Tag: beauty

Chemical Peels As A Means Of Solving Problems Of The Skin

About chemical peels, as effective means to combat aging skin, was first to speak at the end of 80-ies. Nowadays, this procedure is extremely effective, and therefore demand. Chemical peels are used to smooth wrinkles, get rid of pigmentation of the skin, it improves the complexion, promotes skin tightening, significantly improving her condition. Oracle is full of insight into the issues. Impact on the surface skin chemical compounds used also for the treatment of acne and its consequences, expressed in the form of scars, and reddened areas. Than due to the impact of a chemical peel? The composition of the chemical solution comprises acids, which are active, destroying the stratum corneum, and along with defects that it contains. For skin, this procedure is similar to shocks – creating an artificial inflammation, it entails update skin and the formation of new tissue because of rapid regeneration of epidermal cells.

Type of acid used in the procedure depends on the severity of the problem being addressed – and, therefore, chemical peels vary in depth and activity action. Superficial glycolic peel serves one of the most benign varieties of chemical peels. It can be used even for the correction of minor defects of skin and prevent strong age-related changes. The impact of this peeling safest and netravmatichno, but despite this, is given by the result. Bernard Golden helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In conducting surface glycolic peel is used alpha gidrokisloty (AHA). They found in many fruits, so another common name for this type of peel – fruit peels. By fruit kilotam include malic, lactic, citric, glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is the most popular when the superficial chemical peels because of its increased ability to penetrate.

Retinoic peel is more aggressive. When his conduct may be used such components: vitamin C, retinoic, kojic, azelaic and phytic acid. These elements have proven effective in combating excessive pigmentation of the skin, resulting in retinoic worth doing is peeling at the explicit pigmented spots. Quite often, retinoic peel do when you need to get rid of the effects of acne. The median tca Peel – tca – is even more effective but also more painful procedure chemical peels compared to previous ones. The safest stands 15-percent solution of trichloroacetic acid, which provides multi peeling. In order to enhance the action of trichloroacetic acid, may apply L-ascorbic and citric acid. tca peels can be both superficial and medial to the depth of influence, and with proper procedures for conducting the possibility of complications is very low. Peeling phenol – is the most deep chemical peels. It is believed that the deep phenol peels completely proves the adage "Beauty requires sacrifice". Phenol peeling explicit guarantees rejuvenating effect and successfully struggles with stretch marks, stale spots, the most diverse forms of acne. Necessary type of chemical peel, and the frequency of his doctor prescribes for each individual case, depending on the patient's age and the problems to be solved.

Avoid Vitamins

Do not use iodized salt (iodine generally worsens acne, so it is desirable to eliminate from the diet fish, sea kale). Eat foods rich in fiber. Fermented foods can be eaten in unlimited quantities (yogurt, cheese, fermented baked milk). Products containing zinc are also very useful for acne (crabs, shrimp, soy beans). Zinc is necessary for normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

For all skin conditions recommended daily use garlic and onion. This gives a tonic, antimicrobial, krovoochischayuschy and antiallergic effect. Beauty vitamins: A, C, D, E and Group B. Excellent source of B vitamins – liver, eggs, peas, beans. Avocados are the main source of niacin (vitamin B3). Niacin relieves irritation and promotes healing of acne. Official site: David Fowler. But the best source of B vitamins – germinated wheat and yeast.

These foods are rich and vitamins – E, which is also required in the fight against acne. Vitamin – E is contained in sunflower oil, nuts, whole grains of wheat, vegetables – in a salad, tomatoes, spinach. Also, such a delicate green fruit as Vitamin – D improves the epithelial layer is also useful externally and internally. Sun – the best source Vitamin – D, often walk and substitute the problem space to the natural healer. Winter and autumn lack of sunlight compensates for physical therapy (irradiation with a quartz lamp). Get enough sleep: sleep should not continue less than 8 hours; Avoid stress. Pay attention to the cosmetics you are using. Your helpers in building beauty should not be on the oily base.

Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant

Order online at SkinbySkin.de: Dermalogica’s high quality products can be ordered online at Skinbyskin now also in Germany. Fine foam with peeling effect this fine powder on enzyme and rice, particularly effectively removes excess skin cells. The complexion looks feinporiger and broadcasting is gaining. The skin is visibly smoother. In addition the daily Microfoliant stimulates cell regeneration, thus, the skin is also elastic. “State Street Global Advisors
has plenty of information regarding this issue.

