Month: November 2015

Global Economy

if the economy is global, the profits and consequentemente the distribution of its results (positive) also must be global. What we see in the reality is that the only thing that is distributed of form equnime in this process of economic globalization is the degradation of the environment (the ambient liabilities). Some can until finding that certain communities immediately will be reached with the happened catastrophes of the respect lack stop with the nature, as is case of the populations caiaras and creeks – the small islands of the Pacific or cities as Palmares in Brazilian northeast, recently devastada by floods -, however the certain result is that all, without exception, of a form or of other go to pay these damages (the account of the damages is globalizada). The happened ambient problems of the ominous capitalism that we follow for the sensationalist media are the perfect copy of the model standard of our description-social evolution, where the man occupies the conqueror paper, and the nature, of victim. This Capitalism that is there, a Capitalism in the molds of the neoliberal school, is a preface of the Average Age of the capital that was successive of the Average Age of the altar, dominated for the clergy. The neoliberal contemporaries had fallen the same in error of the forecast of the socialist teoristas that as much had fought – it seems that they had not learned the lesson of that if cannot institute a model and/or regimen as only, as newness and absolute truth..

The European Union

Latin America has stopped being the continent of the political instability and the economic crises and has happened to be a region with an extraordinary potential of future. Although it is certain that hardly we can speak of a single Latin America. It is impossible to compare Chile with Haiti, although yes we can compare Mexico with Brazil and these two last countries can be compared with Spain or another European country. As far as the European Union, it has grown in recent years while it has been reinforcing his bows with other places of the world and increased his influence political. The European Union tries to have an excellent paper in the global scene. Its economic and social model already has demonstrated to have a degree remarkable of success to obtain a greater social and territorial cohesion in the countries integrate that it.

Against this background, Europe cannot consider to confront with consistency its challenges if it is not with strategies coordinated at international level. Therefore, it acquires a greater force the necessity that Latin America and the Union European they reinforce its relation and its cooperation. Then still being conscious of the differences and difficulties, the certain thing is that Latin America enjoys a clearly advantageous position with respect to other places of the world: not only it has realised an important effort of economic stabilization, but it has improved his social indicators. Some of their countries have started up strategies of reduction of the poverty and have made significant progresses in primary education, equality of sort and rates of schooling. Still it is much to do, because a third of the total of its population lives under the threshold of the poverty and Latin America is the most unequal region of the world. But one works in the right direction. The paradox is that the region offers excellent perspective of future.


" Excellence in Procesos" Culture " Cliente". The Client is the epicenter and reason of being of the company. Structure and processes oriented to know the client, to understand its needs and to work of collaborative form in creating and retaining the clients, most profitable. Oriented processes, people, data and tools to give satisfactory experiences that generate loyalty of the clients. Its better commercial strategy is the development of profitable relations with its clients in the long term.

" Excellence in the Relation with the Clientes" Some of the two first options or their combination can generally allow that it survives in the money changer and dynamic scene of businesses, the last one can take it to stand out. A suitable combination of the three can ensure the success to him. Real cases demonstrate numbers like the following: A company I consider that the perfect strategy to grow in the market was to invest a great amount of money in innovating in its product. In a period of two years I realise 6 significant improvements to its product, causing that their clients had to change in equal number of times this product. Result = Loss of more of 40% of the clients, who before this great one amount of changes preferred to contract less innovating, but stable products and with better service. The company lost million dollars, as much in its investments in innovation like by the loss of clients. Another company of the same sector decided to maintain a level of innovation in its product relatively under (only one update in a period of two years) and I dedicate most of to its resources and efforts to structure a program of joint work with the clients, major support in the processes of posventa and better cap of the needs of its present clients. Result = Growth in both last years of 300% in income and one improvement in the retention of clients of 350% with respect to numbers of previous years.

