Today’s man of harmony falls, as if unwilling to obey the fundamental law of nature – the law of altruism. If we say that the basis for the existence of nature, laid return neighbor, obedience to the interests of community and altruism, then principle of human existence is explicitly declared by self-interest. Under the self-interest we do not mean the ratio of men to each other, and active human reluctance to connect with other people together. It is this is called selfishness. Conversely, altruism means that people in the inner impulse from the heart, acting on their own so that others feel like part of himself. It is this requires us to nature.
Nature abhors a disharmony and so mercilessly punish people for disobeying their laws. Hence the crisis of society, culture and morality. And since everything in nature is interconnected, and man is part of the system here should be sought and the reason for more frequent natural disasters and impending ecological disaster. As he wrote Academician Vernadsky “You can not with impunity go against the principle of unity of all people as a law of nature.” “Humanity is taken as a whole, is becoming a powerful geological force. And before him, in front of his thought and work, is the question of restructuring of biosphere in the interests of free-thinking humanity as a whole. ” On the threshold The global correction process of restructuring, which is described by Vernadsky, you can call fix – fix egotistical approach based on the principle “all for themselves” on the altruistic – one with we encounter in the natural environment that exists on the principle “all for the sake of passing.” In contrast to the still, vegetative, animal and even the world man has consciousness and choice. It was a conscious choice to change himself, subordinating their basic law of nature of altruism – that is what all the insistent demands of us the logic of the universe. We are at the point of creation, when further delay will be cause new troubles and disasters at various levels. If, however, we realized the need for justice and the way we want to fix yourself and become part of global harmony, eternity ahead of us, perfection, goodness and love.