Currently very it is said in global heating, daily we come across in them with notes, articles in magazines, periodicals on the subject, however, unhappyly, few have the conscience of what it is for coming, if will not be taken to the had steps to revert this picture. This week I had the chance, in one of my lessons of Social Responsibility and Environment, to attend the Set of documents: An Inconvenient Truth, of the former vice-president of the United States, Al Gore and I was estarrecida with what vi, the truth are more or less thus, you know that exists ' ' problema' ' , but they do not have the accurate dimension of what really it happens, until taking uma' ' chacoalhada' ' was this that felt. The skeptical, incredulous calls, say to be normal, the climatic variations to have high and low and finish for not accepting that the planet is come close to a total collapse. It is as if we inside placed a frog of a container fervilhando, its reaction will be to jump for it are immediately, however, if the same frog will be placed in the same receiving, that now with water morna and this will only be warm gradual, it will be there until he takes off somebody it, exactly feeling the environment hot (example cited in the set of documents). This illustration sends in them to a familiar fact, is not, sends in them to the fact of that we are ' ' cozinhando' ' vagarosamente and for to be slow this process, it passes unobserved that we walk for the extinguishing, the Land will be so hot that it will be insuportvel to the life in the planet. When we consider all the changes that the civilizations come imposing, the nature, it does not have doubts of that of bigger impact it has relation with the emission of .causing gases of the effect greenhouse and the main one of them is the carbon dioxide (CO ).