Successful Business

If you have an own business, first that comes to your mind it is How I can improve it? , What is happening that is not working as really I want that it works? , these are questions that not only happen through your mind, but in the mind of the majority of the people who count on an own business. Therefore it discovers the secret to have a successful business. Everything is in you and in your interior, in your thoughts, it begins to work in you like person, the form that you think with respect to the situations that appear day to you to day. This is part of the leadership, that you begin to grow like person, which you know as with your strengths and weaknesses and that you recognize that the things will work solely by you. Something important is that you cannot blame the people because your business is the successful who you want, neither you can blame the government, nor the neighbors, in my opinion each of us draws up its own way, you decide if she is towards the success or the failure. Perhaps that decirte can be somewhat confused that you work in you, you think that do not have anything that to see your person with your business, but the reality is that is thus, everything has to do, when you feel well, you are contented, positive, everything to your around works of wonder.

For example, it thinks when you received the great news, that step that day, perhaps the sales of your business increased, arrived new people at your business, you closed a treatment that of sale, etc. When your you are in a positive state and cheers, the things begin to happen. However that happens when you rise of bad, that first that happens to you is that you stick in the very small finger of the foot in a furniture, that you only see the negative things your around I assure, you that people do not arrive at your business or if you deal with they arrive them an indifferent way and even there is people who are aggressive, therefore that you think that she happens, that people do not return again.

Good Web Site

You are it image and similarity of your Web site. It is a summary of his person. We say, it represents that it. Its aspect can take it to the success or the failure in the sale that sets out. Many are the Web sites that they attract million visitors who remain, that they buy and that returns time and time again. So that its Web site obtains that this happens is necessary to take into account many factors; among them: the design must be most professional than it can, happening through the aspect that confidence, the use of the colors with harmony generates, the suitable commercial strategy, the fast unfolding of the page in himself and the use of the key words will take that it to their niche of market.

We suppose an example. We visit two fruteras, in where the first sample the products of hygienic and organized form. Its personnel is amiable, are smiling and clean in its clothes. And second frutera, however, we observed that they are not the ordered products and without good presence. And to make matters worse, it is taken care of by little friendly a sweaty and untidy person and in addition. Then, it is obvious in which of the two fruteras we will make our purchases.

Of equal way it passes with our Web site. We have done if it with an impeccable, friendly presence and that she generates confidence, and if the people who arrive there belong to niche of market adapted to our products and services that we promoted, I assure to him that they will remain the necessary time and more likely they buy what sells. This is a reflection of that are You, who you are its product. It is necessary to be reflected like a great professional in his Web site, and why no? , like an expert in its niche of market. Its Web site is the unique contact with its potential clients. It must be a friendly contact. It must create an atmosphere of confidence and able to please them so that they wish to remain and to buy, and what is more important, to obtain than they return time and time again. You must work and set out that the business is repetitive. This can be transformed briefly: its Web site can take it to the success or to the failure of the sale that sets out.

Global Economy

All crisis has its herald. That emissary of the chaos, that arrived before and informed the incautos on what it would go to happen. Current rise of subprime also has its: it takes care of for the name of Nouriel Roubini, also known as ' ' Dr. Apocalipse' '. In the last week Brazil still had ' ' prazer' ' to receive this visit ' ' ilustre' '. Roubini was in So Paulo, in Wednesday 11, the invitation of the BTG, the financistas Andres Esteves and Barren Prsio. With a voice of Conde Drcula it made jus to the fame. He started saying that the world-wide economy is in ' ' coma' '.

