Tag: today

World Health Organization

A negative opinion of the World: mistrust. All are equal, in the world no good; There are only bad and stupid, they are all about inept, which does not run fly, etc. And finally a negative view of the future. Pessimism and hopelessness. I am going to go wrong, I am not going to do it, I have no remedy, I am doomed to be poor, etc. Martin Seligman hypothesized that depression in humans is a State of learned helplessness. See an example of learned helplessness in the elephant.

The elephant is one of the animals most forts that are upon the face of the Earth, if it is not that the more strong. This animal keep him prisoner in the circus with a chain secured at one end to a shackle that put him in one of his legs and the other end to a fragile stake than the could start with only a step that would not represent the most minimum effort for him. Why not does it? When I was little, tied to this elephant, a very strong stake. By the same author: Oracle. All your efforts to rid were unsuccessful until he learned that any effort to change his situation would be futile and will resigned to remain tied to a stake. As well as this elephant learned to that was useless to get rid of the stake, we learned to have a low self-esteem, distrust of others, to be pessimistic and to remain in that State. Whole head is sick, and all grieving heart depressed people happen you more unpleasant things in his life and his experience of these events is also more unpleasant, than the of people not depressed (Lewinson and Talkington, 1979). The average age of the first depressive episode of a person in the 1970s was 29.5 and today stands at 14.5 years (Seligman, 2003, 164.

165) who (World Health Organization) said that the depression currently ranks fourth in the prevalence of all diseases and that by 2020 will be the second disease in the world. If depression is a negative view learned, we can then learn to have a positive vision to combat it. We learn to see the good things that there is in us. Cultivate forgiveness and gratitude. If we forgive, what hurts us no longer do so. If we are grateful with what we receive, we will be happy, and if we learn to see the good in us, we can also see the good in others and see life with optimism. An author that I don’t remember your name said: sowing a thought and reap an act. Sow an Act and reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny.

A Work Of Painter El Marbling

Doing work of painter we can find, at times, against tables, commodes and old consoles marble Board who have lost, or who have it cracked or chipped. While it is possible to repair cracked marble boards and remodel the chipped, not worth buying a new Board: the cost is prohibitive and the weight of the workpiece may break old seals. It is worth learning, following the advice of a simple DIY manual, to mimic the finish of this material with paint if you want to keep the decorative spirit of real marble. Virgin Airlines spoke with conviction. Imitation of the veins of the marbled art is divided into two distinct techniques: imitation of the drawing of the veined and dispersion, in which solvents (alcohol, white spirit or water) for fracture or marbling paint are used. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Verizon Communications. Always have, so it serves as le Guide, a sample of authentic marble or a photograph. Bigger, better, since it will allow you to make a clear idea of how would be willing streaks and shapes aguajiradas in a zone of the same size. A tip: you must first practice on a test Board; the plywood is ideal. Green black marble is important to choose with care the colors of marble, especially if we start from scratch, so they combined with wood or painted base.

Here combine the two techniques for marbling to obtain a dark marble suitable for a dark wood base. Amount to an area of 2 m2: base layers: 200 ml of black silk painting (two layers) coating of enamel. Oil paintings by artist: a little green terree, a little green chrome, a bit of zinc white, a bit of black and a hint of natural shade, one tablespoon of linseed oil, three drops of secant to varnish, a tablespoon of white spirit. Addition of streaks. Oil paintings by artist: a bit of titanium, a pinch of black white.

Importance Of Voting

The postmodern Manuel Garcia Estrada vote or be stupid? I’m touring cities and I still see millions of pesos thrown in the trash at dial political campaigns, the truth there is no real proposals to the legislature but a practice ball clientele than who heads in that cursed and nefarious use of poverty is the PRI in Veracruz. In that entity there are canvases-blasting action, loudspeakers, private schools pitches at the feet of that party violating election, morales and University laws such as the University of the Gulf of Mexico organized by alleged cultural and educational events, where everything is red and the keynote is the candidate of the revolutionary. Moreover, pants in public and private schools, the walls of the buildings and their institutional ads are red. No wonder, the PRI has been able through associative advertising handles in their spots in tele to the national flag as a background and nobody says anything. In Leon, Guanajuato, screens, pennants and spectacular are to serve at the BREAD as it seems. There is a fascist state behind each Governor and there is no electoral institution capable of submitting to the oligarchs and partidocratas to the law.

In the municipality of Metepec, State of Mexico, the spectacular are in hands of the political parties and their candidates as Lujambio listed above, one side or the other, but there is not a single message, proposal, Bill or services as everyone else. There is a huge vacuum that all observed but which seems that anyone affected when ads are funded with taxes on everyone. Taxes wasted on campaigns are a slap for society with consciousness that while viewing the ads also realizes that in public schools there are no computers, books, support to students, no competitive masters but quite the opposite and generalize, make it clear. Because it is not that things are bad in a group of schools, the problem is everywhere, as well as in public libraries which in the case of the State of Mexico there are some that have no or typewriters to work.

