All crisis has its herald. That emissary of the chaos, that arrived before and informed the incautos on what it would go to happen. Current rise of subprime also has its: it takes care of for the name of Nouriel Roubini, also known as ' ' Dr. Apocalipse' '. In the last week Brazil still had ' ' prazer' ' to receive this visit ' ' ilustre' '. Roubini was in So Paulo, in Wednesday 11, the invitation of the BTG, the financistas Andres Esteves and Barren Prsio. With a voice of Conde Drcula it made jus to the fame. He started saying that the world-wide economy is in ' ' coma' '.
Later, he said that one of the customers of its consultoria, one of the biggest American multinationals, confidenciou not to know to it if, daqui the two years, the company still will be alive. Roubini spoke in ' ' tsunami' ' , in ' ' Armagedon' ' also in one ' ' Triangle of the Bermudas' ' macroeconomic. It arrived until playing with the auditorium suggesting that perhaps it was the case of if storaging ' ' weapons, the ammunition and alimentos' '. informed that the world will not leave the current contraction before the end of 2010.A forecast of Roubini of that the world-wide contraction, pulled for the American, will be extended until the end of the next year takes in account the adoption, for the governments, especially of the United States, action effective to take off of the markets the toxic assets. also the premise of that it will have a temporary nationalization of the banks contaminated for these assets with recovery capacity. According to its estimates, instead of the US$ 2 billion that foresaw initially, the total volume rotten credits in world-wide the financial system arrives the US$ 3,6 trillions, being the half of them is in being able of the institutions americanas.' ' – Exactly knowing that it had reinforcement of the capital (of the banks) for the American government and increase of the provisionses, the American banking system of an aggregate form seems that it is almost insolvent – said, continuing ahead: – And most of this money will have to come of the government and not of the private sector, because until if cleaning essses active of the financial system nobody in the private sector goes to invest money to lose everything.