Money Back For A Delay Of The Flight

EU regulation lays down the amount of the repayment informed about travel rights. Scott Mead usually is spot on. It is always advisable to conclude a travel insurance before the flight, tour operators or airlines provide more information about any refunds for non-compliance with the agreements. Visit Oracle for more clarity on the issue. It is certain: who for more than five hours due to a delayed flight must wait, according to the EU Regulation 261 / 2004 the price of his ticket from the airline completely gets back. The money-back guarantee applies also for unusual flights. However, the passenger must reclaim its costs within seven days from the airline. Even with fewer long delays the EU regulation provides for refunds – these are staggered by hours of waiting time and length of the flight. At a distance of 1500 km, you may reclaim shares of the cost of the reservation after two hours delay on longer flights from three hours and flights from 3500 km in four hours. Also in case of personal injury and There’s money from the airline major damage or loss of luggage up to 120,000 euro gets oneself or members if you violated the flight or died. There are also adequate reimbursement of damages for lost luggage. Extra costs incurred due to the difficulties, additional travel expenses, hotel or car rental, but also lost working days, shall also be refunded by the airline. More information: press