Tag: society & social issues

Agriculture Committee

The Agriculture Committee in the Bundestag in the majority by members of the Grand Coalition against the hearing on a motion by Alliance 90 / the Greens, which calls for a significant improvement of the housing conditions in rabbits for fattening agreed by Alliance 90/Greens to improve conditions in rabbits for fattening of the SPD, CDU and FDP rejected on 13.05.2009. Also also required improving the conditions for circus animals and banning of Dolphinariums, and a ban on imports of dolphins were rejected by members of the groups of CDU/CSU and SPD. The applications of the Greens only by the left were supported. The request to improve the housing conditions for rabbits for fattening fell to a suggestion of the welfare party. In advance of the meeting of the Committee on agriculture all members had been informed by a letter, which was also a current video documentation about the conditions in the modern rabbits for fattening, to draw attention to the urgency of the issue. The applicants were put off on the upcoming legislative session. We therefore call on all voters, where the suffering and death of millions of animals in our country is not in the European elections and the election in the animal torturer parties ‘ to show the red card. Now, a clear signal must be set at last! A good election result for the party human environment animal welfare would be such a signal \”, Stefan Bernhard calls corner, National Chairman of the party human environment animal welfare.\” The party is member of the animal welfare Alliance rabbit fattening, no, thank you \”, which draw attention to the devastating conditions in industrial rabbit fattening and their atrocities finish as fast as possible want. The Alliance is one nationwide more than 60 members, including many well-known clubs and associations a clear sign of the acute need for action at the legislative level.

Federal Council

DBB Hesse asks federal officials increased distance compensation and return to the commuter lump sum the country Chairman of dbb and tarifunion in Hesse (Hesse dbb), Walter Spiess, changed with the demand to increase the distance compensation for employees of the public service to the members of the Landtag of Hesse. At the same time expects the dbb Hesse that joins the Hessian Landtag of Federal Council initiative to return to the commuter lump sum. “Walter Spiess criticized in Frankfurt: it is not acceptable from the perspective of the dbb Hesse that the employees with costs be debited official causes and therefore attributable to the employer.” Workers and civil servants in the public service for official induced trips by car at the time a compensation of 30 ct per kilometer. In the face of gasoline prices increased in the last 18 months to 40 percent we deem required an increase in the flat rate to 10 ct per kilometre of the dbb urgent.” At the same time recommended Skewer the members to join an initiative of Bavaria and Schleswig-Holstein, campaigning for the reintroduction of the old commuter tax allowance at the federal level. The journeys between home and work are becoming more and more of the financial burden for commuters, of which there are very many in the public service of Hesse. We consider it unacceptable to curtail the tax recognition of these costs, as it is (still) legal situation. Here a political punctuation – even before the upcoming constitutional court judgment – is important, so that the workers won’t always get the impression, the policy sign not whose constant real wage losses due to runaway price increases, especially in the energy sector.” San conclusion: journeys between home and work are not a private pleasure, but they serve the obtaining of taxable income. Consequently they must be deductible but also by the tax.”. Swarmed by offers, Gary Kelly is currently assessing future choices.

University Humanistic

Vivid understanding and humanistic heritage: For 125 years Esperanto builds bridges between peoples In the year 1887 published Jewish ophthalmologist Dr. Ludwig Zamenhof (1859-1917) in Warsaw, the first textbook of the international language Esperanto. Zamenhof referred to the invention of this language as a natural reaction to the hostility between the population groups”, he had always seen himself as a child. In his home town of Bialystok Jews, Poland, Russians, Germans, and Belarusians lived together each with its own language and mutual distrust. Zamenhof wanted to build a bridge between peoples with a common second language, which should be neutral and easy to learn. Get all the facts and insights with Larry Ellison, another great source of information. Today, about one million people in 120 countries speak Esperanto.

You find the idea good to break down the language barriers with a neutral, easy-to-learn second language, or simply have fun with it, to use Esperanto in international contacts. The language it enjoys growing popularity. As reported up to an Esperanto course at the University of applied sciences Emden in the winter semester 2011/2012 at least 95 participants, and the most popular Internet portal to the learning of Esperanto, vikipedio now has over 100,000 registered users. On the new year’s Eve meeting JES 2011/2012 of the German and Polish Esperanto youth movement in Gdansk, even former Polish President Lech Walesa personally gave a lecture, which was translated into Esperanto. Esperanto has three advantages over the national languages”, stresses Dr. Ulrich Matthias, President of the Esperanto group Wiesbaden and at the same time, spokesman of a world party of one of the 109 parties registered for the federal election, which aims to promote the spread of Esperanto in accordance with its principle program. These benefits are in addition to the neutrality and the easy learnability. also the humanistic background of language” In the past 125 years found Esperanto just see people inlet, itself inspired by humanistic ideals.