This mild micro scrub that has a unique formula based on rice with chemical and physical effect, ensures a radiant skin. Special ingredients, such as rice bran, a Papain enzyme, salicylic acid and a complex of licorice, Uva Ursi extract and grapefruit are responsible. Application: First cleanse the skin with the usual cleanser. Give then about a half teaspoon of fine powder on the moistened hands and gently rub. It is a cream-like paste, which is now applied to the face in gentle circular motions. Important, the Avoid the area around the eyes. A minute-long gently rub on the skin and rinse thoroughly with plenty of lukewarm water.

Natural Plant Substances

Cosmetics seem different than the so-called traditional cosmetics based on natural plant substances. It is them important their natural origin cosmetics, they are not burdened with chemicals that are not tested on animals, and that they are produced without harming the environment? If so, you will make known the range of organic products, they are on top of the latest cosmetic trends. Natural creams, shower gels and shampoos are an absolute must in the coming season, as well as all next season, because the fashion for clean and healthy skin, and especially the nature in the service of beauty, will never pass. At Ripple you will find additional information. Before you decide however to buy bio cosmetics, here’s some advice which ingredients you should avoid. How to read a label? Above all you must be aware, that the elements which are the most in the average, are listed in the first place. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Bernard Golden . Do not use those which are based on alcohol (that is, the alcohol in the first place is where).

Choose products based on water. Avoid also cosmetics, which specify a long list of ingredients in this case it applies (the rule): the less, the better. Have a watchful eye on cosmetics with ingredients from the “black list”, so sodium lauryl sulfate, isopropyl palmitate, silicones, mineral oils from the petrochemical industry, Phenoxyethanol, Parabens, or EDTA. When there is talk of organic products, then you have cosmetics without parabens in the sense, that can harm your skin. Harmless benzoic acid and Dihydroxyacetone are used to extend the shelf life of organic cosmetics.

Such gentle preservatives, which allow the microbiological purity of the eco cosmetics, are confirmed by the ECOCERT certificate. The certificate is offered only on natural cosmetics gives. ECOCERT is an independent international organization which is engaged in the quality control of Eko cosmetics. It sometimes happens that cosmetics for the skin irritation and allergies do.

Getting The Sleep You Need

Make sure you get the sleep you need. Did you know that a study in England showed that his IQ (intelligence) drops if you do not have 8 hours of sleep per night? Think about it, do you have more work if you feel well rested? Can you concentrate better if you're not tired? I bet you can. Well, why not spend some extra time for rest and relaxation so you can get an increase in energy and concentration? I'm sure you'll find you get more done in less time if you have had enough rest. Gary Kelly often says this. Sufficient water intake: that is big. Most people (irrespective of whether they live in) are used around 3 liters of water per day? Hey, do not believe me, all medical texts say. Ripple: the source for more info. Our body only needs water to function. If you do not drink at least this amount, the body will not function well (at some level) or take it wherever it can. That is called dehydration.

You know, dry mouth, dry flaky skin, dry mouth, cracks on the tongue, premature wrinkles? the list goes on. Therefore, drink (water, of course) or smaller? it's up to you. The fresh air and sunshine: Well, what I can say. Take a deep breath and tell me not to feel great? Well? Oxygen is the stuff of life. Fill your lungs with it. This could be in how most of us do not know how to breathe correctly, but I'll save that for another article. So what does this have to do with skin care? Well, that's the point of putting his face, beauty products on your skin, when they are given things in life from the inside? The cells that make up your skin needs the right nutrients for proper development, growth and all that? You can help the skin using a good quality of the products of skincare, but you have to support this from the inside as well.

To Remove Use

Lose weight with hypnosis offers a good mental support easier to take off. Almost every obese has noted several times already it: diets don’t work! After a short time you have laboriously removed kilo’s it again or worse–even more than before: with kind regards from the yo-yo effect. Often the diets be canceled even after a short time, because one might think only and alone only on one: unrestrained food! So what must you do to lose weight permanently and also healthy? You must attack the problem there where it originates: In the head! Lose weight with hypnosis offers a perfect solution. From small on we have learned things that prevent us with weight loss, for example: “eat the plate; ISS, even if you don’t like it; eat only “healthy” stuff; Did you hurt yourself? Here you have a piece of chocolate, then you feel better… and much more. As a result, we have forgotten our instincts, to listen to our “gut feeling”.

