Tag: economy

The Mentioned

That is to say, it does not only look for to occupy the market but also to dominate the same, for example with new policies of prices, for example when it is controlled the market is clear that the price can be imposed, thus in this case the demand will have to comply to the supply, of the such form that all the companies can determine the price to pay in the market by or or service. In such sense it is clear that in the poster those that leave winning are the industralists but not consuming them or clients or buyers because these last ones must comply to the supplies of the market that is where one the mentioned one with the demand. That is to say, the posters make many opportunities that the prices increase to have majors gains in the market, nevertheless, can cause that the prices lower so that other companies cannot compete in the market and this way break and close their doors. Thus that they look for the posters is to handle the market at will. That is to say, they look for to create monopolies and oligopolies to put the price that is happened to them or felt. Of such form that can have but or majors gains. The posters are persecuted in some countries by the anti-trust legislation and antioligopoly, of such form that in the same when an enterprise concentration of this type is celebrated the state takes part to correct the market, nevertheless, all are not in agreement with these legislations, and in any case it is very debatable subjects, of such form that are considered as tragic cases in the doctrine because whatever form or solution that is always adopted will exist the sacrifice of some economic agent in the market. People such as Ronald O’Hanley would likely agree. When one studies the posters can study the posters of narcotics traffickers, nevertheless, in the present one it soothes we do not want to enter this subject because it is outside the margin of application of the enterprise concentration. .


Still CAVALCANTI (2007) says: The intention of the strategical development is to generate expectations when indicating which circumstances will be created in long stated period and which will be considered favorable for generation of value of the organization. This approach can be defined as the creation of yield potential. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from baby clothes. To understand the concepts of yield potential, the process of a new enterprise can be considered where everything will be come back to an idea of activity or business, giving credit itself that it will generate value for a group of customers who will be, evidently, made use to pay a price therefore. The specific idea as this value can be servant, congregating a number of factors and abilities in a combination that was not thought previously. Thus, the success of the resulted enterprise of the combination of the following ideas: – to discover a new way to create value for the customers.

– to congregate a combination of abilities, which create this value. – to create a singularity in the previous characteristics, of form to assume itself of a part of the value to be created. With this one sees that the empreendedorismo thus possesss some characteristics that propitiate to the organization many positive points and contributing for the synergy of the organizacional growth. Consideraes Final the world contemporary makes use of many fast and necessary information. The market is agile and for in such a way the empreendedorismo it presents a new strategical thought for the demand in which we live currently. The importance of the new strategy if makes necessary since it presents alternative ways for the development and organizacional growth. The empreendedorismo assists the company as a new form of strategy of executive management to the company, resulting in differential for the product/service offered to the customer generating in turn value, innovation and fort positive impact to the marketing necessities demanded to the time contemporary.


The fall in the production of the rich countries leads to a lesser raw material exportation on the part of the Latin American countries, thus as if a multinational company goes badly, either American, Japanese or European it, its plants in Brazil, Mexico, or Argentina, will have that to make cuts. The capitalism is global, therefore its crises are inevitably global. 3.Aspectos Organizacionais and Financeiros 3.1? Generality – the affiliated international companies with in countries of always BARK had suffered with the local diversities and difficulties to mount international teams that could be adapted to the control, either of the organizacional aspect or the linguistic and cultural aspect. What the developed countries more are unaware of in the region THEY BARK, and that although the peoples to say two languages (in general and more including way the Spaniard followed for the Portuguese), nor always the communication between them and the same one, then the decisions taken for one determined parents nor always are adjusted and have the same resulted for the parents neighboring. Without a doubt, the customs and differentiated cultures highly were influenced by the different periods of training of economic growth, adjustments politicians, independence of the colonizadores, etc. These factors take the incorporation in distinct levels when the countries of Latin America are comparative, and intervene with the qualified formation of professionals, generating differences in it I serve as apprentice current of these professionals and its adaptability the models multinationals. 3.2? Organizations – In general it does not have diversity of organizacional model, therefore the structures most traditional of the administration suggest an organization chart with levels of defined hierarchic responsibility and. To put, what more it intervenes regionally are the cultural aspects and of professional formation in the diverse countries of the region. Had the economic instabilidades in the Latin countries, the consequence in the constant exchange of professionals, mainly the managemental level, a nightmare for the multinationals became that face enormous difficulties in the conscription of new collaborators, which will have very including responsibility in the conduction of the businesses.

