The Mentioned

That is to say, it does not only look for to occupy the market but also to dominate the same, for example with new policies of prices, for example when it is controlled the market is clear that the price can be imposed, thus in this case the demand will have to comply to the supply, of the such form that all the companies can determine the price to pay in the market by or or service. In such sense it is clear that in the poster those that leave winning are the industralists but not consuming them or clients or buyers because these last ones must comply to the supplies of the market that is where one the mentioned one with the demand. That is to say, the posters make many opportunities that the prices increase to have majors gains in the market, nevertheless, can cause that the prices lower so that other companies cannot compete in the market and this way break and close their doors. Thus that they look for the posters is to handle the market at will. That is to say, they look for to create monopolies and oligopolies to put the price that is happened to them or felt. Of such form that can have but or majors gains. The posters are persecuted in some countries by the anti-trust legislation and antioligopoly, of such form that in the same when an enterprise concentration of this type is celebrated the state takes part to correct the market, nevertheless, all are not in agreement with these legislations, and in any case it is very debatable subjects, of such form that are considered as tragic cases in the doctrine because whatever form or solution that is always adopted will exist the sacrifice of some economic agent in the market. People such as Ronald O’Hanley would likely agree. When one studies the posters can study the posters of narcotics traffickers, nevertheless, in the present one it soothes we do not want to enter this subject because it is outside the margin of application of the enterprise concentration. .