The Discipline

However, these issues have not been developed by different writers, authors and columnists, so it is clear that deserves appropriate studies, so that it causes greater dissemination and studies on this topic of comparative law, as indeed is the juridical welcome and their classes, however, at the present only develop broadly mentioned reception classesso are outside the present other issues of comparative law. Without taking into account the present work would seem that receipts would be a single topic that deserves no less development, however, this is not so, because it offers a number of possibilities, which will be mentioned in the present headquarters to take this problem seriously and thus disseminate comparative law. Which is vitally important in the development of Peruvian law, and foreign countries, therefore, hope to provide enough lights on problem analysis and thus matter to demonstrate that the discipline studied legal is quite important and in any case in the Peruvian law has achieved little development. However, in other countries it has not happened, by which these the same if you have developed significantly, for example in Spain and France, in other words, the right also is social reality, that this last is source of law or part thereof, so that the right cannot be known without knowing it. Gary Kelly understands that this is vital information. By which we can affirm that law is life, however, few have realised this detail, which is very important when studying this discipline. I.e., the right is not science, but discipline, however, for many is not so and for other is in discussion, so we hope that these topics are disseminated in a medium in which the law reaches little development, but needing to reach one greater development. Since this way is achieved higher growth economic, which is long-awaited by all economies.


Mr Paul

For a long time I thought that I was painting things which did not believe, but the truth is that a part of me, for the simple fact of being an artist, is still a dreamer. I wanted to thank you because your presence has awoken that part which had fallen asleep. I lived in a hell for years, but a so pure as yours presence was enough to make a difference. That’s what I come to thank you tonight. It is not necessary that you say nothing, accepts only the paint and that will be enough-. -Well thanks-.

He responded. He nodded and stood up. – What a pleasant night to walk! If I apologize I am retiring, see you tomorrow. -Mr Paul-. Called by Bela while it rises from his seat. Tomorrow I’ll take someone who can work at home-. Paul lamented but kept her smile. -Of course, forward-.

He responded. -Is that I have another job and I has become heavy enough to do two things, why should I retire from one-. -Understand, good time that worked in my house has been very nice. Teach what is necessary to the person, I do not believe to be there tomorrow so I say goodbye right now-. And he extended his hand. An immense pleasure to meet you. She smiled at him. -It will be up to another time-. -Of course, you already know that my house will not move from place haha. Thank you for everything, even then-. And it was. She followed him with his eyes until you cross the street. He then looked for a while that picture. The next morning Paul woke up very early. He had good cheer and painted a while in his study. Someone touched the door, It meant that it was Bela and recalled that he didn’t want to be at home for when she is out, but forgot that had said to her that it wouldn’t be, the truth had no commitment, but I use that as an excuse. He got up and opened the door. She was with the picture of the previous day in hand. -What tried to say with this box? -. Bela asked him. Because I feel that he says many things and I’m not sure if I am getting the message – well. -I believe that you are receiving the message well, you have sufficient sensitivity to realize things-. She looked again at the box. He vacillated. -If this is true, I need time-. -Leave the box here, my intention was good but for you only works as an obligation, and that is not so. Do not make you feel what you don’t feel. See, you’ve already fulfilled your mission in this House. Be happy-. And you removed the box from the hands. He closed the door of the study and felt how the steps that sounded in the hallway were away. Paul placed the box on a special place. He stared at was it awhile and told him: do not push what won’t, not suffers so not should be, about emotions not send nor the mind, because they have more big reasons that they can see. You are as free as the birds, there is no obligation nor any pressure, so I love says the heart. It is both what I feel that so free I I leave.


It seems that some complaints from consumers about home security and alarm systems appear more frequently than others. Here are the complaints of most common customers of home security, taking into account in order of frequency, and also some explanations. The most common complaint refers to the alarm that accidentally shot and disarmament and, then, waiting patiently for a call from the station’s monitoring, which never arrives, the load of the customer. The most frequent complaint next to customers is that the police took over one hour to appear! Some customers have received calls at work from the alarm company and he rushed home, only to discover that the police did not yet! And then wonder what is the use even of a burglar alarm system installed police did not bother to arrive on time! Another common complaint from customers is that, although the client is the owner of the alarm system, can not be controlled by any other company so what was acquired from. It is possible to change your monitoring service, but can be found with your alarm equipment is proprietary and is blocked.