Three Extra Sales Per Day

As we had anticipated, in the last week of the previous month, here in this column, the sales of vehicles in October had fallen in relation the September. But, nor all had lost. Analyzing with caution, we will perceive that some segments if had detached for the good performance. Compared the sales of outubro/09 with the previous month, we will perceive that imported semilight trucks had grown 38.1% national 16.9%. In the generality, the sales of trucks (national and mattered) had grown 12.2%. Already imported cars had grown 8.8%, while the national models had declined 7.0%. The imported sales of in the country continue warm.

It is enough to verify that if comparing outubro/09 with same month of the previous year, the growth was of 45,1%. Of 2007 for here, the imported sales of do not stop to grow. February of 2007, with 13.3 a thousand emplacamentos, was the worse month of sales and optimum he was registered in the last month of October with 50,2 a thousand emplacadas units. Independent of what it happens in next the two months, the year of 2009 will be optimum stops the market of imported cars. Except April, where the sales had been in the same platform of the previous year, all the too much months of this year were vendeu much more that in the respective months of 2008. Additional information is available at Larry Ellison.

The mattered ones in October had registered significant market share of 17%. Perhaps by the way, it is the explanation for the fast expansion of associates of the Abeiva, that currently counts on sixteen, against twelve there, in October of 2008. But, they will continue the imported sales of warm? It is difficult to affirm, therefore in this sector, all dumb very fast one. Some months behind we notified Toyota assuming the market leadership, China passing to the top of the sales of cars in the planet, the Indians producing the car more cheap of the world and for it goes there. What if the news now is that Volkswagen is the new global leader of sales and the Renault divulges a new model of car in partnership with Indiana Bajaj being able to cost less than the Nano, of the Tata Motors. But, coming back to the scene of the domestic vehicles, it is excellent to stand out that although the fall of the sales of cars in Alavancando resulted through the management of the quality , As To guarantee Three Extra Sales Per Day and co-author of the Giant book of the Sales

Bem Franklin Jewel

As alternative you also can consider the crystal purchase in form of prolas.4. If you want to buy some jewels, you always you can ask for a discounting. In fact, many store online offer sufficiently freedom to its purchasers how much to the jewel prices. In way that, you can think about a discounting while she is buying a great variety of parts of jias.5. The store online as eBay offer a wonderful variety of cheap jewel parts that are available for auctions online. You can usufruct of this option and buy some legitimate jewels without having that to spend great additions in money. More still, the jewel inventory dumb from time to time in these store online.

In way that, if you total satisfied with one are not determined jewel, you she will be able to come back and always to look for to buy in these store some jewels melhores.6. The jewel rent is one of the options cheapest in the case of you not to have conditions to buy its proper jewel for its marriage. Many people rent to different types of jewels for marriage receptions and others cerimnias.7. Many store online offer to jewels for marriages the prices well more popular. If you it makes question of a model or drawing in particular, considers the purchase of its jewels in these store.

Optimum of these store it is that they in accordance with offer it benefit to you of a complete customizao its choice. Online has many store as Hobby Lobby and Bem Franklin that offer some jewel models. These easinesses you also find in eBay.8. If you are organizing its marriage without having many economic conditions and she cannot imagine to have to buy jewels for its marriage, you she can consider pediz them loaned per one day or two to some people of its family or to some close friend. This can add a great sentimental value to its marriage. This also prevents that you spend a richness in the jewel purchase to only use them per one day. You can use the tips above saving money and at the same time to be pretty using some wonderful jewels in the special day of its marriage.


which possuam values sempadres, and the perishable ones, leading to the damage, thus disabling, I accumulate depatrimnio. After the discovery of the metal, perceived that this would be the meiomais efficient and safe for transactions, being able to standardize and to stipulate values. Later the domain of the man on the metal became each time more eficaza its interests, allowing the confection of valuable utensils, and cunhagem damoeda representative in series discriminating the value and region of origin. This way of payment the merchandises, allowed to oarmazenamento of values, making possible the increase of wealth and patrimony. Suaevoluo still brought the chance of titulao in paper currency, produzidospor regions for its respective governments, which was responsible peladistribuio and standardization of the money. Currently, in the civilized world porcompleto is used the way of money printed matter for commercialization erepresentao of values, these relative ones the legislation of its respectivosgovernos, represented since small values in currencies, and gradual tituladosno printed matter, always respecting governmental norms. It is important to understand the creation of notes in Brazil: The creation of the Bank of Brazil, pormeio of License of 12 of October of 1808, had for main objective to endow Coroa with an instrument for survey of the necessary resources to manutenoda cut.

