Month: March 2016


PROFESSORS VERSUS Bendito PUPIL are that educator who executes its art and its dom, in the fullness of its importantssima function. Praised either that pupil who honored and respected its master and assimilated the maximum of acquired information. Salutes these exceptions remain the discomfort of our pfio income, many times, caused due to investments or for use of methods comprovadamente failed. In a truth, nor all professor who disapproves is approved as good educator. The good master seems to have dom, exerts leadership on numerous groups, obtains respect for demonstrating education, since it is responsible for educating. The good pupil is an one and one all employee, part of a team led that he respects its hierarchic moment, in the hope of one day to be postulating, with condition of being leader and to have what and to who to teach. The innocent said ones reguadas, pinches, pokes of ears and moral offences of some professors against its pupils had created true monsters, that if feeling defied, had organized groups because not to say bandos, to attack and to humiliate its masters, almost as a revenge.

All necessary authority to have control vigil on the power and all commanded needs to have respect and disciplines front its master. It is not possible that the intolerncia occurs exactly where if nails the education as behavior rule. Although some professors have exceeded its authority and some pupils with me the orientation have been true delinquents in the exercise of its functions, loading weapons in its knapsacks and vendendo drugs in the institutions educators, if he cannot generalize and not even to from fear discourage the children of the violence, much less the masters with one pssima remuneration. The education only can show as not to be bridden by unhealthy minds. If professors VERSUS cannot create pupils. Without pupil does not exist who to teach and if nobody to learn will not form new educators, and who for the love of God goes to teach to change some vices of our culture? He takes that the pupil believes whenever is being educated for optimum master and that the master believes whenever is educating a possible genius, a possible notable, a probable winner, a great man or only one dedicated pupil, thanks to the good education that both had lead in team. I was never a shining pupil, exactly having testified the ability of my educators, who long ago I did not value such today which the state I make, but seeing today some pupils I perceive that I obtained not to have been so bad and despite was, would have exclusiveness of the guilt for not having done my part, that was to donate to me to premake use to learn and me.


Everything of form that if has the direct and indirect participation of the people, except subjects that can compromise the nationality, the territorial integrity, the economy, the external sovereignty and interests or of internal security. If even in the countries where it can be bragged on long practical the democracy thus is displayed the critical ones and attacks, are because thing goes badly. In the young States, the democracy seems premature; in the old ones, she seems exceeded. In the last century the public opinion saw in it the formula of the future; they judge it now inadequate, inadaptada to the current system of its proper workmanship. The people sees and felt the effect maleficent of the liberal democracy, through the scandals and the great corruption that between its defenders and adepts, always acting and governing for segments or groups and never for the collective. The governing fall in the narrow dependence of the Chambers and the succession of crises ministerial, next ones to the others, allied to the long duration of some, indicates enough that nor everything goes well in the relations being able between them.

The executive seems impotent to more still conceive one politics in long stated period and for p it in practical. The inconveniences of this situation would be lesser if the executive alone had restricted attributions, or still she found a period of calm, what certainly it will not have, due to greed already installed being able in them. for its disaster, the liberal democracy is identified as the liberal capitalism. This confusion between capitalism and the politics always was harmful, but the elites turn in it the form continuity the power. Thus being, we can locate a new model of State, invested of responsibilities and new attributions, but, surrounded for the social forces, modifying in deep way the governabilidade.

Cabinet People

That is, a candidate does not have reason some to prevent company of intelligent people, mainly to have in its cast intelligent people and enabled, for the opposite, it he must know that they are these people who, if well intentioned, will be able to assist it in the best conduction of its government. Those that always looks the company of ignorants, people badly instructed, bajuladoras and imcompetent people, finish for denoting that they do not possess proper light, and therefore have fear of being dimmed by assessors more intelligent than it. As much is that Tito Lvio also already asseverava saying: ' ' With good bad and employee laws still are possible to govern. But with bad employees the best laws do not serve for nada' '. A good candidate must make, before everything, a good pair with its ' ' parceiro' ' , the Vice one. He must have between them, total integration and confidence, therefore a Mayor can and ' ' deve' ' to all make use of its vice one during its mandate. Its function is simple and is clear in the law: To substitute the mayor in the case of avoidance or other impediments and to assist it whenever he is for convoked it for missions special. A Vice one cannot simply be one ' ' alliance object poltica' ' , as everybody treats in electoral period, even because, making this, the candidate can be giving a shot in the proper foot. What I want to say, is that the mayor must be tranquilamente ' ' livre' ' (available) to know the problems of its city, to search investments, to find and to receive people, to look new tools of management even though or, to copy projects that had given certain in others places, why not? The function of a mayor is very beyond its Cabinet and it cannot become attached itself as if he was ' ' its empresa' ' , its house.