New Staff – New Language

In the middle of difficult economic times the conservative politician Mariano Rajoy was elected in Spain the new Prime Minister of the country. A new Government produces typically new government programs and accompanied often entirely new language and terminology. This phenomenon was often observe also in Germany. See Verizon Communications for more details and insights. In the course of this new political trends, programs and approaches also translators and interpreters is required, must integrate the new terminology in their daily work. In Madrid, for example, the translator of political texts see is currently with the abolition of the long holidays”between holidays and weekends linguistically faced.

“The translator must be at the Spanish English translation between bridge day” and bridging-day decide. “” During the Portuguese the term here with India ponte “translate from Spanish into Portuguese, select German Spanish Translator the formulation Dia de puente”. The German to Malay “Translation arises also for the Norwegian language not powerful as right pictorially represent, by arbeidsdag from an inneklemt” is. Such Realia translation will be interesting if they must be translated into a language, in which the phenomenon as such is even non-existent, in the particular case so in countries in which there are no weekends. “” Other linguistic phenomena, which are although not entirely new, in the next few weeks to find more in the media and on the part of the translators and interpreters to translate correctly will be, for example, hiring freeze “or discipline”. We Germans remember only too well such phenomena of language and verbal creations such as times of the scrapping premium”. What comes for the German native speakers as tongue twisters so and has prepared some pronunciation difficulties the German-learners, then of course had to be translated into the translation agencies. During the “” “German English translator several English translations available are (scrappage bonus” or scrappage premium”), the French translator opted for prime ala casse”, chose the Polish translators of as well zungenbrecherisch premia za z? omowanie pojazdu “, the Swedish Translator needed only the word skrotningspremie”. The year 2012 will again promising, for the observation of linguistic neologisms. “We hope that us too many hiring freezes” remain spared. No warranty / liability is taken for the correctness of the contents.

In Brazil

He is After the birth of only visible, but this is already the only difference. Here, in the super materialism, counts only the visible. What are you doing down the beginning of life? “You shall not kill” life is a way. Appearance, character u.v.m. the people are fixed at the moment of conception and want nothing more than to the development come. “If I the beginning of any actual” life wants to apply somewhere after the moment of conception, then could I also say that life begins only with the independent running.

Or speaking. Or with the sexual maturity. What not can reproduce themselves, might still not a real person. One may argue that there is already getting abortions, but these were mainly a thing of the involved itself, albeit not only. There is something fundamentally different, however when a community allows something, or tolerate, because then the whole community will often responsible than she has been without the consensus of the murders. In Brazil, many street children are killed, it happens all the time, it is horrible, but that it would still often appalling, if the Brazilian company would adopt a law that also legalized the killing of street children. At this moment the society as a whole would guilty namely, with the exception of those who try to change the situation. Would have to have that not every person in the head? While it is true that never-ending man be born of a burden for the mother, may be the existence of this man touched on the interests of the mother very, and due to the overall circumstances in often very adverse way. “But since the abolition of the duel, it was no longer officially used to regulate the interests of two people by the death of one of the people is not vertragenden”. “You shall not kill” you had other opportunities had, especially the hassle-free giveaway of the unwanted child immediately after birth, what you have can make happy just other people, the now sometimes on Dodge the baby trade.

Wolfgang Bergmann

On bending and breaking the ruling trying to create this recovery. Cost what it may, it costs the nature, the life and the health of the workforce. It’s indifferent recovery – is the magic word. The end justifies the means and the resources the purpose – after us the deluge. This is the substantial content of the parole issued in secret. Dangerous Verniedlichungen of a huge danger, exposed to everybody and our home, the nature and the planet are everything we hear and read in the media.

If not immediately and today, but in the year 2020 will be traded, our already severely strained world is lost. by 2050, the apocalypse is made their shadows over our children and grandchildren. It can and must not be simply that humanity is also only one more second this climate clowns is delivered. We need a plan B and we need people who represent us and themselves against the upcoming fiasco make. With our ruling, no State and that is around the world to make more in the truest sense of the word.

