Libyan Ambassador

In addition to the Ambassador, has expelled three officials. The Ambassador has lost all legitimacy, they say from outdoors. Ajeli Abdussalam Ali Breni has 10 days to leave the country. Spain has decided to expel the Ambassador of Libya in Madrid to consider that the authorities which represents have lost all legitimacy by the continuous repression that is exerting on the Libyan population, announced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and cooperation. The Department directs Trinidad Jimenez has officially communicated to Ambassador Ajeli Abdussalam Ali Breni which has ten days to leave the national territory. The Government has decided to also expel three officials from the Libyan Embassy in Madrid which carried out activities incompatible with his diplomatic status, added the Ministry in a note. However, the departure of the Ambassador does not for now the definitive closure of the Libyan Embassy, where there are still some officials, they have informed diplomatic sources.

The expulsion of the maximum representative of the Qadhafi Government in Madrid was decreed later of that foreign decidier to abolish the post of Ambassador of Spain in Tripoli. In Libya, Luis Francisco Garcia Cerezo, Ambassador left Tripoli on 2 March passed along with the rest of the diplomatic personnel because of the conflict between the insurgency and troops loyal to Qadhafi. This meant the closure in the practice of the legation in Tripoli, which was guarded by local employees. The sole diplomatic representative that Spain has now in Libyan territory is Jose Riera, who serves as Ambassador in Benghazi, capital de facto of the rebels since early May. The Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Benghazi the past day 8 to make clear their support for the National Council of transition (CNT), the body that represents opponents, and recognize him as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people.

Meeting on Libya between NATO and Spain this news comes the same day that the President of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, and the Minister of Dnsa, Carme Chacon, have reaffirmed to the Secretary-General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the need to maintain the military operation and the political and economic pressure on Libya. Zapatero has received in the Palacio de la Moncloa to the head of NATO at a meeting in which both have opted for maintaining the pressure on the Gaddafi regime to contribute to achieve a unified Libya. The President has reiterated you that Spain will remain in the military operation of NATO until the end of the same and in the current format. Source of the news: Spain announces the expulsion to the Libyan Ambassador in Madrid