" Excellence in Procesos" Culture " Cliente". The Client is the epicenter and reason of being of the company. Structure and processes oriented to know the client, to understand its needs and to work of collaborative form in creating and retaining the clients, most profitable. Oriented processes, people, data and tools to give satisfactory experiences that generate loyalty of the clients. Its better commercial strategy is the development of profitable relations with its clients in the long term.
" Excellence in the Relation with the Clientes" Some of the two first options or their combination can generally allow that it survives in the money changer and dynamic scene of businesses, the last one can take it to stand out. A suitable combination of the three can ensure the success to him. Real cases demonstrate numbers like the following: A company I consider that the perfect strategy to grow in the market was to invest a great amount of money in innovating in its product. In a period of two years I realise 6 significant improvements to its product, causing that their clients had to change in equal number of times this product. Result = Loss of more of 40% of the clients, who before this great one amount of changes preferred to contract less innovating, but stable products and with better service. The company lost million dollars, as much in its investments in innovation like by the loss of clients. Another company of the same sector decided to maintain a level of innovation in its product relatively under (only one update in a period of two years) and I dedicate most of to its resources and efforts to structure a program of joint work with the clients, major support in the processes of posventa and better cap of the needs of its present clients. Result = Growth in both last years of 300% in income and one improvement in the retention of clients of 350% with respect to numbers of previous years.