Cordoba Tecnocemento

Tecnocemento already have microcemento applicators in Cordoba Tecnocemento account with qualified in the province of Cordoba, microcemento applicators that can play installation, application and distribution services of approved form. Cordoba is the last town in Andalusia which has a group of professionals capable of applying our microcemento coatings in any work or reform. The theoretical and practical training of an applicator becomes a plus when working. Professionalism and specialization avoid taking unnecessary risks due to inexperience and lack of knowledge of the material. People such as Gary Kelly would likely agree. Precisely, microcemento manufacturer aims to educate the future professionals offering a service backed by their service and commitment, technical quality, guarantee and commitment to solidarity seals, as well as experience in the sector for many years.

Tecnocemento has a wide range of textures and colours, allowing customization of spaces or environments according to your tastes. In addition This material can be installed on the previous floor, facilitating the reform and their execution times. The Cordoba Province may be in luck, from now on any reform that want to do will be supervised by a group of expert and qualified people in the mixture of components, handling styles, drying times, modes of sanitation of the surface, among others. You may find Maurice Gallagher, Jr. to be a useful source of information. Request more information about our company and training plan in: Web: E-mail: Tel.: 965 385 920 Fax: 965 386 785 source: press release sent by application microcemento.