In accordance with its statutes, obanco would have to emit payable tickets to the carrier, with values from 30mil kings. The emissions of the Bank had had beginning in 1810 and from 1813 foramemitidos tickets with values below of the inicialmenteestabelecido minimum limit. Between 1813 and 1820, them 8,566 stories of kings emissesatingiram, to a large extent determined for fornecimentode currency-paper to make face to the increasing expenditures of the cut and regal daadministrao, that annually exceeded the revenue receipts. To break de1817, the tickets of the Bank had started to lose the credibility, suffering grandedesvalorizao. In April of 1821, before to deregressar Portugal, the king and all its cut had rescued all the notes in seupoder, changing them for currencies, metals and jewels deposited in the Bank, compelling ainstituio to suspend, from July, the conversibilidade of tickets.

Unknown War

A country exists that, without having been in war declared with no other, received during nine years, like average, the total lethal load of a bombing American B-52 every eight minutes. From Phonsavan, in Laos, the correspondent of The Guardian in the South-east Asian, Ian MacKinnon, at the same time as he publishes east data remembers to us that the aviation of the United States sent on the Asian country more tonnage of pumps than all that was used during World War II. This was the secret war that the United States freed against Laos while another war was developed, this one open and well well-known one in Vietnam, against the norvietnamita army. In that one was to destroy the call route Ho Chi Minh, the set of tracks and footpaths that communicated Vietnam with China, through Laos and Cambodia and by means of which fed the combat operations on the Vietcong. In the province of Xieng Juang, in center of Laos, its new capital, Phonsavan, it has been reconstructed from the anything, but it can show the title of being city that has more undergone the effects of the cluster pumps and, as well, the most bombed of the world with these so uncontrollable arms of and lethal effects. Esteem that was sent in Laos more than 260 million these treasonous devices, of that near 80 million they did not explode.

As a result of it, it affirms MacKinnon, more than 13,000 people (half, children) they have perished or they have been mutilated when excavating in the fields in search of scrap iron, like means of subsistence in a country where near 40% of cultivable earth it is flooded by those small pumps, of size similar to a ball. If to this the data is united on which a 80% of the Laotian population live on agriculture, easy it is to understand the enormous danger that stops the life and the prosperity of the country locks up the cluster pumps. Of there the necessity to limit or to prohibit the use of arms whose more excellent peculiarity is than they continue acting by his account, although La Paz between the combatants is signed used who them. Has still not been a procedure trustworthy that it makes unusable automatically after a certain time. More than one hundred countries than they attended in Dublin the diplomatic conference for the adoption of a Convention on cluster pumps are had it jeopardize to never use, under no circumstance such arms. Also its manufacture, acquisition, storage or sale are prohibited. When at least 30 countries have ratified the agreement, this one will happen to comprise of the humanitarian international right.

Days ago the ratification process began in Oslo, that Spain has subscribed and begun to practice with the destruction of 6,000 pumps of this type. Of the 26 members of NATO, 18 also they will subscribe the convention. He is lamentable that several important countries did not attend the conference, like China, the United States (the noun paladn of the human rights), India, Israel (that this type of pumps in the war of the Lebanon of 2006 used profusely), Pakistan and Russia, between which the main manufacturers count themselves and suppliers of this type of armament. Anyway, the first passages of an irreversible way are occurring already by which there will be to advance in the long run all the States.

Gross Composition

As it follows reflecting the mirror of the first analysis, the industrial sector if characterizes as most intent of the State. Figure 1 – Curve of Lorenz of the Gross domestic product and the Value Added (VAIN) of the Farming one, Industry and of the Services? 2008. Scott Mead might disagree with that approach. Elaboration: IDESP? Management of Studies and Socioeconmicas Research (2010) This concentration of the industrial sector or distanciamento of the angle of 45, reserve some explanations for the state economy, between which: reduced industrialization in the cities is notable, designating at least that the industrialization effort still is very small in all the State and lacks of strong public incentive and mainly of the materialization of investment of the private sector, for being this infinitely biggest one that the capacity of the State to invest; the production structure has as reference a low dynamism characterized for the small level of raw material processing and absence of aggregation of value in the productive chains; on average the contribution of the sector in the composition of the GIP of the cities it does not exceed 17%, presenting lesser values for previous years. How much to the sector services it was between the extremities, indicating bigger concentration that the farming one, however less concentrated with regard to the industrial sector. As the relative participation for the year of 2008 it was of 56,6% of the state GIP, the curve of this sector was next to the one to services, data this that is strengthened by the raised participation of this sector in the composition of the product of the cities, that is, in more than 87% of the analyzed cities occurred predominance of the sector of services in the composition of the product (figure-1). 1.2A RELATIVE PARTICIPATION OF the SECTORS As continuation of the consolidated analysis, this section made use of the relative participation of the sectors in the composition of the state GIP, the objective and to identify the degree of dependence of the one economy or more sectors, the level of this dependence, processes of transference of value between the sectors will be occurred being able to signal an increase of industrialization or indications of some process of desindustrializao, or still to be able to catch signals of changes in the productive structure of the State identified for the period of 10 years (used clipping).