Soon, the principles? with exception of the ones of equitable freedom and open positions to all? they are contingent and for times related with some natural expectation of wanting to subverter its condition. It is not possible, alone by means of the original position, to inhibit future aspirations of being able, still more when these principles do not take in account the position of the first-born of that they belong to institution and that they had formulated the principles accepted. Therefore the education would not be enough to keep them rijos in principles that would run away to its destoantes expectations of what it is established; the heirs would not be made use to accept the terms underlined for its ancestor not to be that: ' ' The obedience or subjection if becomes so habitual thing that the men, in its majority, never look for to investigate its origins or causes, (…). or then, if some time feels this curiosity, as soon as they are knowing that proper they and its ancestor have been citizens, since has some times or since immemorial times, the certain form of government or the certain family, immediately agrees, recognizing its obligation of fidelidade.' ' (HUME, p 200). In this manner, exactly having a receptividade of the future citizens in the justice perspective that if it originated from the original position, it would be improbable that the institution remains so static to the point of that these principles would be accumulated of stocks in any type of relation between the nations that would be for coming. The clauses of the contract would more tend not to become related with the ramifications that would sprout of same them, that is, the base of the institution would be the established principles, but the conditions would move total and the type of resultant society more would not obtain to only keep its functioning being based on the two principles.

Monthly Research

Another area where the women are majority is in the administration publishes, reaching about 60% of more than the 494 dependent employees of the different ministries. However in the positions of raised remuneration more and presidency, the percentage is of only 32% as it discloses a study of the Institute National of the Administration, and why this happens? According to coordinating of the Eloisa study Rat: Because the women have little availability of time, because the load of the familiar tasks is concentrated over all on them and because they feel themselves more responsible for not giving assistance to the family. That is, exactly when the chance exists, the women give up many times to evolve in the career because to be leading she implies an availability of total time. (In:. Had access in: 26/11/2010) In relation to the wages, of the Brazilian woman it is well below in relation to the one of the man, being equivalent 71.3% of the received one for the men, (the wage of the women in January of 2008 was of R$ 956,80, whereas of the men it was of R$ 1,342, 70 for the set of the six regions metropolitans investigated for the Monthly Research of Job). FIGURE 2? Average income of men and women in January of 2003 and 2008 (%) Comparing diligent with complete superior level the difference between men and women is still bigger, observing that the wages of the women are equivalent only 60% of the wage of the man. For the women who possess complete superior level, habitual the average income was of R$ 2,291, 80 in January of 2008; whereas for the men this value was of R$ 3,841, 40. (In: .

Had access in: 20/11/2010). FIGURE 3? Difference between wages of men and women in the six regions searched According to Ana Carolina Querino, assistant appraiser of the UNIFEM the form that if enxerga the woman if of the one for the fact of old social conventions: ‘ ‘ For the conventions, the woman occupies the private space and the man the public space, of supplier of casa’ ‘ (In:. Had access in: 26/11/2010) because of this still predominant social vision, the woman has the lesser wage of what of the men, is considered more fragile and therefore this concept of supplier of the house, where she is in total security. CONCLUSION As we saw in the research, this concept comes if modifying throughout the times, nowadays men also take care of of the house and of the children, old it was a fact total unacceptable, the entrance of the woman in the work market also is a fact that it corroborates with the change, through the years the women come showing its capacities, and in many they are distinguished more than what the men, currently the women possess a level of bigger study of what the men, however, its wages are well inferior. The difference still is existing and is far from finishing, but with the force of will to show that really they are enabled to carry through any task carried through for a man, the difference is reduced each day more.

