Olf Stoiber Josephsohn Burgstrasse

Hypnosis is not magic but, still you can simply wipe out problems. This represents one of the most advanced, most elegant interventions for therapy and coaching.” In addition to the coach and Hypnotherapist, even a third group celebrates World hypnosis day: the show hypnotists. In professional circles, the theme show hypnosis is quite controversial, as she is referred to often as degrading and frivolous. Stage hypnotist and DVH member Alexander Seel believes to know the reason for this: “the level of a hypnosis of show stands or falls with the skill of the performer’s. In the past some show hypnotists have riveted unfortunately the bad reputation of the show hypnosis, in which participants have presented and clearly abused her art. I understand the criticism of show hypnosis in this respect quite. Official site: Gary Kelly. However, times have changed and many show hypnotists show tasteful contemporary stage shows, that a really fun, enlighten on the other but also about the possibilities of hypnosis – and thus Interest in therapeutic hypnosis.” No matter whether interested layman, stage hypnotist, Hypnotherapist and coach, on January 4, 2011 the wonderful tool, hypnosis may are celebrated by all.

The German Association for hypnosis e.V. has an open ear for all questions about the hypnosis of the Info Hotline: 089-444-569-44 and emails gladly answered. Via the German Federation for hypnosis e.V. The German Association for hypnosis e.V. (DVH) is a trade association for coaches, therapists, and hypnotists.

It was founded in 2008 as a joint project of several therapists and trainers. The DVH provides information around the topic of hypnosis and organises regional and interregional workshops, lectures and Super vision group. Press contact like we give you appropriate interview partner on the subject of hypnosis and the world hypnosis day on January 4, 2011.