Month: August 2015

Vernadsky Altruism

Today’s man of harmony falls, as if unwilling to obey the fundamental law of nature – the law of altruism. If we say that the basis for the existence of nature, laid return neighbor, obedience to the interests of community and altruism, then principle of human existence is explicitly declared by self-interest. Under the self-interest we do not mean the ratio of men to each other, and active human reluctance to connect with other people together. It is this is called selfishness. Conversely, altruism means that people in the inner impulse from the heart, acting on their own so that others feel like part of himself. It is this requires us to nature.

Nature abhors a disharmony and so mercilessly punish people for disobeying their laws. Hence the crisis of society, culture and morality. And since everything in nature is interconnected, and man is part of the system here should be sought and the reason for more frequent natural disasters and impending ecological disaster. As he wrote Academician Vernadsky “You can not with impunity go against the principle of unity of all people as a law of nature.” “Humanity is taken as a whole, is becoming a powerful geological force. And before him, in front of his thought and work, is the question of restructuring of biosphere in the interests of free-thinking humanity as a whole. ” On the threshold The global correction process of restructuring, which is described by Vernadsky, you can call fix – fix egotistical approach based on the principle “all for themselves” on the altruistic – one with we encounter in the natural environment that exists on the principle “all for the sake of passing.” In contrast to the still, vegetative, animal and even the world man has consciousness and choice. It was a conscious choice to change himself, subordinating their basic law of nature of altruism – that is what all the insistent demands of us the logic of the universe. We are at the point of creation, when further delay will be cause new troubles and disasters at various levels. If, however, we realized the need for justice and the way we want to fix yourself and become part of global harmony, eternity ahead of us, perfection, goodness and love.

Western Europe

The world is becoming more and more globalizirovanym. Today nobody can not be surprised by international marriages, the more that the whole civilized world take a number of measures to protect women who marry and come to live in these countries (a pioneer in women's rights is the United States, where they were developed requirements for men, if they want to invite a girl from overseas). The first organization to offer their services in finding a suitable Outside of the bride appeared in Kharkov in the mid-nineties. We can say that if it was a real boom, the reasons stir in principle not difficult to understand the complex socio-economic situation in the country, full of 'chernukha' in life, when people get a penny or even lost their jobs or, worse kriminagennaya conditions and other factors make the prospect of marriage and immigration in one of the wealthier Western countries simply magical chance at a normal life. Kharkov as one of the largest educational centers not only in Ukraine but the whole of the former Soviet Union attracted thousands of male and female students, and thus a lack of 'Cinderella' wanting to lose rag scoop of poverty and find yourself in a luxurious palace and hug the Prince has always been enough. Over the years have passed since that time a lot has changed in our country and in the west too. But as always there are many girls who not find their second halves in Kharkov, and on the other hand is a much more young, successful and handsome men from the United States, Europe, Australia and so on.

who are increasingly turning their gaze to the East-home women wisdom and beauty! If you feel that you want to try to find a husband abroad, there are several ways to do it! Firstly, there are free sites on-line dating, where you can place your photo and profile, and to you will start to come in batches of messages enthusiastic Romeo from around the world. Plus etogom method, the opportunity to practice their knowledge of foreign languages, perhaps no other advantages. Very often, such sites registered men, which is also called 'key board Romeo' Ie 'keyboard Romeo', which means that this person just wants to write to, but has no serious intentions about marriage or even a visit to Ukraine. The second option, and we believe it is more realistic and efficient check-in is real marriage agency. All services of marriage agency Mordinson absolutely free for girls. What do we offer? Take photos in our studio, where you and help with makeup and styling (also free), put your photo on our website and get acquainted with the good men from around the world (vosnovnom U.S. and Western Europe). We are not free agency of men and come to us only those men who are ready to create a family in the near future.

Personal Finance

1 Spend more than it earns. If you spend most of what win these creating debt and debt altos.2 interest is paid.Do not keep a record of expenses: If you don’t know where is the leak may not be remedied, the Council is budgeting your expenses and track every day of ellos.3.Stay in comfort Area: not trained, not to open your mind to new ideas, not learn how to do things differently. A big mistake in the topic of personal finance is combine the money with emotion and not find new ways to generate revenue. An investment in education always pays the best interest – Benjamin Franklin4.NOT save: Don’t pay yourself first, before you spend your salary, pay yourself. This money is money that will work for you through mutual funds, shares, real estate and business. Important thing is not how much save the important thing is to start, is recommended to save at least 10% of the perceived income. Saving and not investing is flaw.

Note the compound interest. In issues saving time is important. Never too late to start, but since more it early is best. SAVES or NUNCA.5 don’t forget him.Believe that the personal finance are subject of the Chief or the Government: relying too heavily on others for example in the pension system, currently they are in trouble. I am responsible for my personal finance mismo.6.Make credit card a way of life: the misuse of these may be harmful. Cards enslave it. Make purchases that do not need: buying on credit is to sell cheap tomorrow for a little today.

