Book review: Gerda Gutberlet Zerbe – 55 years life visions the prevalence, as well as the social costs as regards, the anxiety disorders in the mental disorders occupy the top places. Hardly a topic fascinated more than the human psyche. With the human brain evolution has their top of the line produced no doubt, a 1.4 kg lumps of 100 billion nerve cells. Who seek help or need has spoilt for choice. Therapists, psychologists and every kind of coach offer their services, but only someone who has overcome it myself and to new courage, strength and will to live could find, can inspire us with such radiant joy and confidence as the author of Gerda Gutberlet Zerbe.
The philosophy of the author is: it is much easier when you see that other people overcome their Vale of tears and finding new courage, strength and will to live. Gerda Gutberlet Zerbe aims is in her life, helping other people. The mental self affected author wants to make clear based on their journey of suffering as they their psychosis “overcome could, and wrote life visions for this reason their biography of 55 years” (Verlag tredition Hamburg). This book is one of the few which are really very well to read, if one is not an expert, but rather as interested non – specialist, Member, or as a patient yourself to learn more about depression. The book is very readable, is fine, never bored and waiting even with beautiful photos. It is so not a vacuous professional Tome but a very interesting read and also no reference book or even a replacement for a degree in psychology, but written for the layman.
For me, this beautifully written book is an amusing entry in the self-reflection. Who still does not know it and just don’t want to read literature on the topics of psychology or communication, should treat the booklet. It is an inspiring introduction to the world of positive thinking. Who sound a beyond too shrill self-help literature Overview of psychological concepts would give, which I forecast an easy and relaxed reading experience. A wide distribution is the book wishing to finally succeed in bridging some of the well-known psychological research and the self experiences of many depressed sick people. The author describes her life in a loose way that sure one or the other will recognize this. For those, this book can be the key to happiness indeed. At least, the pessimists among us have the opportunity to reconsider their own lives, and maybe even to see it from a different side. An exceptional book is also about the freedom of the heart and the power of forgiveness it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive, says a Japanese proverb. It is better to travel than to arrive at hopeless. tredition is a member of the Exchange Club of the Association of the German book trade company information: Jutta Schutz (writer/author, journalist, psychologist, Lecturer) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge.