Month: October 2013

The Vector

The result of this effect are future intentions with respect to consumer goods, their loyalty, the vector of consumption experiences, which he will share with other people. In other words, the consumer psychology in many ways defines the relationship between sellers and buyers, the perception of the goods and, consequently, their future market future. To assess personality traits in psychology uses a series of dichotomies – the opposite psychological types, which can be determined by one or another orientation identity, such as "introverted extrovert-',' Pragmatic aesthetes' 'Hedonists, the ascetics' and others. Most of these dichotomies effectively divide consumers into groups that show different behavior in the consumer algorithm. To describe the influence of psychological types on consumer behavior in This series of publications will be used and synthesized by classical categories, the most closely describing the various customer segments. The author is not intended to be used exclusively professional psychological terminology and allows for a more everyday definition. Thus intentionally allow some manipulation of the psychological research tool for its fine settings for the tasks of this material.

'Confident and unconfident' Consumer confidence – one of the most important driving forces that guide the model and style of consumption. Psycho 'confident' and 'uncertain' are synthesized categories, they do not figure in the science of psychology as such. These categories are specially absorb other psychological characteristics of personality, and social and economic parameters fabric of life of man. Below, we consider factors that somehow affect the person belonging to the group 'confident' or 'not confident' of consumers, especially their consumption behavior in some markets, and as possible models for working with 'adverse' customers, which, although they are less attractive to business, but buyers are still forming part of the economy of any company in the field of B2C.

Industrial Revolution

The pedagogical work demands a series of previous knowledge that go beyond the education methods or activities as prescriptions that had given certain. To be professor and to enter in a classroom, it is necessary to know the one that came, because it came mainly and to who lode, that is, is necessary to know the pupils, to know its interests, yearnings, necessities, dreams, etc. When if it deals with the professional who works with Infantile Education, is necessary to have knowledge of some especificidades of this area of education, to start for the description of the conceptions regarding it in times and different places. The model of specific institution for infantile education appeared with known ' ' gardens of infncia' ' of France, in century XVIII, as a species of redemption of the resultant of the relations of employers and used flagelantes situations in the Industrial Revolution. Children children of diligent parents in plants suffered bad-treatments, indifference even stops with the health and exactly the survival. To this initial factor the conception of the Infantile Education is on as assistencialismo. In a capitalist society, it did not have interest of the ruling class, that the popular classrooms independent, were clarified, critical, therefore in this in case that, they would demand its rights. Soon, the health was thought about one environment of attendance the basic necessities, as hygiene and cares.

In Brazil the assistencialista model was followed per many years, or at least until the decade of 80 when it had a magnifying of the quarrels on the real functions of the Infantile Education that took care of the necessities of the modern society. It was there that the conception appeared of that the children did not need only cares, but also of education. Although the changes, the care agreement followed until the current days, one in such a way dissociado of the education concept. That is, the organization of the pertaining to school spaces if divides in periods and specific activities of care, and others specific of calls pedagogical activities or experiences. But, as Gomeses () the s professore () s of E.I are not ' ' (…) mothers auxiliary, but yes professional of educao' ' with characteristics, affectionate, even so different of the familiar ones, in the direction to be endowed with educative intention. Soon, the functions of the professional of infantile education need to be rethink. The debates point with respect to the necessity of a formation well more including and unifying for these educators. When visiting pertaining to school institutions, we verify that still it lacks in the current conception of the schools of Infantile Education an agreement of that the action ' ' cuidar' ' developed in the education institution as an educational act it is, therefore, different of the maternal one, because intentionally it is planned, of form to help in the integral development of the child, what it involves aspects as health, already seen in the assistencialistas standards, welfare, hygiene, rules of social convivncia and behaviors investigativas (criticidade) ahead of the proper actions and the actions of the others include that it, beyond stimulating its creative development.

On the other hand, the educative act, also continues endowed with care, affection, attention of the part of the professor stops with the children, so that they have satisfactory growth and since small they understand the education as a form to characterize its life and the life of its community. REFERENCES: GOMES, Vanise Dos Santos. Care and education: one soon introduction to the thematic one. Available in, access in 11 of May of 2009.