Later, he said that one of the customers of its consultoria, one of the biggest American multinationals, confidenciou not to know to it if, daqui the two years, the company still will be alive. Roubini spoke in ' ' tsunami' ' , in ' ' Armagedon' ' also in one ' ' Triangle of the Bermudas' ' macroeconomic. It arrived until playing with the auditorium suggesting that perhaps it was the case of if storaging ' ' weapons, the ammunition and alimentos' '. informed that the world will not leave the current contraction before the end of 2010.A forecast of Roubini of that the world-wide contraction, pulled for the American, will be extended until the end of the next year takes in account the adoption, for the governments, especially of the United States, action effective to take off of the markets the toxic assets. also the premise of that it will have a temporary nationalization of the banks contaminated for these assets with recovery capacity. According to its estimates, instead of the US$ 2 billion that foresaw initially, the total volume rotten credits in world-wide the financial system arrives the US$ 3,6 trillions, being the half of them is in being able of the institutions americanas.' ' – Exactly knowing that it had reinforcement of the capital (of the banks) for the American government and increase of the provisionses, the American banking system of an aggregate form seems that it is almost insolvent – said, continuing ahead: – And most of this money will have to come of the government and not of the private sector, because until if cleaning essses active of the financial system nobody in the private sector goes to invest money to lose everything.

Global World Visa

Meeting with Milton Saints: The global world visa of the side of here. Set of documents, 89 minutos.2001 Adriana Soely Andres de Souza Melo the set of documents is an invitation to the debate on the Brazilian society and the construction of a new world. It argues the consequences of the globalization for the people who live in countries of the third world, in special, the devoid communities. The outcome of the film if of the one through an interview with the gegrafo and bahian intellectual Milton Saints.

Milton Saints was not against the globalization, however it disagreed with the perverse model of globalization that in them is tax. Through the analysis of the contradictions that this economic and cultural model presented it enxergava the possibility of construction of one another reality, more humanitarian joust and. Of direct form, the set of documents displays the varied factors that provoke the crisis of the State of the Welfare state and the well-known inefficiency of the State in supplying the necessities of all the sectors of which would be of its ability. For it, the ideas of Liberalism were ece of fishes through the Neoliberalismo, shown through the privatization of public sectors, causing great revolt in the population: the case of situated the Cothabamba city in Bolivia, in 2000, in which the population was to the streets to complain the pretension of the government of the country in privatizing the water. Happily, after manifestation organized for social and ambientalistas movements had been victorious. Fact that did not occur only in Bolivia, but in capitalist the whole world as in France, Mexico and finally Brazil, in the periphery of Brasilia. In elapsing of the set of documents it is placed situations where they show clearly that the globalization process that is seen as a process that appeared to take care of to the capitalism, and mainly the developed countries; in way that the same ones could search new markets, in view of that the internal consumption if found saturated, being that only one side profited from the globalization, in which, walls of the capitalism reign on less the most favored.


Strategy of marketing. Any company who produces an automobile to make the difference in defense of the environment, therefore the reduction of the global heating. If vocs to stop to produce cars in the black color, will be contributing with a lesser heating in the ground of the land. Simple they stop to produce cars nestacor. For example in Brazil the car eats minor area has (6 square meters) pra recebercalor of the solar rays, with istodiminuiriao expense with air condicionadoeoutros gastosate of energy for the human body. The other step and to diminish the area of asphalt of the black color. .queso billions of atrairmais kilometers quadradosde reaa heat the land.

It is not possible not yet if it has technology to change the color of asphalt. Proposal it stops to change and to improve the question of the global heating. (Propuesta to exchange y to mejorar cuestin there del calentamiento global) Strategy of marketing. (marketing strategy) (without acute accent, ok) Any company who produces one automobile to make the difference in defense of the environment, therefore the reduction of the global heating. (Cualquier company that produzca un automvil to hacer there differentiates en defense del average environment, for ejemplo disminuicin del calentamiento there global.) If vocs to stop to produce cars in the black color, will be contributing with a lesser heating in the ground of the land. (Itself ustedes pararon of producir coches del color less calentamiento black, estarn contribuyendo con un del suelo woollen tierra.) Simple they stop to produce cars in this color. (Simple paren of producir coches of this color.) For example in Brazil the car with the lesser area has (6 square meters) pra to receive heat of the solar rays, with this it would diminish the expense with conditional air other expenses it ties of energy for the human body.