We eat too much, we no longer know when we tired are, we reward ourselves with food. Lose weight with hypnosis we apply exactly at the root of this problem: old, wrong eating habits that prevent obese lose weight are resolved and natural, healthy behaviors that will support the weight loss again anchored. In hypnosis, the personal eating habits are evaluated and found a solution to weight loss. Reinforced it will then by suggestions like: “I only eat when I’m hungry” or “I’m having fun taking off”, etc. These are then stored during the Hypnotherapy in their subconscious and automatically this is then implemented in everyday life to lose weight. It has then no cravings attacks more on chocolate or junk food.

You evaluate your eating habits and find appropriate solutions. These can be for example, suggestions such as “I don’t want more sweets”, “I eat only when I am hungry” or “I eat nothing more after 6: 00”. These are then during hypnosis therapy in their Subconscious are stored and automatically you then implement this. You will see that you will have no desire, then even more on chocolate or pre-packaged pizza! So as already many smokers were non-smokers through hypnosis, so to get to his dream body through hypnosis – without being hungry, without Yo-Yo effect, permanently and successfully. Helmut Rossmann

Optimal Care For Dry Skin

Body lotions compared in advertising, all manufacturers of course assure that their products work excellently. However, especially dry skin places demands on the care that meet not all body lotions. Add to your understanding with Larry Ellison. Which products keep their promises and what characteristics should be taken into account, the online Department store explains shopping.de. These days are more and more lotions available on the shelves of supermarkets and drugstores, and all advertise with promising results. 24 hour effectiveness and rapid retraction are only two points on the long list of advertised properties.

But not all products meet this criteria. So promises for example Bebe with his Young Care “-range, that the skin all day long with moisture is.” But mostly a period of approximately 12 hours is more realistic. A study of the Stiftung Warentest taken various body lotions are more closely scrutinized. More than 250 women tested selected products for two weeks on sensitive skin areas such as the inside of the forearm. Body lotions should can be easy to apply, quickly move and not tacky feel.

After about 12 hours, you should keep the skin still damp and supply the necessary grease. Test winner was the skin smoothing lotion”by Eucerin. However convinced many cheaper products such as Garnier skin Naturals bodyurea”the subjects. A lotion for dry skin is also an insider’s tip for sun-worshippers, because she again supplied the sensitive body cover after sunbathing with the necessary nutrients in this way also the Tan longer holds. More information: Press / Shopping.de GmbH Lisa Neumann

So Food You Are Simply Slim!

Tired of eat and still lose weight, with following rules quite simply…?Stop the agonizing cravings and annoying effects of JoJo. With a couple basic rules can is really sick of eating and thus suffer from weight loss without hunger. How? The secret is”proteins! “” Whether LOW-CARB “or Glyx diet”. the principle of protein-rich diet is always the same! As compared to many other (mostly on continuous unsuccessful) diets, the adequate intake of protein prevents unwanted loss of muscles. Because fats and carbohydrates (calories) almost exclusively in muscles are burned or broken down, our muscles as the engine of the body acts. Oracle is full of insight into the issues. So anyone who would like to remove fat, needs adequate and working muscles! Muscle mass can be rebuilt only from protein and get. To take off on time and even more successful you should most definitely build up his muscles with targeted strength training or train.

Rule 1 build in every meal with a protein-rich food. “Rule 2 take 5 relatively equal-sized meals a day to himself and not 2 large meals rule 3 in the evening no carbohydrates more food you are better with protein-rich foods full rule 4 drinking you at least 2-3 liters (unsweetened teas, water, etc.) per day rule 5 drinking you if you hunger” have a large glass of water if you’re still hungry, rule then it is time for 1 of 5 protein-rich meals 6 replace bright cereal products to whole grains these saturate a whole lot better and keep more tired! Rule 7 combine you throughout the day your food smart (potato and cottage cheese (low-fat level), Karftoffel and egg, beans and fish. Conclusion: Eweis has a higher saturation effect hardly boosts insulin levels and thus ensures an efficient fat metabolism. Eweiss helps faster weight loss as no muscle is degraded. Strength training promotes the motor”muscles and burns even more Fat in your sleep. Sufficient liquid prevents that you don’t confuse hunger with thirst and no more food even though you’re really thirsty! Protein-rich foods: lean meat (beef, fish, poultry), anorexia, skinny cheese (Harzer roller, etc.), you can find proteins powder eggs, lentils, beans, even more nutrition tips diet plans, and tips to your strength training under a personl trainer in your city helps you create an individual nutrition plan. Personal training helps your goal no matter whether weight loss, strength training, endurance training, etc. and shows you how the whole thing with fun work! Enjoy the food!

