Tag: promyshlennoct and equipment

Heating Industrial Buildings

Developments in the heating of industrial buildings cause in Russia today increased interest. Development of production and service, warehousing requires new technologies to efficiently heat the room large volume. In particular, the increased demand of the air space heating, allowing effective and cost-effectively heat the room capacity from 600 to 20 000 m3. As a fuel, such systems can use natural gas, diesel fuel and, most importantly, the waste oil. Use of equipment for waste oil can dramatically reduce heating costs and increase profitability. When The maximum effect can be achieved where there is an opportunity to receive the waste oil for free: the enterprises service center, railway, port and aviation service stations on factories producing machinery, and vegetable oil, in oil and gas industry. Cost-effectiveness of this development for such companies is obvious: You can use refinement as a fuel and do not need to spend money at its disposal German firm Kroll GmbH for more than 30 years, develops and manufactures systems for air heating systems, using as fuel the waste oil. Details can be found by clicking Southwest Airlines or emailing the administrator.

During this time, has been thoroughly worked out the technology generate heat by burning different kinds of liquid fuel from waste oil, and any viscous flammable industrial liquids, and ending with used vegetable oil from restaurants and points of Fast-food 'fast food'. More information is housed here: Daro Realty LLC. Currently in stock firm Kroll GmbH present model heaters, waste oil that can heat the premises from 300 to 6000 m3. The youngest in the line model – the heat generators W401L, up to 29 kW specially designed as an easy to use. Combustion of fuel in this model is a special plate – 'the plate' and the heat comes into the room in the form of infrared radiation or the presence of an additional fan – as a stream of warm air. Low-cost, low automation, simplicity and reliability, compact size make these heat generators indispensable for small workshops and service stations, allowing completely solve the problem of heating remzony area up to 900 m3.

Models of higher level (series S, SKE), up to 200 kW, equipped with a supercharged multifuel burner which can burn the flammable liquids any consistency with a viscosity of up to 90 units. by sae Heat in this case is obtained as air heated to a temperature of 60-70 oC. Execution is possible as the heat generator in the form of an inexpensive candy bar, in which the distribution of air is through the blinds in the upper part, and as a member of the ventilation system when the distribution of warm air is in the system of ventilation ducts. In this case, possible to install a large blower fan pressure and work in the ventilation system. This equipment allows us to efficiently heat the room up to 6000 m3, heat several rooms one heat generator, and create air heat curtains. Equipment firm Kroll GmbH can be successfully used also for heating of any production and storage facilities, but is particularly advantageous to use it where there is a significant stock of used oil: a ports, depots, airports, car repair. In addition to equipment for waste oil, the firm Kroll GmbH manufactures mobile and stationary heat generators for liquid fuel and gas capacity from 15 to 700 kW, as well as water heaters and industrial dehumidifiers.


The results of our joint efforts, we present for your court. The variety of characteristics of the adhesives, the Contractor may choose exactly the brand of products that will best meet its needs. Today, our company can offer you the following brands adhesives: 'Absolute', 'Dolphin', 'Installation', 'Builder'. Our product range is designed for construction work of any complexity. Cheap 'builder' allows you to work indoors and glued to the brick, cement, concrete and stucco grounds ceramic tile, natural stone products, gypsum partition boards, as well as gas-silicate and foam concrete blocks.

This can be done in both dry and wet areas, including a kitchen, showers and bathrooms. Glue mixture 'Absolute' can be named 'best seller' of our company. Due to correctly and accurately select the recipe, its use is not restricted to narrow limits, established for the 'Builder'. This, in essence, a universal adhesive that is suitable for work both inside and outside buildings. The glue mixture 'Absolute' is actively used in studies with artificial and natural stone. E? specifications allow buyers lu to be sure that it is rather expensive material, glued to our glue, do not exfoliate from the base a short time, which often occurs when using adhesives are not suitable for such work. You can use this glue when working with concrete, brick, gazobe-ton, cement, cement-lime stucco bases, which can be both dry and wet. Ser? Knowing the tensile strength – 178 tons per square meter – can not worry about the durability design, where to apply the adhesive composition.

Defeat Global Recession

Metal is in fact for quite a long period of time takes a major space in operation and the history of mankind. Directly to the metal once was such a turning point, which made it possible for human society to make the leap forward in technological movement. At present, the metal is an essential component of virtually all lines without exception, to ensure life. It can touch and industry and domestic life. Especially in high demand may use metal processing in the list of companies operating in the industrial area. It is here that no products made from metal products will not be able to cope because there is no other multi-material, which could even be compared with various metals in strength and length of life. Apart from the fact of having relationship with the activation of chemical reagent elements do without metallic chemical elements can not. Use is made of metal parts and structures becomes mandatory piece of construction sphere, and made of metal accessories provide the ability to make easier work of agro-industrial companies.

Consequently, the cutting of metal – it's services, which is popular in virtually all areas human activity. Still do not have any firm there adequate equipment, especially considering that for any type of metal finishing this equipment may be separate. Clearly, in addition to technical equipment required as specialists in the field of metal processing, which could carry out specific orders. Hence, fundamental for hypothetical clients and employees – to find each other. In order to such searches were crowned with the desired result, the best solution – it is filling a full-fledged online directory in which the firm providing services in metal processing, were able to give the entire selection own services. Accordingly, potential consumers, which, incidentally, may be interested in this kind of nuance as lathe work, will be able to enter the desired sub-section and choose from the available offers masters just the kind of proposals which best suit them by combining the costs and quality. These days will not be able to imagine today's society without metal tools, automotive machinery, industrial resources. However, in metal processing as in whatever other field you want the services in this area have been freely available to anyone who needs them. Specialized directory in which would have been described in the company, which provides services in metal processing, today more than ever zlobodneven. The ability to find the coordinates of the firm, which would be carried out the necessary duties of processing metals, today in a position to help overcome the economic crisis.

Ceramic Rings

Ceramic wire drawing rings are made of solid zirconium oxide. Unlike any steel rings they may be subjected to multiple regenerative grinding. Ceramic rings are recommended for installation on the average car, fine and superfine wire drawing. According to statistics, about 10% of machines a rough drawing and working with rings made of ceramics. Ceramic rings can be used for drawing clad wire, galvanized: galvanized, silver-plated, leaded, etc. Recommended use of zirconia rings: When mounting / dismounting ceramic wire drawing rings required caution, as the ring relative fragility. Do not simultaneously mixed-use rings of different types (ceramic and metal) on the same drawing machines. Compliance with the temperature, precluding expansion or loss of properties of coolant (fimitola).

Compliance with alkaline-acid balance (P / N) and the use of filtering systems coolant. To ensure continuity of production recommended to have stocks of the rings at a rate of 1 / 3 of the number in use in the workplace. The advantages of ceramic ring: Increased wear resistance compared with steel wire drawing rings and the possibility of multiple polishing the working surface. Long service life (by 5-7 or more times longer than steel, depending on operating conditions). Environmental safety in production (no appropriate application of spraying).