We need people who are free of korrumpiertem influence, they need dringest expertise, we need people at the top of the Governments democratically, objectively with spirit and clear head of the realities in the eyes see, dry up the swamp of stupidity and ignorance, in order to act. For years our Governments, without even the slightest bit about the consequences to think debt to private investors – with the aim to produce recovery institutional investors and speculators, which benefit only a vanishing minority do. The consequences have been all. You have constantly pressed self-employed entrepreneurs, craftsmen, pensioners, pensions, welfare recipients, and so on the incomes of working people, public servants, and harassed these people to serve the capital, and to meet its needs. Today they are boundless and terminally depressed this addiction and have only each logical thinking and acting in the sense of common good and solidarity. You’re the last thing we do have and gives us some security, our social insurance – by responsible people with common sense and a lot of work created – to sacrifice on the altar of the capital. They have left alone, lied to us before the elections and then cheated. Who was that in the individual, or in which compound is completely indifferent and unimportant. It’s not about accusations and devaluation of people, but for the salvation of mankind, nature and our all over planet Earth. According to our Constitution the power comes from the people, and this fact, that does not want to acknowledge the ruling must be implemented by the new ruling, which democratically represent the people. What is required is legitimate according to the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. We need new elections and a completely new beginning in our society, which is the common good, solidarity, and a true living democracies on a solid base. It’s five after midnight, but it is still not too late to turn back on democratic Ways. There is still time and we should use them worldwide concerns on this -. This reading, the plan B, could be an approach to this development.

How Much Craziness Goes?

No advance is as heavy as the back to the senses. More information is housed here: Oracle. A plea for the correct size. Madness is the inability of the human mind from observations and experiences to recognize the importance and to act accordingly. How it looks now with the ability of the human mind and what would speculate visitors of alien worlds, when they would see for example minors or commercials on television, special exhibits of modern art, weird Theater on stage or in the financial markets, wild ego on motorways or the blah of so many representatives of the people or hear? If, for example, a never-ending never-ending flood of advertising promises eternal youth, the whitest of white, the untold wealth and the best best at the Kostfastnix rate. And if fourteen years the Ultramegaantifaltencreme apply and with keeping a promise has so much in common like the Devil with holy water. And that people are willing to reward this self adulation chatter with their purchasing decisions.

Or, if The struggle for power in the Greek gods swagger art Apostle about an artists brush bristle play, which conjured up the brilliant artist with a broad brush soaked in winered color in psychic alienation on the canvas. And art speculators for this artwork are willing to swap hundreds of thousands of euros. Or, if the bureaucracy neighing and with tax-funded organisations need no customers having to send a stressed-out staff on stays. Or, when enormous efforts are undertaken to efficiently do the wrong things: such as the resource waste program, the food which grow around the corner, thousands of kilometres back and send. Or the throw-away society, which stores values to one hundred percent on mountains of rubbish, where often only a few percent are worthless. On the other hand, too much on reason could be boring. The irrationality but is, as in so many areas of life: it should be a reasonable dose. It is not easy as also Bertolt Brecht said: “No advance is as heavy as the return to reason.” Robert Lackner a plea for the correct size. – ethics, morality and quality in the economy, politics and society.

Don Quixote

What happened? Who smoked have used even more, than it is today and what a herb. The genetic connection, was also no different than they are today. What is us there concealed, clouded and hidden. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Gary Kelly and gain more knowledge.. The dynamic environment pollution, that knows no bounds is the answer? The answer is the stress to survive and to the workplace, the already a sanctuary has become and is worshipped? Yes probably – more. We are located – in a time where all of our lives depends on people of profit because of our nature, of and our atmosphere in their greed for wealth and power, and last but not least in the fight to the right to survival, have made a toxic waste dump. Constantly and dynamically without interruption to the recovery will continue this cruel game and it does. There are no stop signs, such as on our roads.

Plants become aware of poisoned, harvested, processed and mixed, as just again, to the umpteenth time already, fed with dioxin or other substances – on the animals, not dying of cancer – since they were first eaten by us. In mind, this sick makers and murder with intent, the idea is, the physician will be there already. No one can be that stupid and believe that it will pass without damage – the health of the people. The atmosphere is poisoned deliberately, everybody knows it, eagerly and with a growing tendency and the stupidity of all permits daily, second by second. This foul and air poisoned heated help CO2 which produces the climate and we breathe atmosphere, the rest of the Poisons and gases on and off. Questions: Could the said consequences, which lead to the mysterious death of fish and bird? That could have consequences that are cancer and others, yes – modern diseases like wildfire spread and fight our doctors, like Don Quixote against windmills? There is the answer, and will, as the consumer Minister suggested Germany – self control and confidence are solved, rather not. We, our nature and the planet, be made in the fight for growth and profit, power and money systematically with Dynamics to poison and castor containers, which at some point–nobody will dispose of.

