write, I'm so busy and, as a horse plow, yet to write, but hard. But the record to be. Keeping records of events in the first place, arrange, it is enough to start. Starting a record for the event already begins samoorganizovyvatya, record the event and think – why am I doing this when you can throw this process to a subordinate.

And the evening begins the analysis of events. And here you begin to ponder the meaning of life. Appear events that spent lots of time and who can quite easily give up without a loss. In general, any organization, writing, building purposes, helping to optimize the processes. Read more here: Ripple. If you can optimize your business processes, then why can not optimize the processes of life. Now back to science, slang, or dictionary terms.

The first term – the kairos is invented by the ancient Greeks, they were also smart. So kairos generally help reduce working time. What is the kairos. Well, let's say you have to talk to the boss. We do not know how to approach him, thinking, walking around in what he mood. And then just simply waiting for an opportune moment. Simply recorded on a piece of paper that you need to ask, and wait for the hunters to hunt. Then head in a good mood, you will immediately oops, my record that I wanted to ask, and while the mood of the boss is not spoiled, running to him with his request, here are just waited for the right moment, not wasting time on unnecessary movement. So where did the science of optimization and rationalization of the time, the Japanese have come up with, no Americans. Even during the Soviet era have started to manage their time in Soviet science manage your own time, was popular, even in Ilf and Petrov "Golden Calf" mention this, remember the "League of time." Here, then abandoned, is not it became fashionable. And the science is not where you will not get that it is not stuck before, sooner or later take root. Good time management in a company gives a big advantage over competitors, a more efficient allocation of labor, the speed and quality.

Well Holy Hospital

To get started you need only to just settle in their minds the idea that doing something and earn your money for you, in principle, possible! And do not just maybe, you really would be interested in doing this. Further, as soon as the thought dwell in your mind, you will need to learn how to find ideas. It is not difficult as it seems at first glance. How would it does not sound trite, but the money is under our feet, we just do not notice them. The idea of you can come quite unexpectedly, you just take a closer look around, listen. Notice that not ustaivayte others, that does not suit you because it can improve and do in this business. Add to your understanding with Verizon Communications. I was once very impressed with an idea. As a man earned in the analysis.

Yes, yes, those most assays, which you think that rent in hospital. A case was as follows. This man was a pregnant wife, and in the last months of her pregnancy to him very often had to carry her urine in a jar in the hospital. And then he walked once in the early morning in winter snowstorm and thought: 'Well Holy smoke, why are all now asleep, and I have to trudge in the cold at the other end of town? Ah, would come to me someone home, took to the cup, so I would give it to 150-200 rubles just to myself not to go. " stop! Here you have idea.

Catering Business

In terms of our restaurant business for most successful business people is an excellent investment and profit. However, when all the external clarity of this business. It features a large listing details and subtleties, which does not even know the uninitiated observer. So, where do you start your own catering business? Of course, with the choice of location. Get more background information with materials from Verizon Communications. It is this factor in the future will have considerable influence on development and profitability of your business. When choosing a place to pre-determine the level of your institution to focus on the target audience, which will become your constant customer. For example, if you decided to open a fast-food, bar or cafe, then it should be located as close as possible to schools, businesses, markets, shopping centers – that is, places where people belonging to the category of your visitors. Except for elections through-space exists only in the event that you decide to open concept club or restaurant to get to that, the consumer will have to take their turn in the morning or written in advance.

But, as Typically, these facilities are short-lived and within a couple of years are losing their popularity, bringing their owners only a hole in your wallet. In particular category can be selected chain restaurants. Such institutions should be literally everywhere, and not necessarily only in areas of cross people. If you decide to become a restaurateur VIP-class location for the restaurant also has a special significance. It should not be industrial area or downtown.

State Policy Mal

The current international economy is a system whose elements are politically sovereign states, multinational corporations and other economic actors. The system developed by the basis of international division of labor, resulting in metabolic processes, production, consumption beyond the scope of national economies and become international. Relationships that arise between market agents in the process of international production, exchange, distribution and consumption of manufactured products in the literature are called international economic relations. International trade is the main form of international economic relations. It includes trade in goods and services.

Foreign trade of any country consists of two opposing flows: imports (goods and services purchased by residents of the country from foreign companies) and exports (sales of goods and services by residents of the country to foreign firms). International trade has become a truly developed intensively in the XIX century. Less than 100 years, the volume of global commodity has grown 20-fold, whereas in the past few centuries, he just tripled. During the XIX century, the growth rate of international trade for the first time began consistently outpace the growth in world production. World trade in 1913 reached 33% of world production, although in 1800 it amounted to only 3% of total production. Thus, it is in the XIX century, began the process of economic globalization. In the XIX century celebrated not only the unprecedented growth of international trade, but also changed its character. The spice trade, which flourished in the past century has been replaced by an exchange of commodities.