The Experience

We understand that, so that has the construction of a quality school must have a collective project and the participation of all its members, as well as the contribution of the society. Throughout our work, we defend the conclusion of the escolaridade as a social right e, in this direction, we emphasize importance of the actions that come to guarantee the access and to offer conditions of permanence in the school. In this context the partnerships between the public and the private one appear aiming at the shared management and the decentralization of the power, searching it participation of the companies, as much for physical recovery of the schools, as for activities of educational complementation. We stand out, however, the obligation of the State stops with the guarantee of the obligator escolaridade, reflecting critically on the consequences of one neoliberal politics that reigns nowadays, transferring the responsibility of the public power to the society and extending ' ' wave of privatizaes' ' of the public institutions in our way. We believe that the partnership has brought resulted positive for the school, favoring a differentiated routine of other schools of the City, considering the work conditions that are offered. In this direction, one becomes more easy to make a work directed toward the exercise of the citizenship, being fortified cultural, social, affective, historical and educational the aspects, in its varied contexts, since for the pupils the experience of the pertaining to school experiences, provides to them to a learning stimulant based on the playful activity, despertando interest and pleasure to the involved pupils. CONCLUSIONS We historically follow the fights for the democratization of the school, by means of the universalizao of the access and guarantee of an essential right to the citizen. Currently, is transferred to emphasize it the quality of the education, understood as productivity, investing in a competitiveness each more increasing time.

Federal University

What it will bring significant effect in the motivation and individual satisfaction, generating one better accomplishment of the tasks and reach of the objectives of organizations. So that the productive work either, if makes necessary that the pacific and pleasant environment either. However the reality of many people is not this. Allied pressures to the high competitiveness, bigger work in excess and goals each time that they need to be surpassed, has been constant in the day the day of the workers. 2. Objective The objective of this work is to carry through a diagnosis of the organization, enclosing a gamma of organizacionais 0 variable that they make possible to investigate the perception of the company how much to the general conditions of the work. To offer to subsidies in the form of suggestions and work in group, for the implementation of measures capable to minimize the detected problems. o the same conclusion. 3.

Methodology A study of Organizacional Climate was made in Farp Industria de Roupas LTDA in Itumbiara-GO, in the month of January of 2010, using Escala de Medidas de Clima Organizacional validated and tested for a team of psychologists of the College of Psychology of the Federal University of Uberlndia-UFU. The referring article to it scales was published in the Magazine Psychology: organizations and work, v. 4, n 1, pp. 37-60, jan/jun 2004. The scale of Measure of Organizacional Climate is composed of 05 factors, being they: First factor ' ' Support of commands and organizao' ' that it deals with the existence of behaviors of affective support, structural and operational of commands and of the organization it stops with its collaborators in the daily performance of its activities in the work; According to factor ' ' Recompensa' ' that it deals with relative content to the diverse forms of you reward used for the company to premiar the quality, the productivity, the effort and the performance of the worker; Third factor ' ' Comfort fsico' ' related to the physical environment, the security and proportionate comfort for the company to the employees; Room factor ' ' Control/presso' ' that it is related to the control and the pressure exerted for the company and the supervisors on the behavior and performance of the employees; Fifth factor ' ' Cohesion between colegas' ' that it deals with the work in team and to the bond enters the fellow workers. A closed questionnaire was applied, which was delivers to the collaborators so that the same ones answered alone to the item, marking its answers in a scale of five points, that varied of ' ' 1 – I disagree totalmente' ' to ' ' 5 – I agree totalmente' '.

This questionnaire contained all the fulfilling instructions, as well as the reference how much to the secrecy of the information and aimed at the attainment of data that contributed to detect the perception that the collaborators has of the climate of the company. 4. Characteristics of the Sample 48 questionnaires for women and men of different ages and degrees of escolaridade had been answered. 5. Analysis of answers The answers gotten through the questionnaire had been computed and related how much to the frequencies and the average for factor.