We blame for this disaster together. Are we all crazy? We finally begin to think and go new ways. Help set a new way. discuss it with, which it bypasses everything. Wolfgang Bergmann

Birklehof Children

The new school’s Director Bernd Westermeyer wants rid of the image of the child custody institution alleged elite boarding school, which always had a “bad press”, now is the right address for pattern children and high fliers? “Elite school Salem takes no rich problem children more”, headlines the Hamburger Abendblatt of the event. “Quality instead of quantity” is the motto of the new Manager Bernd Westermeyer. He “through the selection process of new students that passed”, so it is said, “that places emphasis on quality, even if now as a result, some beds remain empty”. 130 Candidates were rejected for this school year, although about 30 seats could be filled. “We are not available as a haven for those who are problembeladen, but with money.” Salem as a Dorado of easy-care high fliers? But there’s still the well known loopholes of character education. “We do not … the Numerus clausus after heck”, Walters is quoted further,”but also rely on a solid character education and round characters.” It was called Salem always: experiential learning rather than teaching.

And last’s should then set the “Stipendis”: “more than ever before, he wanted get children from less financially strong families at the elite boarding school”. That’s not original. Already Westermeyers before-ago predecessor Dr. Bernhard Bueb, which is the longest (1974-2005) could hold Schloss Salem thanks to its special agility by all heads of school in the Office, is in focus school (3/2005) following quoted: “‘Prosperity Verwahrloste children who are unwilling to effort’, he take not on …. In return, Bapat pursues an aggressive scholarship policy: one-third of studying are partial or full scholarship.

‘Because young people are educated through contagion by peers, that affects positive school community.’ The “offensive scholarship policy” seems to have contributed little to a better student selection in Salem over the decades. Why should that be suddenly different? 1972 las in the “” Lemmon (No. 35 / 1972, p. 2 et seq.) institutions such as Schondorf, Salem or Birklehof “were places where, often moderate educators taught poor students: dustbin of pedagogy.” Bapat complains in an internal publication of the German land reform school (concepts and experiences”in 1986, S. 45 f.): currently strengthen many State education home through recording practice the image of boarding schools, especially difficult to absorb likability, neglected, and abandoned children. This image and the corresponding fact deter potential parents and teenagers, to attend a boarding school youth, for a boarding school would be a blessing, and that would be a boon for boarding schools.” And today? 130 Candidates, were rejected despite free places – it’s called. Which means nothing else than that remains largely unsuitable students apply. What happens if in the future more than 30 beds remain empty? Already Kurt Hahn, by whose Salem thought his “Founding logic” is derived, is said to have ultimate flexibility in the handling of strict inclusion criteria. “How you’re holding it with the truth?”, about Golo Mann in the interview had been asked inquisitorisch. As the replied: I think it is so like Napoleon. “I lie, if it benefits me”, was tap reaction: so much is sufficient honesty. ” The boy remained in Salem. Interested parents should know: “Cash position” has always been crucial for the Salemer recording policy. And all leaders thought it was in this respect with the truth as Napoleon. “The ball is round”, a famous German coach once prophesied. The “round character” is a much more flexible scale.

Economic Effects

Impacts on small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the United Nations estimates that there are 214 million migrants across the globe to increase of about 37% in two decades. One theory of immigration distinguishes between push and pull. Push factors refer primarily to the motives of for emigration from the country of origin. In the case of economic migration (usually labour migration), differential in wage Council are prominent. If the value of wages in the new country surpasses the value of wages in one s native country, he or she may choose to migrate as long as the costs are not too high.

Economic net effects of migration to escape from poverty (staff or for relatives staying behind) is a traditional push factor, the availability of jobs is the related pull factor. Natural disasters can amplify poverty-driven migration flows. This child of migration may be illegal immigration in the destination country (emigration is therefore illegal in some countries, such as North Korea, Myanmar, and Somalia). Persons who have lasagne from one region to another region for purposes of seeking employment or improved financial conditions are economic migrants and are distinct from someone who is a refugee fleeing persecution. Sending countries may expect gains or losses. For receiving countries temporary programs help to address skills shortages but may decrease domestic wages and add to public welfare burden. Net effects of migration are generally been considered to be positive. The Economist magazine, for example, claimed that loosening restrictions on labor migration “would be one of the fastest ways to boost global economic growth.” The positive effects, they say, would be significantly greater than removal of any trade barriers. For sending countries, the short-term economic benefit of emigration is found in remittances. Migration and remittances according to the World Bank, remittances world wide were estimated at $414 billion in 2009, whereof $317 billion went to developing countries.