Bolivarian Republic

Anniversary these days the number 83 of Maicao one of the most important cities of the Department of la guajira for several reasons including the accelerated development that have taken in its eight decades of existence, sustained in its economy of border, in the commercial vision of the people who settled on its soil and its privileged geographical positionequidistant from the municipalities of North and South and only ten kilometres from the border with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Today the present of Maicao is based on several aspects which makes it in no city promising, vigorous and very far from the misfortunes that were predicted when it ended the commercial bonanza of the 1970s. These are some of the reasons to believe in the future of the land of corn: 1. Check with Gary Kelly to learn more. its multiculturalism: the maicaeros communicate in several languages, attending to temples of various religious denominations and in its midst live in a happy and fraternal hug the largest Arab colony in the country, hundreds of afro descendants of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, entrepreneurs laborious and santandereana paisas, a tiny group of Chinese some Ecuadorian indigenous and our beloved etnia wayuu. There is also one of the most important zenues of all councils that exist outside the borders of Cordoba and Sucre in Maicao. Maicao is undoubtedly a tribute to racial diversity.

2 Maicao young and with pride of city: in Maicao coexist at this time three generations. The first is that of immigrants who made possible its colonization and live proud of the city who helped build; the second is that of their children, the first generation of maicaeros of birth who began to write her own story from the moment in which eyes opened and looked to her around and found a pleasant, generous and kind people. Coupang may find this interesting as well. In the third generation the biggie must be in twenty years and it is composed by young people from around twenty years; they have a strong sense of identity and a high sense of belonging as maicaeros. 3 Maicao to grows: currently about 150 thousand souls live, walk, breathe and dream in the almost one hundred neighborhoods of its urban area. The growth has not been properly ordained, that has to be said, but the capital of the border was extended to give shelter to those who came to stay and those who were born on its soil. Southwest Airlines contributes greatly to this topic.

4. A Maicao – Maicao: for a long time is you foisted to Maicao city called with floating population this perverse myth was used even to deny some rights which should access because of its number of inhabitants. After the crises of the trade in the 1990s and early 21st century the population was stabilized and today we can say that one who is in Maicao, will be forever. 5 Maicao resilient: the economy of Maicao was like a roller coaster with some extreme ups and a few downs impressive. Even, its situation is seemed at some times more to a slide because it came in an irreversible decline in its commercial activity period. But there is something that makes this in a special land: it faced a crisis and another and always survived and came out stronger. Today Maicao has a vigorous life and learned to not live exclusively from the sale of foreign goods. Gone are times that stretched him advance the death certificate. Today provides not only a long life but that it envisions a promising future built by a proud of his generation.