In this case, switching the alarm company means having to install a new system, or the payment of a service fee to unlock system. Customers complain that the ads say that the alarm system is free, however, when they come in contact with the company and request a quote, found that the costs of the system of hundreds of dollars, because they say that the first 4 sections (doors, Windows) are free but it has 20 Windows and doors of 8 which will not be monitored! One of the most common complaints from customers of the alarm system is that the contract is automatically renewed alarm! Most alarm companies has an automatic renewal clause in their service contracts and supervision. This means that his contract will be renewed for a period of twelve months to five years (depending on the) company), unless there is a specific request that you want to cancel your service. The majority of the nacion-empresas of alarm wide utilization of this system, and usually involves the cancellation of a penalty clause. However, as millions and millions of owners satisfied home security systems will testify, there is no need to lose the mood, there are explanations and solutions to all the complaints above! Most of the time, complaints come from new users and inexperienced, that they have not properly understood the system, and it is the result of a misunderstanding. See that it is adequately trained in the use of your alarm system, all the questions you need until you have understood everything correctly and learn how to avoid the traps.


We live in a society that increasingly requires of us. The parameters imposed by herself does not accept losers, nor timid, or people with physical characteristics which are not within the standards. You ask is who determines these standards and what are? And reality shows that ourselves are those who impose them, and hence are ourselves which we demand increasingly more and more. Today all seek to be, nobody wants to have a few extra pounds or a few centimeters less because it would seem that this is an insurmountable obstacle to reach goals. And this is why today the quantity of treatments and methods to meet these famous social standards are innumerable. There is no doubt that physical appearance plays an important role in our lives in this modern, fast-paced world.

Now who is does the hardest part? Those who want to lose a few kilos or those who want to grow a few centimetres? It is clear that a good diet carried out by a specialist in nutrition, weight loss isn’t impossible task. But what happens to those who want to measure a few inches more? Really is it possible? Anything that serves to grow in stature? Yes, you can. Obviously it will be a difficult road and not we should expect increasing stature in twenty centimeters. That would be impossible, but grow five or ten centimeters is within the reach of anyone. There are a few treatments based on stretching that within a period of approximately three or four months, give us the expected results. That Yes, must be a conduct flawless when it comes to starting a treatment of this kind.

Consistency and patience are the indispensable tools to achieve this, since the single against which have, is that the results are displayed but not over night. Most importantly, know that there is something that serves to grow in stature. Grow in stature after 18 years is impossible if you don’t have a method that has been proven to work. Visit my website to read what I have discovered after months of research.

The Life

Become a great example of what the conscience must be. Start creating a strong community self-sufficient to survive the changes but most importantly begin to send feelings of happiness and more positive to help the reactions that may occur due to karma to the universe. This reaction can also affect the Earth’s capacity to rebuild and restructure its DNA once it took millions of years to create what can survive in the eon that comes and still be a world where humans can work on their consciences as well as be an example for other beings in the universe. Focus on increasing their awareness / energy slowly, integration and processing all the experiences that benefit of as high for himself, as well as take into account the effects that has on others. Time is another factor that is being affected and because of disasters, the energy of the Earth has changed its axis and she is still degraded and has therefore changed. Speed that marks the increase goes faster.

You should understand that time moves faster and there is less time to respond to your changes. Relinquish life you’re wearing now, and devoted to his energy and the energy of the planet. Create a group that can support each other without competing. 2012 represents a series of predictions that are they have misunderstood and ignored. Details can be found by clicking Verizon Communications or emailing the administrator. Regardless of the information that appears online, there is an important fact about the time and a cycle that is coming to an end. Nothing he is supposed to remain the same and so that there is growth has to be change.

2012 speaks of a polar change that will be conducted and has to do with the North and South poles reverse magnetic energy the Earth causing a change of power as human beings do from time to time in our lives. The polar shift will cause the end of physical life on the planet, but our conscience will not end as long as we have prepared us for the change in energy. To understand what that means for you, must first look what you are doing in your life, how live and what is important to you. Look inward and analyze the impact that you create. Then you can let your consciousness continues to increase and leaves that it will guide in the direction that follow to forward. Stop what you are doing for awhile tranquilize the heart to feel and know whether you are happy or unhappy. Do you has been following their instincts, follow your intuition or will be following trends in society that should not be? Let be guided by your heart and be honest about the life that you’ve been living. He began to increase his power to increase his point of view about their aspirations and look up, above all so good and help others do the same. Remember that due to that we are can create awareness of this trend, and lifting power. Use the display of the clear light to radiate to others and to the Earth to increase the positive energy and overcome the negative energy. It is recommended that what hage gradually by integrating ourselves in our daily activities that can boost energy making positive actions. Original author and source of the article.