Science Experiences

Summary: Present article is fruit of our reflection that in sample as to work contents of Sciences to pupils of series initial of education basic, as well as, to think thus it can contribute to extend our critical capacity on the reality that we live, using to advantage the natural curiosity of the pupils in the wakening of the interest for Sciences. Inside of this perspective, stimulating them to appropriate it the scientific concepts, understanding methods of production of this knowledge through practised, investigated experiences and you execute in classrooms in a school of the city of Garanhuns FOOT. Having as objective, to propitiate to the pupils an understanding regarding the basic concepts through the experiences/experiments in which we use in the lessons. On the basis of this, we make a exclamao through yes, is possible to develop activities of sciences without having a laboratory, becoming the lessons most dynamic and contextualizadas, making a relation with the world where it lives. To finish, critical and suggestions of the academic colleagues, professors and pupils will be well-accepted, we understand therefore them as subsidies to perfect our proposal of education, focando experiences lived deeply for us and pupils through the diverse contents that the education of Science makes possible for all we. Word-keys: Experimental activities Classroom – Education of Sciences Pupil Knowledge.

Forex Market Report

The dollar is still surprise in today’s U.S. session.UU. Strength in gold is putting pressure on the dollar, gold remains firm above 1100.ademas level, oil is being strengthened and the barrel is above 78 dollars. The rise in the price of oil could extend beyond 82 dollars the barrel and provide some pressure on the dollar in the short term. The Canadian dollar is the biggest beneficiary by the rebound in oil. The Loonie, Canadian dollar, it was so far the currency with more performance in December, showed an increase of more than 6% compared to the yen and more than 5% respect to the euro.

EUR/CAD reached as low as 1,4972, and the short-term prospects remain bearish. Investors are a little more optimistic then good data of industrial production in Japan. Industrial production rose 2.6% in November, the largest growth in the last 6 months. The momentum of the production is expected to continue with the recovery in China, who is the largest trading partner of Japan. Sales to the retail recovered 0.2 per cent in November, after a fall of – 0.9% in October.Consumer spending remains weak and the sustainability of the recovery in Japan is still highly dependent on exports.

Earn Marketing

Give people something worthy to be forwarded. Your readers will not be broadcasting your newsletter, nor much less your advertising messages unless there is something in these messages that motivate their forwarding, this can be a game, a video, a Council, a contest or anything that represents a real value for the Reader 2. Make it easy. Add a friendly button that forwards to a friend and to help people to do so immediately. 3. Use the correct list.

According to results of the report only 7% of adults have been broadcast a message to another adult. Only 3% aged 18 to 24 did so, while 10% of adults between 45 and 54 have forwarded viral marketing message. 4. Think of allies. The reason for the these campaigns are leaving is used is by the always contentious issue of the return on investment. Specialists familiar with the topic can achieve better results and although it seems that it will spend more in the end return in revenue can justify that investment. Another option is to ally with another company to distribute their expenses 5.

Relate his message with a blog or a microsite. Don’t rely only on the list of e-mail messages that you have on hand. But be careful, not to lose time not to resort to deceptive practices participate in blogs pretending to be a user, is much better to be one mimo. Be sensitive to negative feedback and respond to it with transparency of these five important recommendations, which is definitely decisive is the first. If there is something valuable to the reader, there is no effort that is worth. Definitely as Azucena Feregrino says, viral marketing allows you to exponentially grow its customer base, resulting in each satisfied customer in a certain number of recommendations, depending on the circle of friends or contacts that have our receptor-emisor. A clear example of word-of-mouth is the site of where your partner’s sales through a bonus is rewarded. And not only that, just visit the site to see that they are the true strategists in the word-of-mouth, there is a strong motivation for buying gifts for family or friends, in addition, in case outside little, every book that is sent is I get a coupon from Amazon with the promotion of their products. Finally be present indicating, viral marketing requires 4 conditions to function properly: 1. make the product interesting, because nobody talks about boring products. If your product is conventional give you an added value that no one has referred to. 2 Exceeds expectations. A satisfied customer can talk product, but a surprised customer will spontaneously speak of it. 3 Earn respect. A product with quality and consistency in service will eventually make people talk of him. Never lose the standard of service, the return is imminent. 4 Make it easy. A simple product with a simple but striking benefit, is more likely to generate conversation. Original author and source of the article.