Month: July 2013

Lodging Tourist

However, $fortaleza-CE is, in the year of the 2008 only third destination more visited by this peculiar tourist group, that is, 17.6% of the Italians who had travelled in a perspective of personal pleasure for Brazil in the period. An interesting point is the desire of accented return that 95.4% of the interviewed ones arrived. The monthly average income of the profile of alone Italian tourist is of U$ 3,573, 02 and possesss Brazilian proper residence in ground about (8.1%) of Italians. Table 02: Study of the Italian tourist group (2008) Young Categories of Anlise% Masculino69,2 Sort (25 the 31) 20 Young (32 the 40) 29,7 Composition of Group (Alone) 49.1 Motivation of Leisure (Sun and Beach) 52,6 Type of Lodging (hotels, flats and inns) 45 Option for $fortaleza-CE in relation to the Nacional17,6 Demand Source: Personal elaboration (database: Secretariat National of Politics of the Tourism, the 2010) Portuguese tourist is, in its majority, men (60.6%) of 32 the 40 years (28.8%), alone (42.7%) motivated by distinct desires (other reasons), but when of the leisure, they search in its majority sun and beach (54,1); they take up quarters in general, in houses of friends or relatives (43.8%), evidencing the character of friendly territoriality between the two nations, Portugal and Brazil, in the vilegiatura perspective, that is, Portuguese whom Brazil stops migraram and had established one second first residence or and that they shelter compatriots friends, commercial partners or of parental bond. Another characteristic that evidences such peculiarity is the superiority of the demand with daily average expenses with businesses, events and conventions, about U$ 100,18 that it more denotes relations established and accented in the financial field. Therefore, these other distinct reasons that sharpen the desire of the Portuguese for Brazil make it to remain, advent of these, average of 36,3 days. However, $fortaleza-CE takes care of in 9,1% the demand of Portuguese who look leisure in tupiquinis lands with regard to the national demand.