Global Economic Crisis

Alas, with the current global economic crisis is becoming more dangerous and more dangerous to deal with banks. Investing loans or taking deposits, must be very careful and a hundred times to be safe than to 'go without pants. " The banking system is very clever himself, and therefore, if you know some simple tricks, and be able to prove their case – you can either win or lose the least. Borrow and invest the deposits in two ways. They called 'complex' and 'simple'. Their 'trick' is that if the money is invested under the 'complex' deposit, then receives annually on account of the depositor five percent contribution from the scrip after the previous protsentovok. But if you take a complicated loan, then the lender can only sympathize, because every year you would pay more and more. If we speak of 'simple' deposit, in which case the investor will lose a rather big amount money.

Increase its annual contribution will be from the amount that was invested at the beginning. But the creditor is not bad on this win. The money and interest that he should reimburse the bank will not increase each year and therefore, are preserved a tidy sum in his purse. But no longer is an open secret that the banking system, will tell and swear quite differently. In another case, they will lose interest, and with them their earnings. Despite the that a customer who comes to the bank, get a big 'dose of noodles on my ears.

" I mean – either he will do with their money entirely in terms of the bank, without his or her right of choice, or may forget about this institution. According to recent news, investors now become everything is not so easy to pull out of the banks with their money. In late 2008, the financial institution did not give contributions in advance, now they refuse to return deposits and past money from current accounts. But the banks, even in the most difficult situations is not profitable for investors to sue, because it's their reputation, and money in any case have to give. Besides, during insertion of the deposit there is a whole mass of inconvenience. First, many banks have put restrictions on withdrawals from the card, usually a maximum of two thousand two hundred five hundred hryvnia – a ceiling, on the day. A very problematic finucherizhdeniya generally not allowed to shoot more than five hundred – seven hundred hryvnia per day. Moreover, few reputed banks, this is a desperate choice that only a person can do. If the depositor is a loan in which a bank, and invested the deposit, then, with Through its deposit investments, he can repay the bank loan, even if the loan and deposit located in different banking institutions. Just from one bank to transfer money to another. But in this case, the investor a lot of losing. Will remove not only the interest on the two banks, and when listing lost a large sum of money. So, before something similar to start, it is better to consult a hundred times and read a lot additional literature, than to be mistaken.

Defeat Global Recession

Metal is in fact for quite a long period of time takes a major space in operation and the history of mankind. Directly to the metal once was such a turning point, which made it possible for human society to make the leap forward in technological movement. At present, the metal is an essential component of virtually all lines without exception, to ensure life. It can touch and industry and domestic life. Especially in high demand may use metal processing in the list of companies operating in the industrial area. It is here that no products made from metal products will not be able to cope because there is no other multi-material, which could even be compared with various metals in strength and length of life. Apart from the fact of having relationship with the activation of chemical reagent elements do without metallic chemical elements can not. Use is made of metal parts and structures becomes mandatory piece of construction sphere, and made of metal accessories provide the ability to make easier work of agro-industrial companies.

Consequently, the cutting of metal – it's services, which is popular in virtually all areas human activity. Still do not have any firm there adequate equipment, especially considering that for any type of metal finishing this equipment may be separate. Clearly, in addition to technical equipment required as specialists in the field of metal processing, which could carry out specific orders. Hence, fundamental for hypothetical clients and employees – to find each other. In order to such searches were crowned with the desired result, the best solution – it is filling a full-fledged online directory in which the firm providing services in metal processing, were able to give the entire selection own services. Accordingly, potential consumers, which, incidentally, may be interested in this kind of nuance as lathe work, will be able to enter the desired sub-section and choose from the available offers masters just the kind of proposals which best suit them by combining the costs and quality. These days will not be able to imagine today's society without metal tools, automotive machinery, industrial resources. However, in metal processing as in whatever other field you want the services in this area have been freely available to anyone who needs them. Specialized directory in which would have been described in the company, which provides services in metal processing, today more than ever zlobodneven. The ability to find the coordinates of the firm, which would be carried out the necessary duties of processing metals, today in a position to help overcome the economic crisis.