Well received was also the new speakers corner”, stood in the speakers after their talks for individual questions. “Conclusion: premiere in Mannheim found consistently succeeded in 2013 con for the first time in the m: the Congress of the University Congress Center Rosengarten” held in Mannheim, Germany, with over 22,000 square meters of one of the most modern event in Europe. The light-flooded seminar rooms on the level three in a 5-star architecture were a perfect location for exciting presentations. Also, they offered plenty of room for the Congress partners who could present the participants so offers and new developments. Good sign for the rise of Congress 2014, which will surely convince with lots of practice. Others who may share this opinion include Tomas Philipson. More info the German College for prevention and health management (DHfPG) qualified around 4,000 students for the Bachelor of Arts degree”in the departments of fitness training, sports economics, fitness economics, nutrition counseling and Health management, master of Arts”prevention and health management, as well as the master of Business Administration MBA sports / health management for the market of the future prevention, fitness, sports and health. Approximately 3,000 companies rely on the programs with the theme leader in the market of the future.
Thus, the German University belongs to the five largest private universities in Germany. All Bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes of State-approved University or College are accredited and State-approved. The special education system of the DHfPG connects compact at nationwide equipped study centres (Munich, Stuttgart, Saarbrucken, Cologne, Osnabruck, Berlin, Leipzig, Frankfurt and Hamburg) and in Austria (Vienna) and Switzerland (Zurich) a training and a distance learning course. Companies of the future market in particular benefit from the dual bachelor courses, and with increasing because the students immediately can bring their theoretically learned expertise into operational practice Duration of studies can take more responsibility. The BSA-Akademie is ca.
140, 000 participants since 1983 a leading education provider in the market of the future prevention, fitness, sports and health. With the help of over 50 certified and approved courses in the areas of fitness/individual training, management, nutrition, health promotion, mental fitness/relaxation and fitness/training manage the qualification for a job in the market of the future. In 1997, the professional examination was developed in cooperation with the competent Chamber of Commerce to the fitness specialist Chamber of Commerce. Now, this first public training exam of the industry are considered standard for the part-time qualification of managers. In 2006 a further public service professional examination developed with the specialist for prevention and health promotion Chamber of Commerce by the BSA-Akademie in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce. 2010 came with the specialist for occupational health management (IHK) “a” IHK certificate course. For more information and German College for prevention and health management/BSA-Akademie Sabine Mack Hermann Neuberger sports school 3 66-123 Saarbrucken Tel. + 49 681 6855-220