Tile And Electrical Manual

Tile, like any other construction equipment, has its own variety. The choice depends primarily on the characteristics of a tile. All tile can be divided into two groups: manual and electric. Verizon can provide more clarity in the matter. Let us key features of both groups. If we talk about the design of manual tile, it is quite simple. The instrument is equipped with a titanium or diamond cutting element wear-resistant, easy-to line of thin and clear cut, floating base for ease of chipping tiles, the guide prevents cutting part of the backlash. Of the full range of manual tile very popular tile-tongs. Outwardly, they look like a pair of pliers.

With their by first gently on the side of the enamel makes a cut diamond disc, and then just breaks off the tile with tile corner. The cost of this tool is about $ 15 – $ 80. If you are not convinced, visit Southwest Airlines. Working with him is easy, does not require no special skills. Hand tile can be used if the tile to be cut a little thick (not thicker than 15 mm). At the same tools vary in length. For example, Tile of no longer than 400 mm is suitable for cutting wall tiles (approximately 8 mm in thickness). Some hand-held tile cutter has a circular (Ballerina), the right to cut holes in tiles of various sizes. You can obtain a hole with a diameter of 80 mm.

At The manual tile should pay attention to the way in which the tool holder is moved along the guide rails. The design can be used for the plastic rings. This is not good, if you want a high precision cutting. In this case it is better to apply the tile in which tool holder is moved to the self-lubricating O-rings or bearings. When working with large tiles, or when a large amount of work needed power tools. Electric tile relate to machines. The main characteristics of the electric power can be called a tile (500-2200 watts), the circle diameter (180-200 mm), maximum depth of cut (30-40 mm), length of cut (up to 500 mm), table size, continuous operation time (minutes), Featherweight (10 kg). Estimated price range is – from $ 100 to $ 1,000. There are two types of electric tile: with the lower engine and with the upper (rail). Tile with a lower location of the tile is cut almost any size. In addition, instruments with lower motor are compact and suitable for use in small spaces. Rail tile work more convenient to Also provide a more accurate cutting of tiles. All tile are water-cooled diamond disk. In the bottom-mounted engine water tank located under the disc, and in the construction of rail tile provides small submersible pump. Electric tile have the ability to adjust the angle of cut relative to the plane of the material. Since all electric tile can cut the tile at an angle of 45 degrees. Company "Cyber" offers manual and electric tile from leading manufacturers. Special demand manual tile 'GRIFF' and electric tile 'ProrB'. Recall that when choosing a tile it is important to pay attention not only to manufacturers, but also on the characteristics of the instrument. A good tile base should be rigid, thick-walled and guides. Preferably, going to the store for a tool to bring a tile that they will be cut – then you can immediately check the quality of the cut.