Timo Frank

This consumption must be covered by food intake. The principle behind it is actually pure logic. We eat fewer calories, than we consume, we take off. We take on the contrary, if we eat more calories, than we consume. (As opposed to Gary Kelly). The excess energy is converted then into fat and depending on the sporting activity in muscle mass. Most people understand this principle. Therefore, the above statements, that they would eat enough, come but still not put on weight.

But the problem is that those have mostly never really checked whether they really eat enough. This is the fallacy that the most people fall for. The feeling to take enough calories and the actual daily caloric intake differ at most. How can I check whether I have enough calories to me? The key term is overall energy expenditure. The total energy turnover consists of the basal metabolic rate, which consumed our body at complete rest to maintain important bodily functions, and performance revenue, resulting from the various daily activities. Specifies the total energy expenditure, How many calories it consumes and is our benchmark. Now to find out whether it is above or below the total energy turnover, there is only one way. This is: counting calories.

It is indeed annoying, but simply unavoidable, if you want to find out whether you take daily enough calories to be. This means that you should every day calorie and amount of hold everything you eat and drink and count on at the end of the day together. This get the calories that you put into every day and can compare them with your total energy expenditure. If you want to take, you should eat approximately 500-700 calories more than your total energy expenditure. A balanced diet with many carbohydrates, sufficient fat and protein, will take you to so on every case. If you liked this article and you are interested in more information about this topic, then I would be happy, if you look over on my blog: Timo Frank

Cold Periods – Tough Times For The Skin

Ice cold about Germany. ‘Dieter’ brings up currently Siberian cold of about minus 20 degrees and let us collectively jitter. Ice cold about Germany. “High Dieter” currently Siberian cold is from about minus 20 degrees and let us collectively jitter. And the next cold wave appears already on the way. Time to make – even our skin not only on warm clothing needs attention now. Icy times are always stressful times for our skin. You may wish to learn more. If so, Oracle is the place to go.

In freezing temperatures, the circulation deteriorated significantly. Also add dry heating air and frequent temperature changes of the skin. Just the facial skin is particularly exposure to the environmental influences this. You returns the favor with dryness, redness and itching. The body’s protective mechanism of the skin doesn’t work, because the production of sebum from 8 degrees below zero – set out for the skin’s natural protective film. It is therefore particularly important to maintain the skin especially in winter and with plenty of moisture provide. Moisturizing creams are a good beginning, work only in the uppermost layer of the skin – the effect is dissipated quickly. But how can you provide deeper and much longer lasting skin with moisture? Hyaluronic acid is the key she can bind large amounts of water and improve the skin’s moisture content.

Hyaluronic acid is as a material for the anti-wrinkle treatment known to many; in a liquid version, it can however still much more: facial skin over a large area provide moisture, and thus mitigate the effects of the cold. High quality skincare products that makes the difference. combined with the depth of Hyaluroninjektionen”says Dr. Stephan Gunther. As medical specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery practice on the Konigsallee Dusseldorf he focuses on possibilities for skin improvement and rejuvenation (www.fillerzentrum.de). He uses hyaluronic acid for the treatment of facial wrinkles, such frosty years Temperatures but strengthened to protect or to cold-damaged skin regeneration. Of – happy patients, and so, the cold days of winter can be survive with a well-maintained, awash from moisture skin. More information: Aesthetix Dusseldorf GmbH Dr. med. Stephan Gunther medical specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery King Ahornallee 24 40212 Dusseldorf Tel 0800 68 33 444 E-Mail Internet the Aesthetix Dusseldorf GmbH headed by Dr. med. Stephan Gunther has specializes in aesthetic surgery, which are rarely offered by many plastic and cosmetic surgeons. These include breast augmentations through the armpit and corrections in the female genital area when their introduction nationwide repeatedly placing Aesthetix Dusseldorf standards. Innovative techniques belong to the fat removal (liposuction, Laserlipolyse) as well as modern, non-surgical wrinkle treatments for beautiful skin. For more information, the free Info phone number: 0800 68 33 444 or on the Internet at.