In those cases I think it takes two, one that makes the times psychiatrist, another analyst who keep his empty spot of desire. Desire of the analyst who found an empty place. We know that, but what I want to? What desire leads us to make from Secretaries, witnesses, similar or, why not, of landfills?. Desire of the psychotic, through his work, will invent a place, invents a knowing, that enable it to make social tie. With his delusional it to do something, to make up something. To live with his delirium, as we try to live with our unconscious, and not for his delirium, as the neurotic lives for his unconscious.

It’s not an automaton of the signifier, that live within a social bond that does not exhaust the life, but which is essential to make this possible. For this it is necessary that the psychotic acquiesces to the experience that we propose you. To conclude I wanted to refer to certain terms that I’ve used a bit joyfully in this exhibition: If the psychotic subject is not, nor can be, because it is not subject of desire, is not barred; We need to invent other writing to designate their subjectivity and not reduce it to the place of object. As it says in the Sem Lacan. III insofar as it speaks to the other exists as a subject. (AND how they talk to each other! With what irony!).

If there is no unconscious in psychosis, at least if we think as the neurotic unconscious; Yes there is something there, something that Freud called unconscious opencast, something that allows to the psychotic dream. Yes to that, according to our model, we can not call it unconscious, we will have to invent a signifier to the unconscious. If there is no Ghost in psychosis, (at least if we accept that the Ghost is answer subjective to the desire of the other), there is something there that looks like a ghost: a series of fantasies that the psychotic attempts to cope with what there is. And, in some cases, we can help you, as symbolic agents, to make a construction phantasmatic that allows certain social tie. If there is no symbolic transfer in psychosis, there is something that will allow our work and which, somehow, will have to appoint. With regard to patients who have contributed to this presentation, I will not say that they are stabilised, but that Jose has abandoned its body rigidity, studying English and will gradually returning true social bonds. While he tells me his delirium, invented to tell me about it:-Aunt – tell me – do I have to explain it all?. Yes, and while he explains me, systematizes a delirium, invents a world that he can inhabit. Thus builds a history of re-encarnaciones and re-crea at the same time, a children’s story. It is my ignorance, because yes I crossed, barred, which allows me to locate, in the place of the analyst, a demand for labour that incites the psychotic to the production. As for Nicholas, he continues trying to build an object woman for use. For my part, only thing I’ve done has been to encourage them to work. Theirs will be the fruits of that labour.


In those cases I think it takes two, one that makes the times psychiatrist, another analyst who keep his empty spot of desire. Desire of the analyst who found an empty place. We know that, but what I want to? What desire leads us to make from Secretaries, witnesses, similar or, why not, of landfills?. Desire of the psychotic, through his work, will invent a place, invents a knowing, that enable it to make social tie. With his delusional it to do something, to make up something. To live with his delirium, as we try to live with our unconscious, and not for his delirium, as the neurotic lives for his unconscious.

It’s not an automaton of the signifier, that live within a social bond that does not exhaust the life, but which is essential to make this possible. For this it is necessary that the psychotic acquiesces to the experience that we propose you. To conclude I wanted to refer to certain terms that I’ve used a bit joyfully in this exhibition: If the psychotic subject is not, nor can be, because it is not subject of desire, is not barred; We need to invent other writing to designate their subjectivity and not reduce it to the place of object. As it says in the Sem Lacan. III insofar as it speaks to the other exists as a subject. (AND how they talk to each other! With what irony!).

If there is no unconscious in psychosis, at least if we think as the neurotic unconscious; Yes there is something there, something that Freud called unconscious opencast, something that allows to the psychotic dream. Yes to that, according to our model, we can not call it unconscious, we will have to invent a signifier to the unconscious. If there is no Ghost in psychosis, (at least if we accept that the Ghost is answer subjective to the desire of the other), there is something there that looks like a ghost: a series of fantasies that the psychotic attempts to cope with what there is. And, in some cases, we can help you, as symbolic agents, to make a construction phantasmatic that allows certain social tie. If there is no symbolic transfer in psychosis, there is something that will allow our work and which, somehow, will have to appoint. With regard to patients who have contributed to this presentation, I will not say that they are stabilised, but that Jose has abandoned its body rigidity, studying English and will gradually returning true social bonds. While he tells me his delirium, invented to tell me about it:-Aunt – tell me – do I have to explain it all?. Yes, and while he explains me, systematizes a delirium, invents a world that he can inhabit. Thus builds a history of re-encarnaciones and re-crea at the same time, a children’s story. It is my ignorance, because yes I crossed, barred, which allows me to locate, in the place of the analyst, a demand for labour that incites the psychotic to the production. BerlinRosen might disagree with that approach. As for Nicholas, he continues trying to build an object woman for use. For my part, only thing I’ve done has been to encourage them to work. Theirs will be the fruits of that labour.