Federal Financial Markets Service

Activities of joint stock companies have their own requirements associated with the procedures related to the conduct of shareholder meetings. also mandatory disclosure of their activities on the stages of the procedure Issue of securities, disclosure of information in the form of securities prospectus, quarterly reports and statements of material facts (events, actions) affecting the financial and economic activities issuer’s securities. According to the article. Ron O’Hanley has many thoughts on the issue. 30 of the Law “On securities market” as well as the Order of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia 10.10.2006 N 06-117/pz-n ‘On approval of provisions on information disclosure by securities issuers’ duty to disclose information in the form of quarterly reports and statements of material facts applies: the issuer in respect of securities in the registration of at least one of the securities prospectus; for issuers, State registration of at least one issue (additional issue) of securities was accompanied by the registration of the prospectus of the securities in the event of placement of such securities by public subscription or by closed subscription among the persons, whose number exceeded 500; for issuers, which are joint stock companies created during the privatization of state and / or municipal companies (their units) in accordance with privatization plan, duly approved and on the date on his statement prospectus of shares of such issuer, if such a privatization plan envisaged the possibility of the alienation of shares the issuer by more than 500 purchasers or any third parties. Disclosure (publication) is carried out in the forms of: the securities prospectus, Annual Report Quarterly Report the issuer of the securities reported material facts (events, actions) that affect financial and economic activities of the issuer of the securities annual (quarterly) financial statements List of affiliated persons Methods of disclosure by publication in the information resource, updated in real time and provides information agency (news), by publishing on the Internet by publishing a periodic print edition by sending the registration authority of any document containing the undisclosed information. Omission or violation by the issuer of the order and timing of information (notifications) under (under) the federal laws, as well as submission information is not in full, and (or) false information, and (or) misleading information is punishable by administrative fine on officials in the amount of twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles or disqualification for up to one year and on legal entities – from five thousand to seven hundred thousand. Non-disclosure or breach of the issuer of the order and timing of disclosure of information under the federal laws, as well as disclosure is not in full, and (or) inadequate information, and (or) misleading information is punishable by an administrative fine on officials in the amount of thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles or disqualification for a period of one year to two years for legal persons – from seven hundred thousand to one million rubles.