The results of our joint efforts, we present for your court. The variety of characteristics of the adhesives, the Contractor may choose exactly the brand of products that will best meet its needs. Today, our company can offer you the following brands adhesives: 'Absolute', 'Dolphin', 'Installation', 'Builder'. Our product range is designed for construction work of any complexity. Cheap 'builder' allows you to work indoors and glued to the brick, cement, concrete and stucco grounds ceramic tile, natural stone products, gypsum partition boards, as well as gas-silicate and foam concrete blocks.
This can be done in both dry and wet areas, including a kitchen, showers and bathrooms. Glue mixture 'Absolute' can be named 'best seller' of our company. Due to correctly and accurately select the recipe, its use is not restricted to narrow limits, established for the 'Builder'. This, in essence, a universal adhesive that is suitable for work both inside and outside buildings. The glue mixture 'Absolute' is actively used in studies with artificial and natural stone. E? specifications allow buyers lu to be sure that it is rather expensive material, glued to our glue, do not exfoliate from the base a short time, which often occurs when using adhesives are not suitable for such work. You can use this glue when working with concrete, brick, gazobe-ton, cement, cement-lime stucco bases, which can be both dry and wet. Ser? Knowing the tensile strength – 178 tons per square meter – can not worry about the durability design, where to apply the adhesive composition.