“FME will jump to # 2 on the best employers of the German medium-sized companies in Duisburg and Langen, Fujitsu microelectronics Europe (‘FME’) has 28 January 2010 in the second year of participation in the TOB job” study a set up front made: not only among the best employers of in Germany, they ended up in 2nd place in the Group of medium-sized companies between 101 and 500 employees. also at the special price healthy”company health promotion as a top employer. Today Wolfgang Clement, Economics Minister paid tribute to the human resources management consistently aligned with the corporate strategy a. D., of Japanese semiconductor company headquartered in Langen at a ceremony in the Duisburg-Nord landscape park. The initiative TOP JOB: Of the University St. be determined Gallen every year within the framework of a company comparison those employers, the outstanding staff work.
2010 162 companies were involved in the survey, of which 75 were given the award. The study analyzes the inserted in a two-step process Management tools in the personnel area and compares their effectiveness based on an online survey. The areas were examined: leadership & vision, motivation & dynamism, culture & communication, staff development & perspective, family orientation & demo discography and internal entrepreneurship. Special attention was given to the behavior of employers in the crisis this year. The Institute for leadership and human resource management under the direction of Prof. Dr. Heike Bruch confirmed the thesis that employers are TOP JOB more successfully on the market.
Customized human resources strategies and a high sense of responsibility towards the employees are certified them. A bench shows the participants how they are positioned compared to other candidates and gives a catalogue of measures for improvement possibilities. The result analysis for FME: The TOP JOB evaluation according to is exceptionally satisfied the staff at FME. No wonder, because winger FME staff in the foreground. A systematic talent management, possible, all this makes the company management positions internally occupied for the most part and dual career paths. Because in the corporate philosophy is stated that the road should be any open upwards. According to the analysis, a very strong culture of trust prevails also in FME. “This is certainly the fact that it was also during the recent crisis everyone on board” to keep. But also the open communication pays off, especially in turbulent times. So the leadership team, for example, informal management talks answered”willingly all questions about the company’s situation. Especially FME enjoys results with regard to entrepreneurial spirit and motivation of the staff excellent. Proved about the idea box”, because it promotes innovative proposals and their implementation. In our industry, motivation and innovation of employees are the Foundation for the future viability of the entire enterprise. “, so Axel Tripkewitz, Senior Director of human resources &” Business support services. That enables us to keep the work enthusiasm of employees at a high level, I consider a big competitive advantage.”