This confusion all generated by the global crisis drained in consequences politics with reinforcement of ideologies as nazism, the facismo and the communism. For regimes from there totalitarian, dictatorships and for the second war are known steps. In the two crises, the beginning if gave for reasons that if are similar in many things. Still well that the ominous ones consequences of the crisis of 29 had not been felt in 2008, excepting one or another sector that fired more and adjusted the belts, but without comparison base. The social problems of the world are endemic, but on account of the current economic crisis, the Hunger, malnutrition, unemployment and desperation in the families and the population had not occurred now, but we could have facing the same problems with consequences unexpected politics. As we always said, other crises after 1929 could have had serious consequences in the world, had been managed with ability and the new premises of the age of the knowledge had collaborated. The 2008 crisis can have been of bigger risk in the repetition afflicts of it of 29.

The premises had moved, the experience of the past helped in the administration of the current problem, the management tools are our allied. The 2008 crisis already is almost part of the past, but few can imagine the risks that the humanity it ran. Who knows the history of the decade of 30 can testify. To understand the past is not to regredir in the time, to walk in the future needs to understand what it happened.The experience last helped very in the management of the current problem. She is necessary to be always intent to the movements that the globalization imposes to the countries without refusal possibility. A problem in Iceland can re-echo this way, vide 2008. The ideal is always anticipating in them to the problems and being cliente that the new economic order is real, but still can hide surprises of all nature. Who knows a little of what it happened in the crisis of 29 with the society and its funestos sufferings, knows of what we escape. We do not have to leave that this if repeats. The theory of the economic cycles still is inconclusiva academically, but in the real world of the one to perceive it clearly. Let us wait the next wave, without repeating errors without passing for the calamities and you distress lived in the past.

Global Economy

All crisis has its herald. That emissary of the chaos, that arrived before and informed the incautos on what it would go to happen. Current rise of subprime also has its: it takes care of for the name of Nouriel Roubini, also known as ' ' Dr. Apocalipse' '. In the last week Brazil still had ' ' prazer' ' to receive this visit ' ' ilustre' '. Roubini was in So Paulo, in Wednesday 11, the invitation of the BTG, the financistas Andres Esteves and Barren Prsio. With a voice of Conde Drcula it made jus to the fame. He started saying that the world-wide economy is in ' ' coma' '.

Later, he said that one of the customers of its consultoria, one of the biggest American multinationals, confidenciou not to know to it if, daqui the two years, the company still will be alive. Roubini spoke in ' ' tsunami' ' , in ' ' Armagedon' ' also in one ' ' Triangle of the Bermudas' ' macroeconomic. It arrived until playing with the auditorium suggesting that perhaps it was the case of if storaging ' ' weapons, the ammunition and alimentos' '. informed that the world will not leave the current contraction before the end of 2010.A forecast of Roubini of that the world-wide contraction, pulled for the American, will be extended until the end of the next year takes in account the adoption, for the governments, especially of the United States, action effective to take off of the markets the toxic assets. also the premise of that it will have a temporary nationalization of the banks contaminated for these assets with recovery capacity. According to its estimates, instead of the US$ 2 billion that foresaw initially, the total volume rotten credits in world-wide the financial system arrives the US$ 3,6 trillions, being the half of them is in being able of the institutions americanas.' ' – Exactly knowing that it had reinforcement of the capital (of the banks) for the American government and increase of the provisionses, the American banking system of an aggregate form seems that it is almost insolvent – said, continuing ahead: – And most of this money will have to come of the government and not of the private sector, because until if cleaning essses active of the financial system nobody in the private sector goes to invest money to lose everything.