You have to know them used with great discretion.7 Forget will be just to have. The natural order is to be-do-have.8 Be guarantor is to pay for something she enjoys OTRO.9. Not be protected financially: there are things in life over which we can not have control, but a prevention thereon could avoid us many without flavors. A proper planning of the future may be our only hope in a financiera.10 event. Believing that you will never grow old: cows-time fat should save for lean time. It is never too late to start saving, but the more I iceberg start will be better. Remember that in the food basket of the youth of today the food basket of the old manana.11 must be included. Wasting money on things that destruyen.12. Make investments without appropriate counseling. If you are not sure how it works an investment does not know the risks to which it is exponiendo.13. Do not learn how to create multiple sources of income: when it is dependent on a single source of income and this lack may have financial difficulties. It is necessary to study and investigate given that there are several ways to generate multiple sources of income. If you have 2 or more sources of income when a Miss always will have others that supported economically. If Ud has not been able to establish other multiple sources of income, it is because it has lacked the necessary information to do so. That is why it is important to invest in their financial education before attempting to invest in any other cosa.14. Not be generous: is a principle universal and biblical that the harvest always comes after one planting. If sowing sparingly, sparingly shall reap. This is the most important step that can take toward financial security.

Internet Banking

Such an integrated solution to any company providing services to the retail consumer, be it a bank, telecommunications operator, Social Security, trade network, or something else. And no matter how complicated the structure of internal connections for the client, again, for services must be simple and easy – or lost the basic meaning of the call-center. Outward simplicity wrapped inside an additional complexity. By automating processes related to managing contacts with clients, we are bound to affect organizational structure and business processes. Automation and the human touch back to the example of banks, which are now actively offering customers self-service via the Internet – so-called Internet banking. Execution operations available to clients in this mode, a fully automated, ie, there is generally no involvement of bank staff, which is very profitable for banks as significantly reduces the cost of maintenance. Internet banking, as well as call center, integrated with banking systems, but focuses on one-way interaction, which has a limited set of features.

Call-center wide range of tasks not only because engineers plugged it to every conceivable channels of communication, but also due to operators who can work with informal inquiries – they are specifically taught this. Working with an automatic system, such as Internet Banking, you send a specified sequence of letters and numbers and get a fixed answer: the transaction done. Question: "Why on my account there is no money" – although it consists of letters, such a system would not be understood, it is a request to somebody competent to deal with the problem.


Price is a quality by which to get the best out of a possible result. Lawyer to justice should know no less an expert, but in terms of judicial practice in the same examination and their elimination should know more. Experts often do not follow the changes in their field, and you have the Internet and the desire win. Directly expose the conclusions of the expert questioned in court without proof, a lawyer with no qualification of the expert is absurd. But to find the cause of that expert for similar disputes, and provide the court with evidence opposing expert testimony in another case? Good and efficient move. Expert should be to attack and in addition to the above evidence to find violations or inconsistencies in his examination of technical standards, rules. These documents must fully take to the court for presentation on a review of the court. And the main thing is not lost.

No matter how many years was not an expert in whatever credibility the court he was not – look for his mistakes, find it is not professionalism. In confirmation of the claims to the quality of his work can be found on the Internet information from forums – feedback. Work. Look. Laid the doubts and make motions on the appointment of a comprehensive examination. But the second expert Think about the organization in advance to avoid it so happened that for you is the thought the court.

The court usually has its familiar expert organizations, but it's not the fact that you are going to help. You do not give your reasons and arguments of others Experts and specialists, or the arguments of the same expert, so the court does not deem your attacks – attacks against an unprepared attorney to a certified expert. Your tactical moves, which we today have indicated you would look competently and with dignity. The main addition to the judicial debate look to everything you say and tell the court in writing and record before the trial began. So how to break an expert in court? Work as an expert and find many things to

Practical Applications Of Micro Sites

A micro-website is a section of a web page with special features. On many occasions is chosen to give the new micro site a sub domain for several reasons. Firstly, the complexity of these pages tends to be greater or different than the original mother site, but giving you a sub domain is also a representative element in if same, i.e. award a semantic value that can be helpful to potential users and to promote the proper SEO. This way if my web site is and I am dedicated to the manufacture of medicinal products and I decide to create a micro-site for my Genesis product, would be a good idea that my micro web site URL would be, for example. So is someone searches for this product – Genesis – part of the domain will have many better chances to go out at the top of results pages.

What are the reasons that should lead us to create a micro-site instead of a traditional page?. In first place is an element that stresses the importance of our products. If I decide to create a micro-site for a product in particular, the user will interpret the same is of special importance, greater than the rest of the products. In addition micro website gives me many advantages from the point of view of information organization. Not be included within the main website map, but which operates virtually as a separate site, allows much more freedom in designing it and structure it, it is not necessary to maintain the same look and feel of the original website. Development of a micro-website gives much more freedom when developing your content. We can also consider pages on Facebook as micro sites themselves. In the case of these last we must adhere to the technical possibilities offered by the portal.

However if our micro web site is a sub domain of our main site, there is limit to what we can include. It is also true that there is a limit to the number of micro sites that we host on a page. One or two are usually the recommended maximum. One larger number can lead to confusion in the user and cause the opposite to the desired effect, i.e. failing to give relevance to this new product we are launching. It is also necessary to consider micro website must have an added value in yes same, because the content must validate his own existence. If I include in my micro site what it would in a traditional page, since then is not justified its creation. The fact that is a sub domain allows me to implement online marketing campaigns differentials of the of the website mother. And this is a benefit that not all administrators of web sites know how to use. As a corollary, the creation of a micro-site is a little used although tremendously effective technique when used in specific places (like Facebook) or within the same site, highlighting the importance of this product. It is worth trying to get the most out of them.